For: | Lakatos L, Pandur T, David G, Balogh Z, Kuronya P, Tollas A, Lakatos PL. Association of extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease in a province of western Hungary with disease phenotype: Results of a 25-year follow-up study. World J Gastroenterol 2003; 9(10): 2300-2307 [PMID: 14562397 DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v9.i10.2300] |
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Number | Citing Articles |
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Solvey Schüle, Diana Frey, Luc Biedermann, Maude Martinho Grueber, Jonas Zeitz, Stephan Vavricka, Burkhard Möller, Gerhard Rogler, Benjamin Misselwitz. Von Spondyloarthritis bis Osteoporose – Beteiligung des Skelettsystems bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen. Praxis 2019; 108(12): 799 doi: 10.1024/1661-8157/a003301
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Peter Laszlo Lakatos, Gyula David, Tunde Pandur, Zsuzsanna Erdelyi, Gabor Mester, Mihaly Balogh, Istvan Szipocs, Csaba Molnar, Erzsebet Komaromi, Lajos S. Kiss, Laszlo Lakatos. Risk of colorectal cancer and small bowel adenocarcinoma in Crohn's disease: A population-based study from western Hungary 1977–2008. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2011; 5(2): 122 doi: 10.1016/j.crohns.2010.11.005
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Dana Duricova, Ariane Leroyer, Guillaume Savoye, Hélène Sarter, Benjamin Pariente, Djamila Aoucheta, Laura Armengol-Debeir, Delphine Ley, Dominique Turck, Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, Corinne Gower-Rousseau, Mathurin Fumery, JM Andre, M Antonietti, A Aouakli, A Armand, I Aroichane, F Assi, JP Aubet, E Auxenfants, F Ayafi-Ramelot, D Bankovski, B Barbry, N Bardoux, P Baron, A Baudet, B Bazin, A Bebahani, JP Becqwort, V Benet, H Benali, C Benguigui, E Ben Soussan, A Bental, I Berkelmans, J Bernet, K Bernou, C Bernou-Dron, P Bertot, N Bertiaux-Vandaële, V Bertrand, E Billoud, N Biron, B Bismuth, M Bleuet, F Blondel, V Blondin, P Bohon, E Boniface, P Bonnière, E Bonvarlet, P Bonvarlet, A Boruchowicz, R Bostvironnois, M Boualit, B Bouche, C Boudaillez, C Bourgeaux, M Bourgeois, A Bourguet, A Bourienne, J Branche, G Bray, F Brazier, P Breban, H Brihier, V Brung-Lefebvre, P Bulois, P Burgiere, J Butel, JY Canva, V Canva-Delcambre, JP Capron, F Cardot, P Carpentier, E Cartier, JF Cassar, M Cassagnou, JF Castex, P Catala, S Cattan, S Catteau, B Caujolle, G Cayron, C Chandelier, M Chantre, J Charles, T Charneau, M Chavance-Thelu, D Chirita, A Choteau, JF Claerbout, PY Clergue, H Coevoet, G Cohen, R Collet, JF Colombel, S Coopman, J Corvisart, A Cortot, F Couttenier, JF Crinquette, V Crombe, I Dadamessi, V Dapvril, T Davion, S Dautreme, J Debas, N Degrave, F Dehont, C Delatre, R Delcenserie, O Delette, T Delgrange, L Delhoustal, JS Delmotte, S Demmane, G Deregnaucourt, P Descombes, JP Desechalliers, P Desmet, P Desreumaux, G Desseaux, P Desurmont, A Devienne, E Devouge, M Devred, A Devroux, A Dewailly, S Dharancy, A Di Fiore, D Djeddi, R Djedir, ML Dreher-Duwat, R Dubois, C Dubuque, P Ducatillon, J Duclay, B Ducrocq, F Ducrot, P Ducrotté, A Dufilho, C Duhamel, D Dujardin, C Dumant-Forest, JL Dupas, F Dupont, Y Duranton, A Duriez, K El Achkar, M El Farisi, C Elie, MC Elie-Legrand, A Elkhaki, M Eoche, D Evrard, JP Evrard, A Fatome, B Filoche, L Finet, M Flahaut, C Flamme, D Foissey, P Fournier, MC Foutrein-Comes, P Foutrein, D Fremond, T Frere, M Fumery, P Gallet, C Gamblin, S Ganga-Zandzou, R Gerard, G Geslin, Y Gheyssens, N Ghossini, S Ghrib, T Gilbert, B Gillet, D Godard, P Godard, JM Godchaux, R Godchaux, G Goegebeur, O Goria, F Gottrand, P Gower, B Grandmaison, M Groux, C Guedon, JF Guillard, L Guillem, F Guillemot, D Guimber, B Haddouche, S Hakim, D Hanon, V Hautefeuille, P Heckestweiller, G Hecquet, JP Hedde, H Hellal, PE Henneresse, B Heyman, M Heraud, S Herve, P Hochain, L Houssin-Bailly, P Houcke, B Huguenin, S Iobagiu, A Ivanovic, I Iwanicki-Caron, E Janicki, M Jarry, J Jeu, JP