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Ulcerated intussuscepted jejunal lipoma-uncommon cause of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding: A case report
Browse: 395   Download: 712   Issue Date: 2019-11-26
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator functional evaluations in a G542X+/- IVS8Tn:T7/9 patient with acute recurrent pancreatitis
Browse: 341   Download: 800   Issue Date: 2019-11-26
Treatment of hemorrhoids: A survey of surgical practice in Australia and New Zealand
Browse: 605   Download: 686   Issue Date: 2019-11-26
Human podocyte injury in the early course of hypertensive renal injury
Browse: 392   Download: 992   Issue Date: 2019-11-26
Colorectal cancer: The epigenetic role of microbiome
Browse: 457   Download: 757   Issue Date: 2019-11-26
How about the reporting quality of case reports in nursing field?
Browse: 657   Download: 1215   Issue Date: 2019-11-06
Irritable bowel syndrome and functional constipation management with integrative medicine: Systematic review
Browse: 777   Download: 1096   Issue Date: 2019-11-06
Characteristics of clear cell renal cell carcinoma metastases to the thyroid gland: A systematic review
Browse: 626   Download: 784   Issue Date: 2019-11-06
Efficient management of secondary haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis with intravenous steroids and γ-immunoglobulin infusions
Browse: 597   Download: 1022   Issue Date: 2019-11-06
Current controversies in treating remnant gastric cancer: Are minimally invasive approaches feasible?
Browse: 643   Download: 969   Issue Date: 2019-11-06
Constrictive pericarditis as a cause of refractory ascites after liver transplantation: A case report
Browse: 706   Download: 784   Issue Date: 2019-10-26
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist-induced pituitary adenoma apoplexy and casual finding of a parathyroid carcinoma: A case report and review of literature
Browse: 559   Download: 1037   Issue Date: 2019-10-26
Prognostic significance of malignant ascites in gastric cancer patients with peritoneal metastasis: A systemic review and meta-analysis
Browse: 574   Download: 1010   Issue Date: 2019-10-26
Clinical use of low-dose aspirin for elders and sensitive subjects
Browse: 564   Download: 752   Issue Date: 2019-10-26
Keratoconus in a patient with Alport syndrome: A case report
Browse: 672   Download: 854   Issue Date: 2019-10-06
Treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease: A systematic review
Browse: 445   Download: 598   Issue Date: 2019-10-06
Expression and predictive value of miR-489 and miR-21 in melanoma metastasis
Browse: 369   Download: 819   Issue Date: 2019-10-06
DNA methylation detection methods used in colorectal cancer
Browse: 456   Download: 757   Issue Date: 2019-10-06
High-resolution colonic manometry and its clinical application in patients with colonic dysmotility: A review
Browse: 548   Download: 620   Issue Date: 2019-09-24
Low fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols diet in children
Browse: 516   Download: 596   Issue Date: 2019-09-24