©The Author(s) 2015. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
World J Hepatol. Mar 27, 2015; 7(3): 406-424
Published online Mar 27, 2015. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v7.i3.406
Table 1 Okuda
Stage Ascites Tumor size Albumin Bilirubin (+) (-) > 50% < 50% < 3 g/dL > 3 g/dL > 3 mg/dL (+) (-) (+) (-) (+) I(mildly advanced) (-) (-) (-) (-) II (moderately advanced) One or two (+) III (very advanced) Three or four (+)
Table 2 Cancer of the Liver Italian Program
Variables Scores 0 1 2 Child-Pugh stage A B C Tumor morphology uninodular and extension ≤ 50% multinodular and extension ≤ 50% massive or extension > 50% AFP (ng/dL) < 400 ≥ 400 Portal vein thrombosis - +
Table 3 GRETCH
Weight 0 1 2 3 Karnofsky index (%) ≥ 80 < 80 Serum bilirubin (μmol/L) < 50 ≥ 50 Serum ALP < 2 × ULN ≥ 2 × ULN Serum AFP (μg/L) < 35 ≥ 35 Portal obstruction (US) - +
Table 4 Chines University Prognostic Index
Variable Weight TNM stage Iand II -3 IIIa and IIIb -1 IVa and IVb 0 Asymptomatic disease on presentation -4 Presence of ascites 3 AFP ≥ 500 ng/mL 2 Total bilirubin (μmol/L) < 34 0 34-51 3 ≥ 52 4 ALP ≥ 200 (IU/L) 3
Table 5 American Joint Committee on Cancer /TNM 7th edition
Primary tumor Description T1 Single tumor without vascular invasion T2 Single tumor with vascular invasion or multiple tumors, none > 5 cm T3a Multiple tumors, any > 5 cm T3b Single tumor or multiple tumors of any size involving a major branch of the portal vein or hepatic vein T4 Tumors with direct invasion of adjacent organs or perforation of visceral peritoneum Stage grouping StageI T1 N0 M0 Stage II T2 N0 M0 Stage III A T3a N0 M0 Stage III B T3b N0 M0 Stage III C T4 N0 M0 Stage IV A Any T N1 M0 Stage IV B Any T Any N M1
Table 6 Japan Integrated Staging Score
T factors I: Single; II: Size < 2 cm; III: No vascular invasion T1 Fulfilling 3 factors T2 Fulfilling 2 factors T3 Fulfilling 1 factors T4 Fulfilling 0 factors StageI T1N0M0 Stage II T2N0M0 Stage III T3N0M0 Stage IVA T4N0M0 or any TN1M0 Stage IVB Any TN0-1M1 Scores Variables 0 1 2 3 Child-Pugh grade A B C TNM stage by LCSGJ I II III IV
Table 7 Stage, Liver damage and des-gamma-carboxy prothrombinscore
Parameter/score 0 1 2 3 Liver damage by LCSGJ A B C Stage by LCSGJ I II III IVA or IVB DCP (mAU/mL) < 400 ≥ 400
Table 8 Tokyo score
Score 0 1 2 Albumin (g/dL) > 3.5 2.8-3.5 < 2.8 Total bilirubin (mg/dL) < 1 1-2 > 2 Tumor size (cm) < 2 2-5 > 5 Tumor number ≤ 3 > 3
Table 9 BALAD score: Scoring of remnant liver function
Score 0 1 2 Serum bilirubin (mg/dL) < 1.0 1.0-2.0 > 2.0 Serum albumin (g/dL) > 3.5 2.8-3.5 < 2.8 0 1 2 3 Bilirubin-albumin score A B C Number of elevated tumor markers 0 1 2 3
Table 10 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center nomogram: Prognostic factors
Age Estimated blood loss Margin Satelites Vascular invasion Size Log (alpha-fetoprotein)
Table 11 Advanced liver cancer prognostic system
