Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Stem Cells. Aug 26, 2021; 13(8): 1094-1111
Published online Aug 26, 2021. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v13.i8.1094
Table 1 Protocols to produce induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells by the mesenchymal stem cell Switch methods
iPSC origin
iPSC to iMSC protocol
Lian et al[41], 2010Lung fibroblast(1) iPSC cultured on a gelatinized dish + KO DMEM + 10% SRM + bFGF + PDGFAB + EGF; and (2) FACS SORTING: CD24- and CD105+ and single cell clones plating7Limb ischemia in mice419
Giuliani et al[42], 2011AmniocytesiPSC cultured 4 wk in DMEM/F12 + 10% hiFBS + b-FGF + NEAA + L-Glutamine + β-ME + p/s28Immunomodulatory properties of iMSC on NK cytolytic activity110
Liu et al[43], 2012Dermal fibroblast(1) iPSC cultured on collagen-coated dishes with α-MEM + 10% FBS + dexamethasone + magnesium L-ascorbic acid phosphate + p/s; and (2) Cells cultured on collagen-coated dishes with α-MEM + 10% FBS + L-Glutamine + NEAA + p/s10iMSC generation w/ Fibrillar Collagen Coating118
Zou et al[44], 2013Dermal fibroblastsiPSC medium switched for MSC medium: DMEM-low glucose + 10% FBS + L-Glutamine14Generation of osteogenesis 3D scaffolds98
Hynes et al[45], 2014Gingival fibroblast periodontal ligaments(1) iPSC cultured with MSC medium: α-MEM + FCS + sodium pyruvate + l-ascorbate-2-phosphate + L-Glutamine + NEAA + HEPES + p/s; and (2) Cells cultured on gelatin-coated-flasks then switch to non-coated flasks14Generation of iMSC102
Jeong et al[46], 20141NA(1) iPSCs cultured in iMSC-inducing medium: DMEM/F12 + 20% KOSR + SB431542 (TGFβ inhibitor); (2) EB grown on matrigel + DMEM/F12 + 0.5% BSA + 10% ITS + SB431542 (TGFβ inhibitor); and (3) Outgrowth grown with DMEM/F12 + 10% FBS + p/s17Duchene muscular dystrophy17
Hu et al[47], 2015iPS-S-01, C1P33, PCKDSF001C1iPSC medium switched for MSC medium: DMEM-low glucose + 10% FBS + L-Glutamine, then cultured in gelatin-coated dishes14Limb ischemia177
Kang et al[48], 2015Dermal fibroblasts iPSC cultured with MSC medium: DMEM low glucose + FBS 10% + L-Glutamine + p/s then cultured on gelatin-coated dishes14iMSC plasticity (less adipogenesis)65
Zhang et al[23], 2015PBMCs(1) iPSC medium switched for MSC medium: DMEM-low glucose + 10% FBS + L-Glutamine + NEAA + p/s; and (2) Cells cultured on gelatin-coated dishes17Cutaneous wound healing262
Lian et al[49], 2016NA(1) iPSC cultured on gelatin-coated plates with MSC differentiation medium: KO DMEM + KOSR + bFGF + PDGFAB + EGF; and (2) FACS: CD24- CD105+ cells cultured on gelatin-coated plates with DMEM + 10% FBS + bFGF + PDGFAB + EGF20Directed differentiation of iPSC to MSC15
Gao et al[50], 2017Urine cell; Amniocytes(1) iPSC cultured with MSC-inducing culture media: α-MEM + SRM + sodium pyruvate + l-ascorbate-2-phosphate + L-Glutamine + NEAA + p/s on gelatin-coated plates; and (2) Cells cultured with MSC maintenance medium = high-glucose DMEM + 10% FBS + bFGF + EGF17iMSC effect on dendritic cells27
Nachlas et al[51], 20181NA(1) iPSC cultured in suspension (to promote cell aggregate) with differentiation media: KO-DMEM + β-ME+ L-Glutamine + 20% FBS + NEAA + p/s, then, cells were cultured on gelatin coated plates; and (2) Cells cultured with iMSC media: KO-DMEM + L-Glutamine + 10% FBS + NEAA + p/s12Generation of valve interstitial-like cells from iMSC14
