©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Stem Cells. Oct 26, 2021; 13(10): 1480-1512
Published online Oct 26, 2021. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v13.i10.1480
Published online Oct 26, 2021. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v13.i10.1480
Table 1 In vivo studies for regenerative medicine of urologic tissues (excluding studies using adipose tissue-derived stem cells) (words used in the PubMed research engine (National Library of Medicine): “Urology” “regeneration” “reconstruction” “stem cells”)
Stem cell type | Organ treated | Pathology | Animal model | Ref. |
AFSC | Bladder | OAB | Rat | [203,204] |
AFSC | Bladder | DUA | Rat | [205] |
AFSC | Bladder | PD | Rat | [206] |
AFSC | Bladder | Stroke | Rat | [203] |
BM-MSC | Bladder | OAB | Rat | [207,208] |
BM-MSC | Bladder | pBOO | Rat | [209] |
BM-MSC | Bladder | IC/BPS | Rat | [210] |
BM-MSC | Bladder | PD | Rat | [206,211] |
BM-MSC | Bladder | SCI | Rat | [212-214] |
BM-MSC | Bladder | Partial cystectomy | Rat | [215] |
BM-MSC | Kidney | Renal regeneration | Mouse | [216] |
BM-MSC | Kidney | CKD | Rat | [69,70] |
BM-MSC | Kidney | AKI | Rat | [7,71] |
BM-MSC | Kidney | AKI | Human | [83] |
BM-MSC | Bladder | Partial cystectomy | Rat | [90] |
BM-MSC | Urinary sphincter | SUI | Rat | [91] |
BM-MSC | Bladder | Hemicystectomy | Dog | [97] |
BM-MSC | Bladder | Augmentation | Rat | [98] |
BM-MSC | Penis | ED | Rat | [217,218] |
BM-MSC | Urethra | Urethroplasty | Rabbit | [103] |
DP-SC | Bladder | IC/BPS | Rat | [219] |
ESC | Kidney | Reconstruction | Rat/mouse | [88] |
ESC-MGE | Bladder | SCI | Mouse | [220] |
ESC-MSC | Bladder | IC/BPS | Rat | [221-223] |
MDC | Bladder | DUA | Rat | [224,225] |
MDC | Bladder | DUA | Mouse | [225] |
NPC | Bladder | SCI | Rat | [226-228] |
OM-SC | Bladder | SCI | Rat | [229] |
Sk-MSC | Bladder | DUA | Rat | [230] |
Sk-MSC | Urinary sphincter | SUI | Monkey | [231] |
Sk-MSC | Urinary sphincter | SUI | Human | [92-94] |
Sk-MSC | Urethra | Urethral defect | Rat | [102] |
UCB-MSC | Bladder | OAB | Rat | [232] |
UCB-MSC | Bladder | IC/BPS | Rat | [233-235] |
UCB-MSC | Bladder | Cerebral Ischemia | Rat | [232] |
USC | Bladder | IC/BPS | Rat | [236] |
USC | Urethra | Urethral defect | Rabbit | [237] |
USC | Penile Cavernous body | ED | Rat | [238] |
USC | Kidney | AKI | Rat | [84] |
USC | Bladder | Augmentation | Rat | [101] |
Table 2 Adipose-derived stromal/stem cells-based preclinical studies for treating urogenital related diseases/pathologies (2016-2021)
Year | Organ/tissue | Disease/method | Animal model | Type of therapy (cell type/host anatomic site) | Cell/molecule concentration | Outcomes | Ref. |
2021 | Kidney | Renal interstitial fibrosis/unilateral urethral obstruction | Nu/nu mice 6–8 week-old males, n = 40 | Injection of genetically modified SC human GDNF-ASCs and non-modified ASCs/intravenous | 5 × 105 cells in 150 μL of saline | Improvement of vascular rarefaction/Renal protection against microvascular injuries/Oxidative stress reduction | Li et al[144], 2021 |
2020 | Kidney injury/ischemia-reperfusion | Wistar rats 100-200 g males, n = 28 | Injection of SC rat ASCs/tail vein | 2 × 106 cells in 1 mL of PBS | Reduction of total tissue damage and urine mineral concentration/ASC anti-inflammatory effects | Changizi-Ashtiyani et al[153], 2020 | |
2020 | Kidney injury/ischemia-reperfusion | SD rats 8–12 week-old males, n = N/S | Injection of epididymal rat ASCs/left kidney | 2 × 106 cells in 100 μL of decellularized kidney ECMH | Epithelial differentiation of post transplanted ASCs/accelerated repair of renal tubular injury via ASC pro-angiogenic molecules | Zhou et al[152], 2020 | |
2020 | Sepsis-induced AKI/cecal ligation and puncture | C57/BL6 mice 6–8 week-old males, n = 140 | Injection of SC human ASCs-derived exosomes/tail vein injection | 100 μg of exosomes in 200 μL of vehicle solution | Exosome protective functions against AKI/apoptosis and inflammation reduction via Sirtuin-1 pathway regulation | Gao et al[149], 2020 | |
