Copyright ©The Author(s) 2019.
World J Radiol. Mar 28, 2019; 11(3): 27-45
Published online Mar 28, 2019. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v11.i3.27
Table 1 Diffusion weighted derived parameters of different model analysis
Mono-exponential model
ADCApparent diffusion coefficientExponential signal decay of water molecules in a voxel by voxel basis.
IVIM-derived parameters
DTrue diffusion of H2O moleculesNot influenced by movement of water molecules within capillaries
fPerfusion contribution to diffusion signalFractional volume of flowing water molecules within capillaries
DPerfusion contribution to diffusion signal decayAmount of non-diffusional random movements of water molecules
DKI-derived parameters
DappApparent diffusionEstimation of diffusion coefficient in the direction parallel to the orientation of diffusion sensitizing agents
KappApparent diffusional kurtosisMeasures the deviation of the true diffusion from a Gaussian pattern.
DTI-derived parameters
MDMean diffusivityReflects the average diffusion of water molecules in all three directions.
FAFractional anisotropyMeasures the extent to which diffusion is non-uniform in the three orthogonal directions.
Table 2 Perfusion weighted imaging derived parameters
Semiquantitative parameters
Initial area under the curveInclude information of blood flow, blood volume, permeability, extravascular–extracellular space volume and microvessel density.
Time to peakDepends on tissue perfusion
Wash inRepresents velocity of enhancement
Wash outRepresents velocity of enhancement loss
Quantitative parameters
KtransInflux volume transfer constant of a contrast agent from the vascular compartment to the interstitial space
VeVolume of extravascular–extracellular space per unit of tumor volume
VpBlood plasma volume
KepRate constant between extravascular-extracelular space and plasma
Table 3 Masaoka–Koga staging system
StageDegree of invasion5 yr survival rate (%)
ITumor completely encapsulated96-100
IIaMicroscopic tumor invasion into the capsule86-95
IIbTumor invasion into the surrounding fat
IIITumor invasion into surrounding organ such as the pericardium, great vessel or lung56-69
IVaPleural or pericardial dissemination11-50
IVbLymphatic or hematogeneous metastasis
Table 4 The tumor node metastasis staging system by International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group
TNM staging
T1aEncapsulated or unencapsulated tumor, with or without extension into fatXXX
T1bInvasion of mediastinal pleuraXXX
T2Invasion of pericardiumXXX
T3Involvement of lung, chest wall, phrenic nerve, brachiocephalic vein, superior vena cava, or hilar (extrapericardial) pulmonary vesselsXXX
T4Invasion of thoracic aorta, arch vessels, main pulmonary artery, trachea, esophagus, or myocardiumXXX
N0No lymph node metastasisXXXXXX
N1Involvement of anterior (perithymic) lymph nodesXX
N2Involvement of deep intrathoracic or cervical lymph nodesX
Metastasis (M) descriptorIIIIIIAIIIBIVAIVB
M0No MetastasisXXXXX (N1)X (N2)
M1aPleural or pericardial metastatic nodule or lesionsX (N0,1)X (N2)
M1bPulmonary intraparenchymal metastastic nodule or distant organ metastasisX (any T, N)
Table 5 Treatment monitoring and recurrence behavior
Good responsePoor response
T2WINo tumor ↑ SI in bone marrowResidual/↑soft tissue mass ↑ extent bone marrow invasion
DCE-MRI↓ slope/absent enhancementPersistent / ↑ enhancement
MRS↑ Choline peak↓ Choline peak