Wang et al[52], 2018Amniocytes(1) iPSC cultured with induction medium: α-MEM + 10% FBS + p/s + L-Glutamine + NEAA + sodium pyruvate + l-ascorbate-2- phosphate; (2) Cells plated on gelatin-coated plates; and (3) Cells plated on uncoated plates with iPSC-MSC medium = High-Glucose DMEM + FBS + bFGF + EGF + p/s14Effect of Dexamethasone on iMSC3
Wang et al[53], 2018PBMCsiPSC cultured with MSC medium: Low-Glucose DMEM + 10% FBS + p/s + L-glutamineNAImmunomodulatory properties of MSC, transcriptome analysis8
McGrath et al[54], 20191Dermal fibroblast(1) iPSC-MP thawed and expanded in KO DMEM + bFGF + L-Glutamine + MEM + NEAA + 20% FBS + Antibiotic-Antimycotic + β-ME; and (2) Cell are plated into gelatin coated-plates with KO DMEM + heparin + hPL + bFGF + L-Glutamine + MEM NEAA + Antibiotic-Antimycotic + β-MENAiMSC differentiation: GMP-compatible and xeno-free cultivation6
Table 2 Protocols to produce induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells by embryoid bodies approaches
iPSC origin
iPSC to iMSC protocol
Ahfeldt et al[56], 2012Foreskin fibroblast(1) iPSC cultured into low-adhesion dishes for EB formation with DMEM + 15% FBS + L-Glutamine; (2) EB plated into gelatin-coated dishes with DMEM + 15% FBS + L-Glutamine; and (3) Cells plated with Mensenchymal Progenitor Cell (MCP) medium: DMEM + 15% FBS + L-Glutamine + bFGF12Producing white and brown adipocytes from hPSCs194
Chen et al[57], 20121Lung fibroblastSB431542 inhibitor differentiation method (feeder free); iPSC cultured in inhibitor differentiation medium: KOSR medium + SB431542 (TGFβ inhibitor)Without bFGF to enhance differentiation. Embryoid body differentiation method: (1) EB formation in KOSR medium; and (2) EB cultured with MSC medium: DMEM + 10% FCS + L-Glutamine + gentamicin + p/s17Generation of iMSC with TGF-beta inhibitor136
Villa-Diaz et al[58], 2012Dermal fibroblasts(1) EB formation in suspension cultured into ultra-low-attachment plates; and (2) EB plated on gelatin-coated dishes with MSC medium: α-MEM + 10% FBS + L-Glutamine + NEAA + FGF221iMSC from iPSC cultured on synthetic substrate (PMEDSAH)262
Wei et al[59], 20121Dermal fibroblasts(1) EB formation through cardiac differentiation protocol involving cardiomyogenic medium CARM: High-Glucose DMEM + L-Glutamine + NEAA + Selenium Transferrin + β-ME + SB 203580 (p38-MAPK inhibitor); and (2) EB plating on gelatin-coated plates with DMEM + 2% FBS21Generation of iMSC64
Shao et al[60], 2013MSC(1) iPSC cultivated in suspension in the differentiation medium: KO DMEM + 20% FBS+ 1% NEAA + β-ME+ L-Glutamine for EB formation; and (2) Embryoid bodies plated on gelatin-coated dishes19iMSC DNA methylation profiles48
Jeong et al[46], 20141NA(1) iPSCs cultured in iMSC-inducing medium: DMEM/F12 + 20% KOSR + SB431542 (TGFβ inhibitor); (2) EB grown on matrigel + DMEM/F12 + 0.5% BSA + 10% ITS + SB431542 (TGFβ inhibitor); and (3) Outgrowth grown with DMEM/F12 + FBS (10%) + p/s17Duchene muscular dystrophy17
Miao et al[61], 2014Dermal fibroblastsEB cultured with DMEM + 10% FBSNAMyocardial infarctus38
Tang et al[21], 2014bone marrow(1) iPSC cultured in ultra-low attachment plate to form EB with differentiation medium: DMEM/F12 + 20% KSR + MEF medium + NEAA + L-Glutamine + β-ME; and (2) EB plated into gelatin-coated plates + MSC growth medium: DMEM + 10% FBS + L-Glutamine + p/s20iMSC and calcium phosphate scaffold for bone regeneration88