2019 | Renal interstitial fibrosis/unilateral ureteral obstruction | Nude mice, n = 12 | Injection of SC human GDNF-ASCs/tail vein | 5 × 105 cells in 150 μL of vehicle solution | Macrophage transition from inflammatory (M1) to reparative (M2) phenotype/reduction of renal fibrosis and inflammation | Wang et al[143], 2019 | |
2019 | Diabetic nephropathy/induced diabetes | C57BL/KsJ db/db mice 8 week-old males, n = 20 | Injection of SC murine ASCs-derived exosomes/tail vein | N/S | Attenuation of spontaneous diabetes and nephropathy by reduced proteins levels in the urine of treated mice | Jin et al[148], 2019 | |
2017 | Renal interstitial fibrosis/unilateral ureteral obstruction | Wistar rats 6 week-old males, n = 45 | Injection of epididymal rat ASCs/tail vein | 5 × 106 cells in 1 mL of vehicle solution | Significantly reduced EMT and inflammatory response via TGF-β1 signaling pathway inhibition in treated rats | Song et al[140], 2017 | |
2017 | Chronic kidney injury/adenine intoxication | Wistar rats 250 g males, n = 12 | Injection of SC human ASCs/tail vein | 2 × 106 cells in vehicle solution | Reduction of kidney fibrosis/improved creatine and urea in serum/significantly lower expression of profibrogenic genes in treated rats | Rivera-Valdes et al[141], 2017 | |
2017 | Acute kidney injury/ischemia-reperfusion | SD rats 220-250 g males, n = 32 | Injection of perinephric human ASCs or SVF/intra-parenchymal | 2 × 106 cells in 100 μL of PBS | SVF and ASCs equally improved renal injury by promoting cell proliferation and decreasing tubular injury and cell apoptosis | Zhou et al[146], 2017 | |
2016 | Acute kidney injury/ischemia-reperfusion | SD rats 250-300 g males, n = 72 | Injection of rat ASCs/tail vein | 1 × 106 cells in vehicle solution | Significantly lower kidney injury scores at days 1 and 3 post-treatment/not significant improvement at day 7 post-treatment | Sheashaa et al[145], 2016 | |
2016 | Acute kidney injury/IRI | SD rats 320-350 g males, n = 40 | Injection of epididymal rat ASCs and ASCs-derived exosomes/intravenous | 1.2 × 106 cells + 100 μg of ASCs-derived exosomes | Combined ASCs and exosomes confer higher kidney protection towards IRI than either one alone | Lin et al[147], 2016 | |
2016 | Chronic kidney disease/already present | Cats (various sex, age and breeds), n = 8 | Injection of allogenic cryopreserved feline ASCs/cephalic vein | 2 × 106 cells per kg in vehicle solution | No significant improvement of renal functions between treated and control groups/not adverse side effects noticed using allogenic ASCs | Quimby et al[150], 2016 | |
2018 | Urethra | Stress Urinary Incontinence/pudendal nerve transection | SD rats adult females, n = 48 | Injection of exosomes derived from SC human ASCs/peripheral urethral | 50 μg of exosomes in 50 μL of saline | Increased bladder capacity and leak point pressure/higher muscle fiber and nerve fiber regeneration | Ni et al[171], 2018 |
2018 | Stress Urinary Incontinence/pudendal nerve transaction | SD rats 6-7 week-old females, n = 144 | Injection of inguinal rat ASCs/transurethral sphincter | 1 × 106 cells in 400 μL of D-Hanks’s solution | ASCs in vivo viability 60 d post-implantation/higher content of striated muscle in the urethra/higher values of leak point pressure | Cui et al[170], 2018 | |
2018 | Urethral stricture/N/S | SD rats, N/S | Injection of miR-21 modified SC human ASCs/ urethral wall | 1 × 106 cells in 100 μL of saline | miR-27 cells increased epithelium and smooth muscle layer formation compared to normal ASCs/improve the epithelial wound healing microenvironment | Feng et al[168], 2018 | |
2016 | Urethral fibrosis/TGF-β1 induced model | SD rats 300 g males, n = 18 | Injection of inguinal rat ASCs/urethra | 2 × 105 cells in 50 μL of saline | Significantly decreased fibrosis evaluated by reduced collagen type I and III expression | Sangkum et al[167], 2016 | |