Characteristics Points Ascites Yes 2 No 0 Abdominal pain Yes 2 No 0 Weight loss Yes 2 No 0 Child-Pugh grade A 0 B 2 C 5 ALP (IU/L) > 200 3 ≤ 200 0 Total bilirubin (mmol/L) > 50 3 33-50 1 ≤ 33 0 Urea (mmol/L) > 8.9 2 ≤ 8.9 0 Portal vein thrombosis Yes 3 No 0 Tumor size Diffuse 4 > 5 cm 3 ≤ 5 cm 0 Lung metastases Yes 3 No 0 AFP (ng/mL) > 400 4 ≤ 400 0 Prognosis Score 3-mo survival rate Good 0-2 > 0.81 3-6 0.72-0.8 7-8 0.66-0.69 Intermediate 9 0.63 10-12 0.51-0.59 13-14 0.42-0.47 15 0.38 Poor 16 0.33 17-19 0.21-0.29 20-22 0.1-0.17 ≥ 23 < 0.1
Table 12 China Integrated Score
Variables Scores 0 1 2 TNM stage ≤ III IVA IVB Child–Pugh grade A B C AFP (mg/L) ≤ 400 > 400 CIS score 0 1-2 3 4 5 PEI or TACE Herbs + TACE TACE with herbs RCT Chemotherapy Symptomatic
Table 13 Taipei Integrated System
Variables Scores 0 1 2 3 Total tumor volume (cm3 ) < 50 50-250 250-500 > 500 Child-Pugh grade A B C AFP (ng/mL) ≤ 400 > 400
Table 14 Eastern stage
Variables Score 0 1 Macroscopic vascular invasion - + Tumor number Solitary Multiple PS 0 1-2 Microscopic vascular invasion - + Extrahepatic spread - + Maximum tumor size (cm) ≤ 5 > 5 Albumin (g/L) ≥ 35 < 35 AST (U/L) ≤ 40 > 40 Total bilirubin (μmol/L) ≤ 17 > 17 Presence of cirrhosis - + Cumulative score Stage I 0-1 Stage II 2-3 Stage III 4-5 Stage IV 6-7 Stage V 8-10
Table 15 Portal vein tumor thrombus classification
Types TypeI0: Tumor thrombus formation found under microscopy TypeI: Tumor thrombi involving segmental branches of portal vein or above Type II: Tumor thrombi involving right/left portal vein Type III: Tumor thrombi involving the main portal vein trunk Type IV: Tumor thrombi involving the superior mesenteric artery
Table 16 A prognostic model for hepatocellular carcinoma patients within the Milan criteria undergoing non‐transplant therapies
Variables Scores 0 1 2 Total bilirubin (mg/dL) < 1.5 ≥ 1.5 AFP (ng/mL) < 100 ≥ 100 Ascites - Mild Moderate to severe
Table 17 Model to Estimate Survival in Ambulatory hepatocellular carcinoma patients score
MESIAH score = 0.232 * (age in decades) + 0.099 * (MELD) - 0.391 * (serum albumin level) + 0.290 * (tumor size) + 0.153 * (tumor number) + 1.122 * (vascular invasion) + 1.130 * (extrahepatic metastasis) + 0.082 * (serum AFP level) +1
Table 18 Alpha-fetoprotein staging
AFP (ng/mL) Stage < 10 N (normal) 10-150 A 150-500 B > 500 C
Table 19 Hepatoma arterial-embolisation score
Variables Points Albumin < 36 g/dL 1 AFP > 400 ng/mL 1 Total bilirubin > 17 μmol/L 1 Maximum tumor diameter > 7 cm 1
Table 20 Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer B subclassification
Sub-Stage B1 B2 B3 B4 Child-Pugh score 5-6-7 5-6 7 8-9 (with severe/refractory ascites and/or jaundice) Beyond Milan and within Ut-7 In Out Out Any ECOG (tumor related) PS 0 0 0 0-1 Portal vein thrombosis - - - - 1st option Alternative TACE Liver transplantaion TACE + ablation TACE or TARE sorafenib Research trials TACE sorafenib BSC Liver transplantaion (only if Up-to-7 IN and PS0)