Sheyn et al[20], 2016Dermal fibroblasts(1) iPSC plated into PCR plates to form EB with IMDM medium: MDM media + KOSR + NEAA + β-ME + PSA antifungal-antibacterial solution; (2) EB transferred to poly-HEMA-coated flasks; (3) Attached EB (aiMSCs) and Transferred EB (tiMSCs) cultured into gelatin-coated flask with medium + TGF-β1; and (4) Medium switched for DMEM + 10% FBS + L-Glutamine + p/s10Generation of iMSC and repair bone defect60
Eto et al[55], 20181Skin fibroblast(1) iPSCs treated with CTK (collagenase type IV + 0.25% trypsin + KSR) and transferred to petri dishes to form EB with: DMEM/F12 + 20% KOSR + glutamine + NEAA + BMP4 + p/s; (2) Specific Differentiation or Mesodermal Differentiation: EB cultured on collagen-coated plates + αMEM + 10% FBS + bFGF + BMP4 + Activin A + LiCl + p/s; or Neuroepithelial differentiation: αMEM + 10% FBS + β-ME + RA; and (3) FACS: PDGFR-α+ and VEGFR2+ cells resuspended on collagen-coated plates with αMEM + 10% FBS + 20% KOSR10iMSC from mesoderm or neuroepithelium differentiation7
Nachlas et al[51], 20181NA(1) iPSC cultured in suspension (to promote cell aggregate) with differentiation media: KO-DMEM + β-ME + L-Glutamine + 20% FBS + NEAA + p/s, then cells were cultured on gelatin coated plates; and (2) Cells cultured with iMSC media: KO-DMEM + L-Glutamine + 10% FBS + NEAA + p/s12Generation of valve interstitial-like cells from iMSC14
Karam et al[62], 2020PBMC(1) EB cultured into ultra-low attachment plates with differentiation medium: Low-Glucose DMEM + 15% FBS + p/s; (2) Later, RA is added to enhance EB formation; (3) EB plating into gelatin/matrigel coated plates + differentiation medium; and (4) Later bFGF is added14Generation of iMSC and adipocytesNA
Huang et al[63], 2020PBMC(1) iPSC cultured in suspension to form EB; and (2) Cells plated into gelatin-coated plates with α-MEM + FGF2NARepair of acute kidney injuryNA
Table 3 Protocols to produce induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells by Specific Differentiation approaches
iPSC origin
iPSC to iMSC protocol
Wei et al[59], 20121Dermal fibroblasts(1) EB formation through cardiac differentiation protocol involving cardiomyogenic medium CARM: High-Glucose DMEM + L-Glutamine + NEAA + Selenium Transferrin + β-ME + SB 203580 (p38-MAPK inhibitor); and (2) EB plating on gelatin-coated plates with DMEM + 2% FBS21Generation of iMSC64
Fukuta et al[66], 20141Dermal fibroblast(1) Induction of hNCC from iPSC; (2) Cells cultured on fibronectin-coated dishes with STK2 medium + CDM (IMDM/Ham's F-12 + lipid concentrate + apo-transferrin + monothioglycerol + BSA + insulin + p/s) + SB431542 (TGFβ inhibitor) + CHIR (Wnt Agonist); and (3) Cells cultured with αMEM + 10% FBS15iMSC differentiation through neural crest lineage80
Ouchi et al[65], 2016Dermal fibroblast(1) Generation of NCL (neural crest like-cells); and (2) NCL cultured into DMEM/F12 + Neurobasal medium + L-Glutamine + Gem21 Neuroplex + N2 Supplement + hbFGF + hEGF + insulin + p/s10iNCC can develop into iMSC8
Eto et al[55], 20181skin fibroblast(1) iPSCs treated with CTK (collagenase type IV + 0.25% trypsin + KSR) and transferred to petri dishes to form EB with: DMEM/F12 + 20% KOSR + glutamine + NEAA + BMP4 + p/s; (2) Specific Differentiation or Mesodermal Differentiation: EB cultured on collagen-coated plates + αMEM + 10% FBS + bFGF + BMP4 + Activin A + LiCl + p/s or Neuroepithelial differentiation: αMEM + 10% FBS + β-ME + RA; (3) FACS: PDGFR-α+ and VEGFR2+ cells resuspended on collagen-coated plates with αMEM + 10% FBS + 20% KOSRNAiMSC from mesoderm or neuroepithelium differentiation7