2016 | Urethral stricture/induced by TGF-β1 and surgical incision | SD rats 300-350 g males, n = 36 | Injection of SC human ASCs/urethral wall | 1 × 106 cells in 100 μL of PBS | Increased bladder capacity (50%)/wider urethral lumen/decreased expression of fibrosis-related genes | Castiglione et al[166], 2016 |
Table 3 Preclinical studies of urogenital related pathologies/disease using adipose-derived stromal/stem cells in tissue engineering (2016-2020)
Year | Organ/tissue | Approach | Animal model | Substitute implantation (cell type and scaffold/host anatomic site) | Cell concentration per scaffold | Outcomes | Ref. |
2020 | Kidney | Diabetic nephropathy/unilateral nephrectomy | SDT fatty rats 5-week-old males, n = 21 | SC rat ASCs three-layer sheets/renal capsule transplantation | 1 × 106 cells in 35-mm culture dish/sheet | 14-d survival of transplanted sheets/significantly lower urinary TNF-α levels/maintained renal tubular structure in treated rats | Takemura et al[155], 2020 |
2018 | Kidney reconstruction | Wistar rats 6-8 week-old males | Inguinal rat ASCs seeded onto a rat decellularized kidney/no implantation | 1 × 107 cells in 2 ml of culture medium per decellularized kidney | ASCs differentiated into endothelial and tubular cells after 5 d of culture/few cells attached to the scaffold after 10 d | Xue et al[154], 2018 | |
2016 | Ureter | Artificial ureter injury/surgical excision | New Zealand white rabbits3.5 kg females, n = 20 | Smooth muscle like-cells from SC rabbit ASCs seeded onto ventral aorta/decellularized matrix/graft placed over ureter defect | N/S | Seeded ASCs showed urothelial and smooth muscle-like cells phenotype in the ureter substitute 8 wk after implantation | Zhao et al[165], 2016 |
2020 | Bladder | Complete bladder removal/surgical excision | SD rats 300 g adult females, n = 9 | SFP human ASCs seeded onto a decellularized rat bladder matrix/bladder transplantation | 1 × 106 cells in 500 μL of cells suspension/bladder scaffold | Acquisition of a smooth muscle-like phenotype of seeded ASCs seeded/ASC paracrine effect increased vascularization and innervation | Moreno-Manzano et al[163], 2020 |
2020 | Sub-totally resected urinary bladder/upper two-thirds bladder excision | Athymic rats 200 g adult females, n = 9 | Smooth muscle-like cells from SC human ASCs seeded onto 3-layer PLGA sheet/bladder graft anastomosis | 1 × 106 cells mixed with 500 μL of human plasma/scaffold | Complete bladder regeneration and functionality restoration/fusion of smooth muscle-like cells in the regenerated muscular layer | Salem et al[162], 2020 | |
2019 | Bladder injury/surgical incision(1 cm) | SD rats 6-week-old females, n = 48 | Inguinal rat ASCs cells and PGA combined sheets/bladder patch anastomose | 1 × 105 cells/cm2 per sheet reconstruction | Patches promote urothelium, smooth muscle, neural and blood vessel regeneration/restored bladder function | Wang et al[151], 2019 | |
2018 | Bladder augmentation/cystotomy incision (1 cm) | SD rats 8 week-old males, n = 34 | Inguinal rat ASCs seeded onto PCL-Chitosan scaffold/bladder substitute anastomose | 15 × 107 cells/mL per scaffold | Higher smooth-muscle regeneration from ASCs/larger bladder capacity/increased angiogenesis | Zhou et al[161], 2018 | |
2017 | Bladder augmentation/surgical incision(1 cm) | SD rats 8 week-old females, n = 46 | SC rat ASCs seeded onto an AM-SF scaffold/bladder substitute anastomose | 10 × 107 cells/mL in 40 μL of saline per scaffold | Bladder capacity augmentation (30%)/relatively normal micturition pattern/ASC viability after 12 wk of implantation | Wang et al[157], 2017 | |
2017 | Bladder augmentation/surgical incision (1 cm) | SD rats 8 week-old males, n = 30 | Inguinal rat ASCs seeded onto a BAMG-SF scaffold/bladder substitute anastomosis | 50 μL of cell suspension at 1 × 108 cells/mL per scaffold | Higher bladder capacity (2.3-fold)/Enhanced VEGF angiogenic potential by ERK ½ phosphorylation | Xiao et al[160], 2017 | |
