Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Clin Cases. Feb 6, 2024; 12(4): 787-794
Published online Feb 6, 2024. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v12.i4.787
Table 1 Clinical data of 4 cases of gestational diabetes mellitus combined fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus in our hospital
HbA1cGlucose (mmol/L)
Insulin (mU/L)
C-peptid (ng/mL)
0 min
60 min
120 min
0 min
60 min
120 min
0 min
60 min
120 min
1P 25 wk5.45.65
Post 8 wk36.93 6.75.3717.7325.89> 300> 300> 3000.01< 0.050.18
Post 6 months6.59.5622.6930.2528.329.628.
Post 1 yr> 505.5443.60.02
Post 2.5 yr5.156.6
Post 2.7 yr5.83.528.3< 0.01
2P 24 wk6.15.28.546.51
Post 1 wk> 506.27.9518.0223.4444.517.314.70.02< 0.05< 0.05
Post 6 months77.312.6316.4621.722.
Post 1yr5.57.610.8919.0425.421.421.119.4< 0.01< 0.01< 0.01
Post 2.5 yr> 506.63.9210.8< 0.01
P 25 wk5.411.1810.4716.8106.4175.1
P 33 wk3.826.15.0312.118.718.710.47.30.04< 0.050.14
Post 5 months18.595.77.67116.30.01
P 25 wk5.9
P 29 wk5.7
Post 3 d23.26.110.4622.0726.8214.
Post 3 months9.12125.8<
Table 2 Clinical characteristics of pregnancy-related fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus vs gestational diabetes mellitus combined with fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus
PF (n = 105, pregnant n = 80, postpartum n = 25)GDM combined with FT1DM (n = 7, pregnancy n = 5, postpartum n = 2)
Age of onset age, (range value)27.9 (21-38)31.6 (27-40)
BMI [kg/m2, (range value)]22.1 (16.9-29.5)23.4 (16.85-30.47)
Number of weeks of pregnancy
Pregnancy [week, (range value)]26.2 (6-38)36.3 (33-40)
Postpartum days [days, (range value)]6.4 (1-15)7.3 (3-13)
Start time [day, (range value)]3.2 (1-9)----
Family history (-/+)55/93/4
Fetal survival (survival/ total)13/587/7
Clinical manifestations
Influenza-like symptoms (%)50 (47/94)42.8 (3/7)
Gastrointestinal symptoms (%)59.5 (56/94)42.8 (3/7)
Fever: (%)26.7 (8/30)0/7
Consciousness disorders (%)43.3 (13/30)0/7
Laboratory examination
PH (range)7.07 (6.91-7.4)7.20 (7.08-7.36)
HbA1c [% (range value)]6.26 (4.8-8.7)5.92 (5.4-6.2)
Blood sugar [mmol/L, (range value)]37.13 (16.6-78.5)22.05 (16.0-44.9)
PG/HbA1c ratio5.293.76
Fasting C Peptide (ng/mL)0.07< 0.04
Afteral C Peptide (ng/mL)0.11< 0.13
GAD (-/+)87/77/0
IAA (-/+)---0/7 (positive at 4 cases and 3 cases positive after treatment)
Transsusceptible genotypesHLADRB1 09:01-DQB1 03:03 (DR9)HLADRB1 09:01, DQB1 03:03, DQA1 03:02, DPA1 01:03, DPA1 02:02, DPB1 05:01 DRB4 01:03, G 01:01, and G 01:04