Mitsuzawa et al[64], 2019NA(1) Induction of hNCC: CDM (IMDM/Ham's F-12 + lipid concentrate + apo-transferrin+ monothioglycerol + BSA + insulin + p/s) + SB431542 (TGFβ inhibitor) + CHIR (Wnt Agonist)Maintenance in DMEM + 10% FBS + FGF2; and (2) Induction of iMSC with DMEM + 10% FBS + FGF2 on fibronectin coated plates25Hind limb in rat allotransplantation1
Table 4 Protocols to produce induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells by Pathway Inhibitor approaches
iPSC origin
iPSC to iMSC protocol
Chen YS et al[57], 20121Lung fibroblastSB431542 Inhibitor Differentiation Method (feeder free); iPSC cultured in inhibitor differentiation medium: KOSR medium + SB431542 (TGFβ inhibitor)Without bFGF to enhance differentiation; Embryoid body differentiation method: (1) EB formation in KOSR medium; and (2) EB cultured with MSC medium: DMEM + 10% FCS + L-Glutamine + gentamicin + p/s17Generation of iMSC with TGF-beta inhibitor136
Wei et al[59], 20121Dermal fibroblasts(1) EB formation through cardiac differentiation protocol involving cardiomyogenic medium CARM: High-Glucose DMEM + L-Glutamine + NEAA + Selenium Transferrin + β-ME + SB 203580 (p38-MAPK inhibitor); and (2) EB plating on gelatin-coated plates with DMEM + 2% FBS21Generation of iMSC64
Fukuta et al[66], 20141Dermal fibroblast(1) Induction of hNCC from iPSC; (2) Cells cultured on fibronectin-coated dishes with STK2 medium + CDM (IMDM/Ham's F-12 + lipid concentrate + apo-transferrin+ monothioglycerol +BSA + insulin + p/s)+ SB431542 (TGFβ inhibitor) + CHIR (Wnt Agonist); and (3) Cells cultured with αMEM + 10% FBS15iMSC differentiation through neural crest lineage80
Jeong et al[46], 20141NA(1) iPSCs cultured in iMSC-inducing medium: DMEM/F12 + 20% KOSR + SB431542 (TGFβ inhibitor); and (2) EB grown on matrigel + DMEM/F12 + 0.5% BSA + 10% ITS + SB431542. 3. Outgrowth grown with DMEM/F12 + 10% FBS + p/s17Duchene muscular dystrophy17
Zhao et al[67], 2015Blood cells(1) iPSC cultured with mTeSR1 + SB431542 (TGFβ inhibitor) on matrigel-coated plates (7.5% CO2 atmosphere); and (2) Cells cultured with ESC–MSC medium: KO DMEM + KOSR + NEAA + p/s + L-Glutamine + β-ME + bFGF + EGF + SB43154245Tumor tropism of iMSC79
Table 5 Protocols to produce induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells by approaches that use Platelet Lysate
iPSC origin
iPSC to iMSC protocol
Frobel et al[71], 2014BM-MSCs(1) EB formation on ultra-low attachment plates; and (2) Cells cultured with standard medium for MSC: DMEM + L-Glutamine + p/s + hPL + heparin on matrigel-coated wells then passaged on gelatin-coated wells35Epigenetic study of iMSC116
Luzzani et al[72], 2015Foreskin fibroblasts(1) iPSC cultured in matrigel/geltrex-coated dishes with a-MEM + 10% PL + p/s + B7 or DMEM + 10% FBS; and (2) Cells cultured with no-coated dishes20MSC differentiation using platelet lysate26
McGrath et al[54], 20191 Dermal fibroblasts(1) iPSC-MP thawed and expanded in KO DMEM + bFGF + L-Glutamine + MEM NEAA + FBS (20%) + Antibiotic-Antimycotic+ β-ME; and (2) Cell are plated on gelatin coated-plates with DMEM KO + heparin + hPL+ bFGF + L-Glutamine + MEM NEAA + Antibiotic-Antimycotic+ β-MENAiMSC differentiation: GMP-compatible and xeno-free cultivation6
Table 6 Frequency of use of iMSC surface markers
Positive CSM
Negative CSM