Joly, C Jonas, F Katherin, A Kerleveo, A Khachfe, A Kiriakos, J Kiriakos, O Klein, M Kohut, R Kornhauser, D Koutsomanis, JE Laberenne, G Laffineur, M Lagarde, P Lannoy, J Lapchin, M Lapprand, D Laude, R Leblanc, P Lecieux, N Leclerc, C Le Couteulx, J Ledent, J Lefebvre, P Lefiliatre, C Legrand, A Le Grix, P Lelong, B Leluyer, C Lenaerts, L Lepileur, A Leplat, E Lepoutre-Dujardin, H Leroi, MY Leroy, JP Lesage, X Lesage, J Lesage, I Lescanne-Darchis, J Lescut, D Lescut, B Leurent, P Levy, M Lhermie, A Lion, B Lisambert, F Loire, S Louf, A Louvet, M Luciani, D Lucidarme, J Lugand, O Macaigne, D Maetz, D Maillard, H Mancheron, O Manolache, AB Marks-Brunel, R Marti, F Martin, G Martin, E Marzloff, P Mathurin, J Mauillon, V Maunoury, JL Maupas, B Mesnard, P Metayer, L Methari, B Meurisse, F Meurisse, L Michaud, X Mirmaran, P Modaine, A Monthe, L Morel, PE Mortier, E Moulin, O Mouterde, J Mudry, M Nachury, E N’Guyen Khac, B Notteghem, V Ollevier, A Ostyn, A Ouraghi, D Ouvry, B Paillot, N Panien-Claudot, C Paoletti, A Papazian, B Parent, B Pariente, JC Paris, P Patrier, L Paupart, B Pauwels, M Pauwels, R Petit, M Piat, S Piotte, C Plane, B Plouvier, E Pollet, P Pommelet, D Pop, C Pordes, G Pouchain, P Prades, A Prevost, JC Prevost, B Quesnel, AM Queuniet, JF Quinton, A Rabache, P Rabelle, G Raclot, S Ratajczyk, D Rault, V Razemon, N Reix, M Revillon, C Richez, P Robinson, J Rodriguez, J Roger, JM Roux, A Rudelli, A Saber, G Savoye, P Schlosseberg, M Segrestin, D Seguy, M Serin, A Seryer, F Sevenet, N Shekh, J Silvie, V Simon, C Spyckerelle, N Talbodec, A Techy, JL Thelu, A Thevenin, H Thiebault, J Thomas, JM Thorel, G Tielman, M Tode, J Toisin, J Tonnel, JY Touchais, Y Touze, JL Tranvouez, C Triplet, D Turck, S Uhlen, E Vaillant, C Valmage, D Vanco, H Vandamme, E Vanderbecq, E Vander Eecken, P Vandermolen, P Vandevenne, L Vandeville, A Vandewalle, C Vandewalle, P Vaneslander, JP Vanhoove, A Vanrenterghem, P Varlet, I Vasies, G Verbiese, G Vernier-Massouille, P Vermelle, C Verne, P Vezilier-Cocq, B Vigneron, M Vincendet, J Viot, YM Voiment, A Wacrenier, L Waeghemaecker, JY Wallez, M Wantiez, F Wartel, J Weber, JL Willocquet, N Wizla, E Wolschies, A Zalar, B Zaouri, A Zellweger, C Ziade. Extra-intestinal Manifestations at Diagnosis in Paediatric- and Elderly-onset Ulcerative Colitis are Associated With a More Severe Disease Outcome: A Population-based Study. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2017; 11(11): 1326 doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjx092
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Jeremy Wiens, James A. Rankin, Karen L. Then. Arthropathies in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastroenterology Nursing 2017; 40(6): 496 doi: 10.1097/SGA.0000000000000175
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Leandro Lopes Troncoso, Ana Luiza Biancardi, Haroldo Vieira de Moraes Jr, Cyrla Zaltman. Ophthalmic manifestations in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A review. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2017; 23(32): 5836-5848 doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i32.5836
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Bruno César da Silva, Andre Castro Lyra, Raquel Rocha, Genoile Oliveira Santana. Epidemiology, demographic characteristics and prognostic predictors of ulcerative colitis. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2014; 20(28): 9458-9467 doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i28.9458
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Petra Anna Golovics, Péter László Lakatos, Gyula Dávid, Tünde Pandur, Zsuzsanna Erdélyi, Ágnes Horváth, Gábor Mester, Mihály Balogh, István Szipocs, Csaba Molnár, Erzsébet Komáromi, Barbara Dorottya Lovász, Miklós Szathmári, Lajos S. Kiss, László Lakatos. The effect of early immunosuppressive therapy on the rate of resections performed in patients with Chron’s disease, in Veszprém county, Hungary, a population-based cohort study. Orvosi Hetilap 2012; 153(14): 541 doi: 10.1556/OH.2012.29331
