- Immunomodulation by probiotics and prebiotics in hepatocellular carcinoma
- Browse: 233 Download: 900 Issue Date: 2022-02-27
- Hepatobiliary manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease: A practical approach
- Browse: 237 Download: 570 Issue Date: 2022-02-27
- Can the computed tomography texture analysis of colorectal liver metastases predict the response to first-line cytotoxic chemotherapy?
- Browse: 376 Download: 1050 Issue Date: 2022-01-28
- Prognostic factors of survival and a new scoring system for liver resection of colorectal liver metastasis
- Browse: 375 Download: 872 Issue Date: 2022-01-28
- Targets of immunotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma: An update
- Browse: 381 Download: 666 Issue Date: 2022-01-28
- Metabolic and nutritional triggers associated with increased risk of liver complications in SARS-CoV-2
- Browse: 321 Download: 669 Issue Date: 2022-01-28
- Hepatitis C virus: A critical approach to who really needs treatment
- Browse: 335 Download: 730 Issue Date: 2022-01-28
- Liver function tests and metabolic-associated fatty liver disease: Changes in upper normal limits, does it really matter?
- Browse: 393 Download: 967 Issue Date: 2021-12-27
- Gut dysbiosis and systemic inflammation promote cardiomyocyte abnormalities in an experimental model of steatohepatitis
- Browse: 389 Download: 823 Issue Date: 2021-12-27
- Deep learning in hepatocellular carcinoma: Current status and future perspectives
- Browse: 303 Download: 655 Issue Date: 2021-12-27
- One stop shop approach for the diagnosis of liver hemangioma
- Browse: 363 Download: 551 Issue Date: 2021-12-27
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in irritable bowel syndrome: More than a coincidence?
- Browse: 391 Download: 593 Issue Date: 2021-12-27
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is associated with worse intestinal complications in patients hospitalized for Clostridioides difficile infection
- Browse: 330 Download: 733 Issue Date: 2021-11-27
- Mitochondrial hepatopathy: Respiratory chain disorders- ‘breathing in and out of the liver’
- Browse: 417 Download: 819 Issue Date: 2021-11-27
- Fungal infections following liver transplantation
- Browse: 381 Download: 957 Issue Date: 2021-11-27
- Liver involvement in inflammatory bowel disease: What should the clinician know?
- Browse: 357 Download: 765 Issue Date: 2021-11-27
- Role of endoscopic ultrasound in the field of hepatology: Recent advances and future trends
- Browse: 289 Download: 699 Issue Date: 2021-11-27
- Focal nodular hyperplasia associated with a giant hepatocellular adenoma: A case report and review of literature
- Browse: 331 Download: 885 Issue Date: 2021-10-27
- Liver transplantation for pediatric inherited metabolic liver diseases
- Browse: 405 Download: 923 Issue Date: 2021-10-27
- COVID-19 in liver transplant patients: Clinical and therapeutic aspects
- Browse: 373 Download: 865 Issue Date: 2021-10-27