- Management of antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy in endoscopy: A review of literature
- Browse: 510 Download: 576 Issue Date: 2020-06-16
- Potential role of new technological innovations in non-variceal hemorrhage
- Browse: 867 Download: 1026 Issue Date: 2019-08-16
- Should a fully covered self-expandable biliary metal stent be anchored with a double-pigtail plastic stent? A retrospective study
- Browse: 840 Download: 1381 Issue Date: 2019-05-16
- Comprehensive review on endoscopic ultrasonography biliary drainage
- Browse: 892 Download: 852 Issue Date: 2019-05-16
- Endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage: A change in paradigm?
- Browse: 1045 Download: 814 Issue Date: 2019-05-16
- Role of endoscopic vacuum therapy in the management of gastrointestinal transmural defects
- Browse: 881 Download: 947 Issue Date: 2019-05-16
- Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty: From whence we came and where we are going
- Browse: 638 Download: 1096 Issue Date: 2019-05-16
- Age, socioeconomic features, and clinical factors predict receipt of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in pancreatic cancer
- Browse: 599 Download: 1144 Issue Date: 2019-02-16
- Endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage of the biliary system: Techniques, indications and future perspectives
- Browse: 605 Download: 915 Issue Date: 2019-02-16
- Radiofrequency and malignant biliary strictures: An update
- Browse: 507 Download: 857 Issue Date: 2019-02-16
- Role of endoscopy in the management of primary sclerosing cholangitis
- Browse: 494 Download: 1004 Issue Date: 2019-02-16
- Role of endoscopy in acute gastrointestinal bleeding in real clinical practice: An evidence-based review
- Browse: 516 Download: 899 Issue Date: 2019-02-16
- Early vs late endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in patients with acute cholangitis: A nationwide analysis
- Browse: 558 Download: 954 Issue Date: 2019-01-16
- Role of digital single-operator cholangioscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of biliary disorders
- Browse: 594 Download: 993 Issue Date: 2019-01-16
- Pancreatoscopy: An up-date
- Browse: 553 Download: 899 Issue Date: 2019-01-16
- Difficult biliary cannulation: Historical perspective, practical updates, and guide for the endoscopist
- Browse: 601 Download: 700 Issue Date: 2019-01-16
- Routine surveillance endoscopy before and after sleeve gastrectomy?
- Browse: 608 Download: 948 Issue Date: 2019-01-16
- Comparison between endoscopic sphincterotomy vs endoscopic sphincterotomy associated with balloon dilation for removal of bile duct stones: A systematic review and meta-analysis based on randomized controlled trials
- Browse: 731 Download: 833 Issue Date: 2018-08-17
- Severity of gastric mucosal atrophy affects the healing speed of post-endoscopic submucosal dissection ulcers
- Browse: 919 Download: 1253 Issue Date: 2018-05-16
- Oral esomeprazole vs injectable omeprazole for the prevention of hemorrhage after endoscopic submucosal dissection
- Browse: 1021 Download: 1663 Issue Date: 2017-10-13