Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Sep 27, 2024; 16(9): 2860-2869
Published online Sep 27, 2024. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v16.i9.2860
Table 1 Baseline data of patients and pre-treatment liver function levels (n = 165)
Clinical data
Number of cases (%)
    < 60 years old92 (55.8)
    ≥ 60 years old73 (44.2)
    Male126 (76.4)
    Female39 (23.6)
Viral hepatitis
    Hepatitis B119 (72.2)
    Hepatitis C37 (22.4)
    Hepatitis B comorbidities3 (1.8)
    Hepatitis C
    None6 (3.6)
    A-level136 (82.4)
    B/C level27/2 (16.4/1.2)
Tumor staging
    0/A/B5/62/65 (3.0/37.6/39.4)
    C/D30/3 (18.2/1.8)
Tumor size
    < 5 cm119 (72.1)
    ≥ 5 cm46 (27.9)
Number of tumors
    Single shot86 (52.1)
    Multiple occurrences79 (47.9)
Lymph node metastasis
    Yes23 (13.9)
    No142 (86.1)
Distant metastasis
    Yes11 (6.7)
    No154 (93.3)
    ≤ 35 L/I63 (38.2)
    > 35 U/I102 (61.8)
    ≤ 40 I/I49 (29.7)
    > 40 U/L116 (70.3)
    ≤ 135 U/I127 (77.0)
    > 135 L/I38 (23.0)
    ≤ 45 U/I65 (39.4)
    > 45 L/I100 (60.6)
    ≥ 4300 IL/I100 (60.6)
    < 4300 IL/I65 (39.4)
    ≤ 30 μmol/L136 (82.4)
    > 30 μmol/L29 (17.6)
    ≥ 40 g/L52 (31.5)
    < 40 g/L113 (68.5)
Hepatic encephalopathy
    Yes7 (4.2)
    No158 (95.8)
    Yes38 (23.0)
    No127 (77.0)
Portal vein cancer thrombus
    Yes8 (4.8)
    No157 (95.2)
Table 2 Univariate and multivariate analysis of serum alkaline phosphatase and γ-glutamyltransferase levels and overall survival before treatment
Single factor analysis (95%CI)
P value
Multivariate analysis (95%CI)
P value
ALP (> 135 U/L vs ≤ 135 U/L1.988 (1.313-3.008)0.0011.766 (1.068-2.921)0.027
GGT (> 45 U/L vs ≤ 45 U/L)2.816 (1.741-4.556)0.0012.312 (1.367-3.912)0.002
Cholinesterase (< 4300 U/L vs ≥ 4300 U/L)1.948 (1.328-2.857)0.0011.312 (0.815-2.113)0.264
ALT (> 40 U/L vs ≤ 40 U/L)1.716 (1.125-2.617)0.0121.531 (0.933-2.511)0.092
AST (> 35 U/L vs ≤ 35 U/L)1.479 (0.937-2.334)0.0930.819 (0.483-1.390)0.460
TBil (> 30 μmol/L vs ≤ 30 μmol/L)2.098 (1.338-3.288)0.0011.202 (0.689-2.096)0.518
Alb (< 40 g/L vs ≥ 40 g/L)1.274 (0.830-1.956)0.2690.814 (0.502-1.319)0.403
Table 3 Univariate and multivariate analysis of serum alkaline phosphatase and γ-glutamyltransferase levels and progression free survival
Single factor analysis (95%CI)
P value
Multivariate analysis (95%CI)
P value
ALP (> 135 U/L vs ≤ 135 U/L)2.269 (1.536-3.352)< 0.0011.653 (1.001-2.729)0.049
GGT (> 45 U/L vs ≤ 45 U/L2.147 (1.470-3.134< 0.0011.949 (1.296-2.930)0.001
Cholinesterase (< 4300 U/L vs ≥ 4300 U/L)1.343 (0.945-1.910)0.1000.956 (0.623-1.469)0.839
ALT (> 40 U/L vs ≤ 40 U/L)1.121 (0.782-1.6090.5341.046 (0.689-1.588)0.834
AST (> 35 U/L vs ≤ 35 U/L)1.103 (0.747-1.6290.6210.776 (0.487-1.237)0.286
TBil (> 30 μmol/L vs ≤ 30 μmol/L)2.020 (1.329-3.072)0.0011.335 (0.765-2.329)0.309
Alb (< 40 g/L vs ≥ 40 g/L)1.464 (0.994-2.156)0.0541.119 (0.727-1.722)0.60 g
Table 4 Relationship between serum alkaline phosphatase and γ-glutamyltransferase levels before treatment and clinical characteristics
ALP ≤ 135 U/L (n = 127)
ALP > 135 U/L (n = 38)
P value
GGT ≤ 45 U/L (n = 65)
GGT > 45 U/L (n = 100)
P value
Age (< 60 years vs ≥ 60 years)68/5924/141.0960.29532/3360/401.8520.174
Gender (female vs male)102/2524/144.7700.02949/1677/230.0570.811
Tumor staging (0/A/B vs C/D)103/2429/90.4190.51858/774/266.1880.013
Child-Puch grading (A vs B/C)118/918/2041.881< 0.00150/6274/2612.436< 0.001
Tumor size (< 5 cm vs ≥ 5 cm)92/3527/110.0280.86754/1165/356.4020.011
Number of tumors (single vs multiple)66/6120/180.0050.94338/2748/521.7280.189
Lymph node metastasis (Y vs N)16/1117/310.8270.3635/6018/823.4890.062
Remote metastasis (Y vs N)10/1171/371.2920.2563/628/920.7250.394
Hepatic encephalopathy (Y vs N)4/1233/351.6210.2030/657/934.7520.029
Ascites (Y vs N)22/10516/2210.1340.00112/5326/741.2630.26
Portal vein cancer thrombus (Y vs N)6/1212/360.0180.8921/647/932.5470.111