Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Virol. Sep 25, 2023; 12(4): 221-232
Published online Sep 25, 2023. doi: 10.5501/wjv.v12.i4.221
Table 1 Baseline biodemographic characteristics of hospitalized coronavirus disease 2019 patients with and without alcohol-associated cirrhosis, n (%)
Alcoholic cirrhosis
No alcoholic cirrhosis (before matching)
P value
No alcoholic cirrhosis (after matching)
P value
Total hospitalizations13257366851135
Age groups (yr)< 0.001< 0.001
    18-3430 (2.3)36860 (5.0)60 (5.3)
    34-49195 (14.7)105475 (14.3)205 (18.1)
    50-64625 (47.2)213325 (29.0)435 (38.3)
    65-79375 (28.3)242015 (32.9)350 (30.8)
    ≥ 80100 (7.5)139010 (18.9)85 (7.5)
Gender< 0.0010.31
    Male930 (70.2)380300 (51.6)775 (68.3)
    Female395 (29.8)356385 (48.4)360 (31.7)
Race< 0.001< 0.001
    White580 (43.8)388810 (52.8)515 (45.4)
    Black145 (10.9)129635 (17.6)180 (15.9)
    Hispanic440 (33.2)156285 (21.2)295 (26.0)
    Asian25 (1.9)25065 (3.4)35 (3.1)
    Native American65 (4.9)6500 (0.9)55 (4.8)
    Other70 (5.3)30390 (4.1)55 (4.8)
Elixhauser Comorbidity Index score< 0.001< 0.001
    00 (0.0)44530 (6.0)25 (2.2)
    10 (0.0)98560 (13.4)70 (6.2)
    215 (1.1)141150 (19.2)1040 (91.6)
    ≥ 31310 (98.9)452445 (61.4)25 (2.2)
Region of hospital< 0.0010.008
    Northeast280 (21.1)133450 (18.1)245 (21.6)
    Midwest250 (18.9)168480 (22.9)275 (24.2)
    South430 (32.5)309115 (42.0)335 (29.5)
    West365 (27.5)125640 (17.1)280 (24.7)
Location/teaching status of hospital< 0.0010.009
    Rural65 (4.9)88910 (12.1)75 (6.6)
    Urban nonteaching180 (13.6)147560 (20.0)115 (10.1)
    Urban teaching1080 (81.5)500215 (67.9)945 (83.3)
Primary payer< 0.0010.030
    Medicare570 (43.0)369155 (50.1)455 (40.1)
    Medicaid420 (31.7)93610 (12.7)385 (33.9)
    Private250 (18.9)243440 (33.0)245 (21.6)
    Other85 (6.4)30480 (4.1)50 (4.4)
Median household income national quartile for patient ZIP code0.0740.31
    1st (0-25th)480 (36.2)249205 (33.8)445 (39.2)
    2nd (26th-50th)335 (25.3)203325 (27.6)280 (24.7)
    3rd (51st-75th)310 (23.4)163695 (22.2)235 (20.7)
    4th (76th-100th)200 (15.1)120460 (16.4)175 (15.4)
Disposition of patient< 0.0010.024
    Discharged to home or self-care (routine discharge)685 (51.7)445390 (60.5)555 (48.9)
    Transfer to short-term hospital40 (3.0)21910 (3.0)20 (1.8)
    Transfer other: Skilled nursing facility, intermediate care facility, or another type of facility235 (17.7)98350 (13.4)205 (18.1)
    Home health care120 (9.1)99700 (13.5)145 (12.8)
    Against medical advice50 (3.8)7535 (1.0)40 (3.5)
    Died during hospitalization195 (14.7)63625 (8.6)170 (15.0)
Day of admission0.430.27
    Weekday990 (74.7)543410 (73.8)870 (76.7)
    Weekend335 (25.3)193275 (26.2)265 (23.3)
Mechanical ventilation130 (9.8)43865 (6.0)< 0.001140 (12.3)0.046
ICU admission140 (10.6)43120 (5.9)< 0.001120 (10.6)1.00
Vasopressor requirement30 (2.3)9345 (1.3)< 0.00130 (2.6)0.54
Age in years at admission, median (IQR)60.0 (54.0, 67.0)65.0 (53.0, 77.0)< 0.00161.0 (51.0, 72.0)0.65
