BPG is committed to discovery and dissemination of knowledge
World-series biomedical journals
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Baishideng Publishing Group  (BPG)  is a publisher of peer-reviewed, open-access, online World-series biomedical journals. Since it was founded on January 15, 1993, BPG has launched and will launch a total of 42  journals among which World  Journal of Gastroenterology  (WJG) had been  included  in  the Science Citation Index Expanded  (SCIE) and MEDLINE and has gained a good  reputation and high degree of  influence worldwide. According  to  the Essential Science  Indicators database statistics,  the  total number of citations to WJG ranked 174th among 1,105 clinical medical  journals  included  in  the SCIE between  January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2010. Thirteen  journals  launched  in 2009 by BPG had been  included  in PubMed Central, PubMed, Digital Object Identifer, and Directory of Open Access Journals.