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Petra A Golovics, Laszlo Lakatos, Michael D Mandel, Barbara D Lovasz, Zsuzsanna Vegh, Zsuzsanna Kurti, Istvan Szita, Lajos S Kiss, Tunde Pandur, Peter L Lakatos. Prevalence and predictors of hospitalization in Crohn’s disease in a prospective population-based inception cohort from 2000-2012. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2015; 21(23): 7272-7280 doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i23.7272
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Madeline Alizadeh, Osman Ali, Raymond K Cross. Assessing Progression of Biologic Therapies Based on Smoking Status in Patients With Crohn’s Disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2024; 30(5): 788 doi: 10.1093/ibd/izad131
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James R. Goodhand, Nikolasos Kamperidis, Arati Rao, Faiden Laskaratos, Adam McDermott, Mahmood Wahed, Sandhia Naik, Nick M. Croft, James O. Lindsay, Ian R. Sanderson, David S. Rampton. Prevalence and management of anemia in children, adolescents, and adults with inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2012; 18(3): 513 doi: 10.1002/ibd.21740
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Benjamin Siemanowski, Miguel Regueiro. Efficacy of infliximab for extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease. Current Treatment Options in Gastroenterology 2007; 10(3): 178 doi: 10.1007/s11938-007-0011-5
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Folashade A Jose, Melvin B Heyman. Extraintestinal Manifestations of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2008; 46(2): 124 doi: 10.1097/MPG.0b013e318093f4b0
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Luc Biedermann, Laura Renz, Nicolas Fournier, Jean-Benoît Rossel, Matthias Butter, Sena Bluemel, Stephan R. Vavricka, Gerhard Rogler, Michael Scharl, Claudia Anderegg, Peter Bauerfeind, Christoph Beglinger, Stefan Begré, Dominique Belli, José M. Bengoa, Luc Biedermann, Beat Bigler, Janek Binek, Mirjam Blattmann, Stephan Boehm, Jan Borovicka, Christian P. Braegger, Nora Brunner, Patrick Bühr, Bernard Burnand, Emanuel Burri, Sophie Buyse, Matthias Cremer, Dominique H. Criblez, Philippe de Saussure, Lukas Degen, Joakim Delarive, Christopher Doerig, Barbara Dora, Gian Dorta, Mara Egger, Tobias Ehmann, Ali El-Wafa, Matthias Engelmann, Jessica Ezri, Christian Felley, Markus Fliegner, Nicolas Fournier, Montserrat Fraga, Pascal Frei, Remus Frei, Michael Fried, Florian Froehlich, Christian Funk, Raoul Ivano Furlano, Suzanne Gallot-Lavallée, Martin Geyer, Marc Girardin, Delphine Golay, Tanja Grandinetti, Beat Gysi, Horst Haack, Johannes Haarer, Beat Helbling, Peter Hengstler, Denise Herzog, Cyrill Hess, Klaas Heyland, Thomas Hinterleitner, Philippe Hiroz, Claudia Hirschi, Petr Hruz, Rika Iwata, Res Jost, Pascal Juillerat, Vera Kessler Brondolo, Christina Knellwolf, Christoph Knoblauch, Henrik Köhler, Rebekka Koller, Claudia Krieger-Grübel, Gerd Kullak-Ublick, Patrizia Künzler, Markus Landolt, Rupprecht Lange, Frank Serge Lehmann, Andrew Macpherson, Philippe Maerten, Michel H. Maillard, Christine Manser, Michael Manz, Urs Marbet, George Marx, Christoph Matter, Valérie McLin, Rémy Meier, Martina Mendanova, Christa Meyenberger, Pierre Michetti, Benjamin Misselwitz, Darius Moradpour, Bernhard Morell, Patrick Mosler, Christian Mottet, Christoph Müller, Pascal Müller, Beat Müllhaupt, Claudia Münger-Beyeler, Leilla Musso, Andreas Nagy, Michaela Neagu, Cristina Nichita, Jan Niess, Natacha Noël, Andreas Nydegger, Nicole Obialo, Carl Oneta, Cassandra Oropesa, Ueli Peter, Daniel Peternac, Laetitia Marie Petit, Franziska Piccoli-Gfeller, Julia Beatrice Pilz, Valérie Pittet, Nadia Raschle, Ronald Rentsch, Sophie Restellini, Jean-Pierre Richterich, Sylvia Rihs, Marc Alain Ritz, Jocelyn Roduit, Daniela Rogler, Gerhard Rogler, Jean-Benoît Rossel, Markus Sagmeister, Gaby Saner, Bernhard Sauter, Mikael Sawatzki, Michela Schäppi, Michael