2017 | Augmentation cystoplasty/surgical incision (1 cm) | SD rats 8 week-old males, n = 30 | Rat ASCs encapsulated in an ADA/GEL seeded onto a porcine BAMG/bladder substitute anastomosis | 100 μL of encapsulated cells at a 1 × 106/mL concentration per scaffold | Morphological bladder restoration by enhanced scaffold degradation/enhanced VEGF-mediated angiogenesis and smooth muscle regeneration in treated rats | Xiao et al[210], 2017 | |
2016 | Bladder augmentation/surgical incision (1 cm) | SD rats immunocompetent 36 week-old males, n = 30 | Inguinal rat ASCs seeded onto a porcine BAMG/Bladder substitute anastomosis | 15 × 107/mL cell suspension per scaffold | Greater bladder capacity in experimental group/equal urothelial regeneration in the treated and non-treated groups at 4- and 14-wk post-implantation | Zhe et al[156], 2016 | |
2016 | Partial cystectomy/half upper bladder transection | Beagle dogs 10-12 Kg males, n = 12 | Human ASCs seeded onto a whole porcine BAMG/scaffold grafted onto bladders’ dome | 1 × 105 cells per cm2 of each scaffold | Complete urothelial coverage of seeded and unseeded bladder after 6 mo/higher capillary density and smooth muscle organization in treated dogs’ bladder | Hou et al[159], 2016 | |
2020 | Urethra | Urethral injury/surgically induced | New Zealand white rabbits 9-week-old males, n = 24 | SC rabbit ASCs seeded onto a human DAM scaffold/urethral graft | 1 × 106 cells per scaffold | Higher number of urethras healed following seeding of ASCs onto DAM | Hariastawa et al[172], 2020 |
2020 | Urethral injury/surgically induced (2 cm × 0.6 cm) | New Zealand white rabbits males, n = 15 | Inguinal rabbit ASCs seeded in a nanofibrous scaffold/graft placed over urethral defect | 1 × 107 cells per scaffold | Hypoxia preconditioning of ASCs increased urethral lumen diameter/preserved morphology/enhanced angiogenesis | Wan et al[173], 2020 |
Table 4 Preclinical studies for treatment of urogenital related diseases using dedifferentiated fat cells
Year | Disease/injury | Animal model | Type of therapy (cell type/injection site) | Cell concentration | Outcomes | Ref. |
2016 | VUR | SD rats 8 week-old females weighing 200 g, n = 10 | Injection of undifferentiated rat DFAT cells/bilateral vesicoureteral junction | 1 × 106 cells in 30 μL of saline | Significant amelioration of VUR in treated rats/nephroprotective effects in rats | Ikado et al[178], 2016 |
2015 | Immunologically induced glomerulonephritis and adriamycin induced nephropathy | Wistar rats, males weighing 250 g, n = 64 | Injection of undifferentiated rat DFAT cells/RA or TV | 1 × 106 cells in 20 μL of saline | TV DFAT cell injection showed lower proteinuria and renal degeneration than direct cell implantation/DFAT immunosuppressive effects significantly reduced glomerulonephritis in treated rats | Maruyama et al[177], 2015 |
2011 | Urethral sphincter injury by VD | SD rats 8 week-old females, n = 16 | Injection of undifferentiated rat DFAT cells/paraurethral connective tissue at mid-urethra | 1 × 106 cells in 20 μL of saline | Sphincter muscle regeneration by DFAT cell therapy/improvement of “lowered leak point” | Obinata et al[176], 2011 |
2009 | Cryo-injured bladder wall (2 mm diameter) | C57BL/6 mice 8-9 week-old males, n = 10 | Injection of smooth muscle-like cells differentiated from human DFAT cells/bladder wall | 1 × 106 cells in 20 μL of Hanks’ balanced solution | DFAT differentiation potential into smooth muscle-like cells/approximately 2-fold higher αSMA expressing cells in scar tissue 30 d post-injection in treated mice | Sakuma et al[175], 2009 |
- Citation: Caneparo C, Sorroza-Martinez L, Chabaud S, Fradette J, Bolduc S. Considerations for the clinical use of stem cells in genitourinary regenerative medicine. World J Stem Cells 2021; 13(10): 1480-1512
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