Length of stay in days, median (IQR)5.0 (3.0, 9.0)5.0 (3.0, 8.0)0.0166.0 (3.0, 11.0)0.1
Total hospital charges in USD, median (IQR)44739.0 (24963.0, 80405.0)39061.0 (22215.0, 71177.0)< 0.00149862.0 (25884.0, 90286.0)0.098
Table 2 Inpatient outcomes of coronavirus disease 2019 patients with and without alcohol-associated cirrhosis, n (%)
Alcoholic cirrhosis
No alcoholic cirrhosis (before matching)
P value
No alcoholic cirrhosis (after matching)
P value
Asthma exacerbation5 (0.4)13170 (1.8)< 0.0015 (0.4)0.81
ARDS80 (6.0)31970 (4.3)0.002100 (8.8)0.008
Type I respiratory failure545 (41.1)379975 (51.6)< 0.001475 (41.9)0.72
Type II respiratory failure15 (1.1)7640 (1.0)0.7315 (1.3)0.67
Bacterial pneumonia10 (0.8)6005 (0.8)0.8110 (0.9)0.73
    Klebsiella pneumonia0 (0.0)1425 (0.2)0.110 (0.0)-
    Streptococcus pneumonia0 (0.0)805 (0.1)0.230 (0.0)-
    Staphylococcus pneumonia5 (0.4)3850 (0.5)0.4610 (0.9)0.11
    Hemophilus pneumonia5 (0.4)300 (< 1)< 0.0010 (0.0)-
Anosmia0 (0.0)1240 (0.2)0.140 (0.0)-
Hemorrhagic CVA0 (0.0)615 (0.1)0.290 (0.0)-
Ischemic CVA0 (0.0)475 (0.1)0.360 (0.0)-
Dysgeusia0 (0.0)695 (0.1)0.260 (0.0)-
Diarrhea80 (6.0)44110 (6.0)0.9465 (5.7)0.74
Septic shock75 (5.7)21780 (3.0)< 0.00147 (4.1)0.007
SVT30 (2.3)9375 (1.3)0.00125 (2.2)0.92
VT20 (1.5)10065 (1.4)0.6540 (3.5)0.001
Vfib/Vflutter5 (0.4)1315 (0.2)0.0870 (0.0)0.038
Afib175 (13.2)77340 (10.5)0.001100 (8.8)< 0.001
Aflutter115 (8.7)47410 (6.4)< 0.00150 (4.4)< 0.001
First-degree AV nodal block10 (0.8)3250 (0.4)0.0860 (0.0)0.003
Second-degree AV nodal block0 (0.0)1515 (0.2)0.0980 (0.0)-
Complete AV nodal block0 (0.0)1375 (0.2)0.1210 (0.9)< 0.001
ECMO0 (0.0)120 (< 1)0.640 (0.0)-
Total acute VTE50 (3.8)26120 (3.5)0.6575 (6.6)0.001
Portal venous thrombosis5 (0.4)190 (< 1)< 0.00115 (1.3)0.009
Budd Chiari0 (0.0)35 (< 1)0.800 (0.0)-
Upper extremity VTE20 (1.5)1960 (0.3)< 0.0010 (0.0)< 0.001
Lower extremity VTE10 (0.8)8050 (1.1)0.2410 (0.9)0.73
Other VTE10 (0.8)1285 (0.2)< 0.0015 (0.4)0.32
Pulmonary embolism20 (1.5)18055 (2.5)0.02750 (4.4)< 0.001
Variceal bleeding50 (3.8)100 (< 1)< 0.0010 (0.0)< 0.001
Hepatorenal syndrome5 (0.4)140 (< 1)< 0.00115 (1.3)0.009
Hyponatremia325 (24.5)123080 (16.7)< 0.001285 (25.1)0.74
Pulmonary hypertension280 (21.1)1210 (0.2)< 0.00175 (6.6)< 0.001
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis15 (1.1)35 (< 1)< 0.0015 (0.4)0.057
Acute liver failure4 (0.34)303 (0.45)< 0.0014 (0.30)0.82
New HD2 (0.15)750 (0.11)< 0.0010 (0)0.1
Table 3 Inpatient mortality predictors for coronavirus disease 2019 patients with alcohol-associated cirrhosis (after matching)
Odds ratios
P value
Alcohol-associated cirrhosis0.82 (0.64-1.05)0.12
Cardiac arrhythmias2.34 (1.38-3.97)0.002
Coagulopathy1.87 (1.28-2.73)0.001
Protein-calorie malnutrition5.96 (3.67-9.68)< 0.001
Fluid and electrolyte disorders1.56 (1.05-2.32)0.027
Septic shock18.77 (10.02-35.13)< 0.001
Atrial fibrillation2.01 (1.11-3.63)0.020
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis4.28 (0.91-20.1)0.065
Upper extremity venous thromboembolism11.38 (3.65-35.46)< 0.001
Increasing age1.06 (1.04-1.07)< 0.001