Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Gastrointest Oncol. Sep 15, 2024; 16(9): 3771-3780
Published online Sep 15, 2024. doi: 10.4251/wjgo.v16.i9.3771
Table 1 Microorganisms associated with precancerous lesions of gastric cancer
Primary site
Potential mechanism
Helicobacter pyloriGastrointestinal tract, oralCytotoxin-associated gene A and vacuolar cytotoxin A cause DNA damage. increased genetic instability leads to mutationsSalvatori et al[71]
Malfertheiner et al[72]
Streptococcus AnginosusOral, nasopharyngeal, gastrointestinal tract, vaginalThe streptococcal surface protein TMPC interacts with ANXA2-mediated attachment and colonization. Spontaneously induces progressive chronic gastritis, atrophy, heterotrophic hyperplasiaFu et al[73]
Stasiewicz and Karpiński[74]
EBVOropharynx, blood, lymphatic system and other tissues and organsViral proteins inducing methylation, regulating host gene expression and malignant transformationYang et al[75]
EBV driving DNA hypermethylation, frequent PIK3CA mutations, and the overexpression of JAK2, PD-L1, and PD-L2Iizasa et al[47]
Candida albicansSkin, oral, gastrointestinal tractReduces the diversity and abundance of fungi in the stomach; destroys the mucosal epithelium, produces carcinogens, triggers chronic inflammation, induces Th17 immune responses, among other mechanismsYu and Liu[49]
Zhong et al[50]
OthersGastrointestinal tract, oral, etc.Homogeneity and diversity of the gastric microbiota; the inflammatory response; dysbiosis of the gastric microbiota favors invasion and growth of pathogens and disrupts the mucosal barrierStewart et al[37]
Liao et al[76]
Table 2 Studies on various systems of Streptococcus anginosus
Primary site
Developing diseases
Mechanism of action
Subsequent effect
OralPeriodontal abscessProduction of bacteriocins enhances membrane permeability, inhibits the growth of associated species, promotes the development of chronic inflammation and abscessesDental periapical abscessesFisher and Russell[77]
OIsFuruholm et al[78]
Respiratory tractLung abscessInhalation of oral secretions, direct trauma or surgical bedding, adjacent extension, and hematogenous disseminationParapneumonic empyemaGonzalez et al[79]
EsophagusEsophageal cancerCorrelated with GrzB+ and CD8+T-cell infiltration in tumor tissuesEsophageal squamous cell carcinoma; Barrett's esophagusLv et al[80]
Wu et al[81]
StomachGastric cancerSpontaneously induced chronic inflammation, atrophy, mucus chemotaxis, and heterogeneous hyperplasia of the gastric mucosaPLGCYang[7]
Zhou et al[82]
Intestinal tractColorectal cancerLoss of integrity of the blood mucosal barrier forms pus-filled and infectedAdenocarcinoma of the colonRawla et al[83]
LiverLiver abscessCauses localized suppurative inflammation destroying hepatocytes and surrounding tissuesPLAPilarczyk-Zurek et al[55]
Morii et al[84]
Genitourinary tractGenitourinary infectionsInvades the bloodstream following urinary tract infections; causes lysis of vaginal epithelial cellsUrinary tract infectionWu and Zheng[85]
Aerobic vaginitisTao et al[86]
HeartsPericarditis, endocarditisHematogenous dissemination from distant organsBacterial pericarditis; infective endocarditisFinn et al[87]
CerebrumBrain abscess, meningitisContinuous venous dissemination or hematogenous dissemination from a distant site; invasive pyogenic infectionSubdural hemorrhageEsplin et al[88]
Intracranial subdural abscess; hydrocephalusSakurai et al[89]