Scharl, Martin Schelling, Susanne Schibli, Hugo Schlauri, Sybille Schmid Uebelhart, Jean-François Schnegg, Alain Schoepfer, Frank Seibold, Mariam Seirafi, Gian-Marco Semadeni, David Semela, Arne Senning, Marc Sidler, Christiane Sokollik, Johannes Spalinger, Holger Spangenberger, Philippe Stadler, Michael Steuerwald, Alex Straumann, Bigna Straumann-Funk, Michael Sulz, Joël Thorens, Sarah Tiedemann, Radu Tutuian, Stephan Vavricka, Francesco Viani, Jürg Vögtlin, Roland Von Känel, Alain Vonlaufen, Dominique Vouillamoz, Rachel Vulliamy, Jürg Wermuth, Helene Werner, Paul Wiesel, Reiner Wiest, Tina Wylie, Jonas Zeitz, Dorothee Zimmermann. Uveitis manifestations in patients of the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 2019; 12 doi: 10.1177/1756284819865142
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Monica Schwartzman, Joerg Ermann, Kristine A Kuhn, Sergio Schwartzman, Michael H Weisman. Spondyloarthritis in inflammatory bowel disease cohorts: systematic literature review and critical appraisal of study designs. RMD Open 2022; 8(1): e001777 doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2021-001777
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O. Yu. Barysheva, A. S. Atamanova, A. A. Samusenko, V. A. Strategopulo, E. A. Lyutaya, N. N. Vezikova, K. E. Egorova. Glomerulonephritis as a variant of extra-intestinal manifestation of ulcerative colitis. Almanac of Clinical Medicine 2018; 46(5): 536 doi: 10.18786/2072-0505-2018-46-5-536-541
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Yavuz Beyazit, Sedat Caner, Mevlut Kurt, Murat Kekilli, Gulden Aydog, Mehmet Ibis. Dermatofibroma in a patient with Crohn's disease: A novel clinical manifestation. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2010; 4(4): 490 doi: 10.1016/j.crohns.2010.03.005
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D. Saadouli, K. Ben Mansour, M. Farae, I. Loukil, S. Yahyaoui, M.A. El Afrit. Les manifestations oculaires au cours de la maladie de Crohn. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 2020; 43(10): 1025 doi: 10.1016/j.jfo.2020.02.012
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Yusuf Kayar, Ramazan Dertli, Sevki Konur, Mehmet Agin, Bulent Baran, Asli Ciftcibasi Ormeci, Filiz Akyuz, Kadir Demir, Fatih Besisik, Sabahattin Kaymakoglu. The development of extraintestinal manifestation and related risk factors in Crohn’s patients. Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -) 2021; 190(2): 597 doi: 10.1007/s11845-020-02326-z
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Jonas Zeitz, Melike Ak, Séverine Müller-Mottet, Sylvie Scharl, Luc Biedermann, Nicolas Fournier, Pascal Frei, Valerie Pittet, Michael Scharl, Michael Fried, Gerhard Rogler, Stephan Vavricka, John Green. Pain in IBD Patients: Very Frequent and Frequently Insufficiently Taken into Account. PLOS ONE 2016; 11(6): e0156666 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0156666
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Maria Papp, Istvan Altorjay, Nir Dotan, Karoly Palatka, Ildiko Foldi, Judit Tumpek, Sandor Sipka, Miklos Udvardy, Tamas Dinya, Laszlo Lakatos, Agota Kovacs, Tamas Molnar, Zsolt Tulassay, Pal Miheller, Gary L. Norman, Tamas Szamosi, Janos Papp, Peter L. Lakatos. New Serological Markers for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Are Associated With Earlier Age at Onset, Complicated Disease Behavior, Risk for Surgery, and NOD2/CARD15 Genotype in a Hungarian IBD Cohort. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2008; 103(3): 665 doi: 10.1111/j.1572-0241.2007.01652.x
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Juan L. Mendoza, Raquel Lana, Maria C. Martin, Emilio G. de la Concha, Elena Urcelay, Manuel Diaz-Rubio, Maria T. Abreu, Adele A. Mitchell. FcRL3 gene promoter variant is associated with peripheral arthritis in Crohnʼs disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2009; 15(9): 1351 doi: 10.1002/ibd.20895
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