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Clinicopathological spectrum of snake bite-induced acute kidney injury from India
Browse: 835   Download: 1794   Issue Date: 2017-05-06
Any link of gout disease control among hypertensive patients and onset of end-stage renal disease? Results from a population-based study
Browse: 754   Download: 1312   Issue Date: 2017-05-06
Application of established pathophysiologic processes brings greater clarity to diagnosis and treatment of hyponatremia
Browse: 747   Download: 1163   Issue Date: 2017-03-04
Functional coupling of V-ATPase and CLC-5
Browse: 548   Download: 1142   Issue Date: 2016-12-28
Hyponatremic hypertensive syndrome - a retrospective cohort study
Browse: 736   Download: 946   Issue Date: 2016-12-28
Hypertonicity: Clinical entities, manifestations and treatment
Browse: 605   Download: 979   Issue Date: 2016-12-28
Factors associating with oxygenation of lower-limb muscle tissue in hemodialysis patients
Browse: 689   Download: 1514   Issue Date: 2016-11-06
Six end-stage renal disease patients benefited from first non-simultaneous single center 6-way kidney exchange transplantation in India
Browse: 828   Download: 1488   Issue Date: 2016-11-06
Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy
Browse: 513   Download: 1075   Issue Date: 2016-09-01
What is the optimal level of vitamin D in non-dialysis chronic kidney disease population?
Browse: 519   Download: 1516   Issue Date: 2016-09-01
Parathyroid ultrasonography and bone metabolic profile of patients on dialysis with hyperparathyroidism
Browse: 531   Download: 1263   Issue Date: 2016-09-01
Diabetes mellitus increases the prevalence of anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease: A nested case-control study
Browse: 463   Download: 1591   Issue Date: 2016-06-29
Management of nocturnal enuresis - myths and facts
Browse: 515   Download: 1135   Issue Date: 2016-06-29
Metformin associated lactic acidosis in Auckland City Hospital 2005 to 2009
Browse: 471   Download: 1294   Issue Date: 2016-06-29
Stop chronic kidney disease progression: Time is approaching
Browse: 517   Download: 1092   Issue Date: 2016-04-25
Soy-based renoprotection
Browse: 532   Download: 1181   Issue Date: 2016-04-25
Use of percutaneous nephrostomy and ureteral stenting in management of ureteral obstruction
Browse: 498   Download: 1294   Issue Date: 2016-03-01
Extracellular vesicles as mediators of vascular inflammation in kidney disease
Browse: 12047   Download: 1295   Issue Date: 2016-03-01
Experimental models of renal calcium stones in rodents
Browse: 500   Download: 1343   Issue Date: 2016-03-01
Renal and perinephric abscesses in West China Hospital: 10-year retrospective-descriptive study
Browse: 487   Download: 1577   Issue Date: 2016-01-06