- Role of cytochrome P450 polymorphisms and functions in development of ulcerative colitis
- Browse: 659 Download: 822 Issue Date: 2019-06-21
- Diagnosis and therapeutic strategies for small bowel vascular lesions
- Browse: 952 Download: 706 Issue Date: 2019-06-14
- Proton pump inhibitors and dysbiosis: Current knowledge and aspects to be clarified
- Browse: 762 Download: 720 Issue Date: 2019-06-14
- Which factors determine exocrine pancreatic dysfunction in diabetes mellitus?
- Browse: 663 Download: 964 Issue Date: 2019-06-14
- Colorectal cancer screening from 45 years of age: Thesis, antithesis and synthesis
- Browse: 927 Download: 1156 Issue Date: 2019-06-06
- Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges of gastrointestinal angiodysplasias: A critical review and view points
- Browse: 789 Download: 603 Issue Date: 2019-06-06
- Predicting (side) effects for patients with inflammatory bowel disease: The promise of pharmacogenetics
- Browse: 647 Download: 583 Issue Date: 2019-06-06
- Contribution of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy to survival and quality of life in patients with pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
- Browse: 1055 Download: 877 Issue Date: 2019-05-28
- Optimizing radiotherapy with immune checkpoint blockade in hepatocellular carcinoma
- Browse: 726 Download: 743 Issue Date: 2019-05-28
- From 2-dimensional to 3-dimensional: Overcoming dilemmas in intestinal mucosal interpretation
- Browse: 671 Download: 848 Issue Date: 2019-05-28
- Congenital peritoneal encapsulation: A review and novel classification system
- Browse: 685 Download: 747 Issue Date: 2019-05-20
- Mechanisms of hepatocellular carcinoma progression
- Browse: 718 Download: 764 Issue Date: 2019-05-20
- Cyst fluid glucose: An alternative to carcinoembryonic antigen for pancreatic mucinous cysts
- Browse: 629 Download: 716 Issue Date: 2019-05-20
- Diversity of Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 mechanisms of action against intestinal infections
- Browse: 720 Download: 627 Issue Date: 2019-05-14
- Harnessing the potential of gene editing technology using CRISPR in inflammatory bowel disease
- Browse: 659 Download: 712 Issue Date: 2019-05-14
- Inflammatory bowel diseases and spondyloarthropathies: From pathogenesis to treatment
- Browse: 686 Download: 736 Issue Date: 2019-05-14
- Alteration of the esophageal microbiota in Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma
- Browse: 661 Download: 930 Issue Date: 2019-05-14
- Recent advances in gastric cancer early diagnosis
- Browse: 782 Download: 831 Issue Date: 2019-05-05
- Microbial metabolites in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Browse: 627 Download: 888 Issue Date: 2019-05-05
- Central role of Yes-associated protein and WW-domain-containing transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif in pancreatic cancer development
- Browse: 562 Download: 614 Issue Date: 2019-04-18