Case Report
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World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol. Dec 15, 2010; 1(5): 166-170
Published online Dec 15, 2010. doi: 10.4291/wjgp.v1.i5.166
Eosinophilic ascites, an unusual presentation of eosinophilic gastroenteritis: A case report and review
Iryna S Hepburn, Subbaramiah Sridhar, Robert R Schade
Iryna S Hepburn, Subbaramiah Sridhar, Robert R Schade, Section of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA 30912, United States
Author contributions: Hepburn IS wrote the paper; Sridhar S provided supportive contributions; and Schade RR made revisions and helped in writing.
Correspondence to: Iryna S Hepburn, MD, Section of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical College of Georgia, 1120 15th St Augusta, GA 30912, United States.
Telephone: +1-706-7212238 Fax: +1-706-7210331
Received: July 30, 2010
Revised: September 28, 2010
Accepted: October 5, 2010
Published online: December 15, 2010

Eosinophilic ascites (EA) is a rare disorder of unknown etiology that has been reported in both adult and pediatric patients. It is a part of the syndrome of eosinophilic gastroenteritis, which is characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of any or all layers of the gut wall and may involve any segment of the gastrointestinal tract. Peripheral eosinophilia may or may not be present. We report a case of EA that developed post partum.

Keywords: Ascites; Eosinophilia; Pregnancy