Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Clin Oncol. Apr 10, 2017; 8(2): 151-157
Published online Apr 10, 2017. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v8.i2.151
Table 1 The Bethesda system
Diagnostic categoryCytological diagnosisRisk of malignancy, %Usual management
INondiagnostic or unsatisfactory1-4Repeat FNA with ultrasound guidance
IIBenign0-3Clinical follow-up
IVFNS/SFN15-30Surgical lobectomy
VSuspicious for malignancy60-75Near-total thyroidectomy or surgical
VIMalignant97-99Near-total thyroidectomy
Table 2 Age and sex distribution of thyroid lesion (based on fine-needle aspiration cytology according to Bethesda system)
Age (yr)Total number of patientsGenderAll FNAs (n = 1433) n, %
F/MBethesda IBethesda IIBethesda IIIBethesda IVBethesda VBethesda VITotal
15-30176 (14.8)159/179 (4.5)149 (74.9)17 (8.5)12 (6)4 (2)8 (4)199
31-45420 (35.4)362/5812 (2.4)375 (74.7)41 (8.2)28 (5.6)14 (2.8)32 (6.4)502
46-60374 (31.5)301/7315 (3.3)347 (75.1)40 (8.8)22 (4.8)9 (2)23 (5)456
61-75175 (14.7)126/4910 (4.5)162 (72.3)33 (14.7)7 (3.1)4 (1.8)8 (3.6)224
> 7543 (3.6)28/15047 (90.4)02 (3.8)1 (1.9)2 (3.8)52
Total1188976/21246 (3.2)1080 (75.3)131 (9.1)71 (5)32 (2.2)73 (5.1)1433
Table 3 Cyto-Histopathological correlation of thyroid lesion
CytopathologyHistopathological diagnosis
BenignMalignant, n (%)
Bethesda I62 (25)8
Bethesda II16516 (8.9)181
Bethesda III366 (14.3)42
Bethesda IV2825 (47.2)53
Bethesda V818 (69.3)26
Bethesda VI257 (96.7)59
Total245124 (33.6)369
Table 4 Comparison rates of malignancy (%) on surgical resection for fine-needle aspiration diagnostic categories and malignancy risk of recent studies
Published yearComparison of diagnostic categories
I (ND)II (Benign)III (AUS/FLUS)IV (FN/SFN)V (SM)VI (malignant)
Recent studies
Park et al[22]201413.340.69.10.419.317.6
Mondal et al[10]20131.287.514.21.44.7
Mufti et al[29]201211.677.60.842.43.6
Wu et al[30]201220.13927.
Bongiovanni et al[31]2012254.76.325.36.35.4
Present study3.
Comparison of malignancy risk
Haugen et al[32] (meta-analysis)20169-321-106-4814-3453-9794-100
Pantola et al[33] 20162016008.310100100
Park et al[22]201435.35.6695038.798.9
Mondal et al[10]201304.52030.67597.8
Mufti et al[29]2012203.1502080100
Wu et al[30]2012128273368100
Present study258.914.347.269.396.7
Table 5 Age and sex distribution of thyroid cancer
Age (yr)Total number of nodulesGenderAll FNAs (n = 124) n, %
F/MBethesda IBethesda IIBethesda IIIBethesda IVBethesda VBethesda VI
15-3018 (14.5)3/15031347
31-4549 (39.5)39/101529725
46-6043 (34.7)35/81739518
61-7512 (9.7)8/4010326
> 752 (1.6)2/0000101
Total12487/372 (1.6)16 (12.9)6 (4.8)25 (20.2)18 (14.5)57 (46)
Table 6 Type and variants of thyroid cancer among histopathological diagnosis
Type of cancerTotal = 124 (n, %)BETHESDA (n, %)
Classic variant571513839
Follicular variant341821166
Tall-cell variant1000001
Total PTC111 (89.6)215517 (68)1755
Total FTC11 (8.9)0118 (32)10
MTC1 (0.8)000001
ATC1 (0.8)000001