Case Report
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World J Gastroenterol. May 14, 2008; 14(18): 2935-2938
Published online May 14, 2008. doi: 10.3748/wjg.14.2935
Hepatic angiosarcoma manifested as recurrent hemoperitoneum
Seung-Woo Lee, Chun-Young Song, Young-Hwa Gi, Sang-Beom Kang, Yon-Soo Kim, Soon-Woo Nam, Dong-Soo Lee, Jong-Ok Kim
Seung-Woo Lee, Chun-Young Song, Young-Hwa Gi, Sang-Beom Kang, Yon-Soo Kim, Soon-Woo Nam, Dong-Soo Lee, Division of Gasroenterology and Hepatology, Departments of Internal Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine, Seoul 301-723, Korea
Jong-Ok Kim, Department of pathology, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine, Seoul 301-723, Korea
Author contributions: Lee SW mainly wrote the manuscript; Lee DS revised the manuscript; Song CY, Gi YH, Kang SB, Kim YS and Nam SW were involved in the care of the patient; Kim JO is the pathologist who studied the specimen.
Correspondence to: Dr. Dong-Soo Lee, Division of Gastro-enterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Dae Jeon St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, 520-2 Dae Heung Dong, Joong Gu, Dae Jeon, Seoul 301-723, Korea.
Telephone: +82-42-2209825
Fax: +82-42-2526807
Received: November 27, 2007
Revised: February 29, 2008
Published online: May 14, 2008

Angiosarcoma is a rare tumor that account for less than 1% of all sarcomas. Although hepatic angiosarcoma usually presents with unspecific symptoms, it rapidly progresses and has a high mortality. We report a rare case of primary hepatic angiosarcoma manifested as recurrent hemoperitoneum.

Keywords: Angiosarcoma; Hemoperitoneum; Primary hepatic tumor