©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Gastroenterol. Nov 7, 2022; 28(41): 5910-5930
Published online Nov 7, 2022. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v28.i41.5910
Published online Nov 7, 2022. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v28.i41.5910
Table 1 Recent local epidemiological data on liver cirrhosis in the general population
Ref. | Country | Study population | Study period | Diagnostic methods | Presented data |
[9] | US | 7297435 patients with a GI diagnosis in a commercial insurance database | 2016-2018 | ICD-10 code | Nonalcoholic cirrhosis prevalence: 0.389%; average inpatient cost: 43733 dollars; annualized total costs: 53214 dollars |
[10] | Germany | All hospital admissions (248085936 patients) | 2005-2018 | ICD-10 code | Prevalence: 0.94% |
[11] | Japan | 488 randomly selected individuals underwent fatty liver and advanced fibrosis screening | From October to November 2020 | Liver stiffness measurement | Prevalence: 1% |
[12] | US | Adult patients in a commercial medical claims database | 2018 | ICD-9 or ICD-10 code | Prevalence: 0.21% |
[28] | China | 503993 participants prospectively included in China Kadoorie Biobank | 2004-2008 (10 years of follow-up) | ICD-10 code | Incidence: 756.4 and 397.4 per 100000 among diabetic patients and nondiabetic patients, respectively |
[30] | Korea | Adult patients in the HIRA-NPS database | 2012-2016 | ICD-9 code | Alcoholic cirrhosis incident cases: 7295 cases |
[31] | Sweden | All patients at Halland Hospital | 2011-2018 | ICD-10 code and SNOMED code | Age-standardized incidence: 23.2 per 100000 person-years |
[32] | Korea | Adult patients in the NHIS database | 2011-2015 | KCD-7 code | Primary biliary cirrhosis average annual cumulative incidence: 68.32 cases per 10000000 |
[33] | Canada | Adult patients in the ICES databases | 1997-2016 | ICD-10 code | Age-standardized incidence: 70.6 in 1997 and 89.6 per 100000 person-years in 2016 |
[34] | Canada | Children in the ICES databases | 1997-2017 | ICES-validated algorithm | Age- and sex-adjusted incidence: 2.7 in 1997 and 10.6 per 100000 person-years in 2017 |
[44] | US | NIS | 2003-2017 | ICD-10 code | Alcoholic cirrhosis deaths in women: 14330 cases |
[45] | Mexico | National Institute of Statistics and Geography | 2000-2017 | ICD-10 code | Alcoholic cirrhosis mortality rate: From 20.55 to 10.62 per 100000 |
[54] | US | Adult patients in the NIS | 2008-2014 | ICD-9 code | Hospitalization costs: 7.37 billion dollars in 2014 |
Table 2 Epidemiology of cirrhosis in specific at-risk populations
Ref. | Country | Study population | Study period | Diagnostic methods | Presented data |
[13] | US | 825 adults with type 2 diabetes who had reliable TE results from the NHANES | 2017-2018 | TE | Prevalence: 7.7% |
[14] | US | Patients with NAFLD from the NHANES | 2017-2018 | TE | Prevalence: 4.4% |
[15] | US | 3115 HBsAg-negative/HBcAb-positive subjects from the NHANES | 2001-2018 | FIB-4 | Cirrhosis/advanced liver fibrosis prevalence: 3.76% |
[16] | 13 countries in sub-Saharan Africa | HBV-infected population | 2012-2019 | TE, APRI and Fibrotest | Prevalence: 4.1% in primary care or the general population and 12.7% in referral or tertiary care settings |
[17] | Spain | 501 biopsy-proven NASH patients with paired TE data from tertiary centers | 2015-2020 | TE | Prevalence: 0.70% |
[18] | Korea | 27629 adults with MHO or MUHO from the KNHANES | 2015-2019 | Self-report survey or by an AST level ≥ 23.5 IU/L | Prevalence: 0.5% and 0.4% in MHO and MUHO, respectively |
[19] | US | 3386 patients with NAFLD in the TARGET-NASH study | 2016-2019 | Pragmatic case definitions | Prevalence: 22.6% in lean patients |
[21] | Italy | 6193 older subjects admitted to acute medical wards and included in the REPOSI registry | 2010-2018 | ICD-9 code | Prevalence: 5% |
[22] | 10 countries in the world | 320777 dialysis patients | 1980-2019 | TE, histopathology, radiology, and ICD codes | Prevalence: 5% |
[36] | NR | 902 patients with a Fontan circulation | NR | NR | Cumulative incidence: 27.5% |
[39] | Japan | 1260 patients who underwent the Fontan procedure and survived to discharge from 9 institutions | From before 2011 to 2021 (median10.2 of years follow-up) | Biopsy or imaging or extrahepatic features | Cumulative incidence at 10, 20, and 30 years after the Fontan procedure: 0.9%, 11.6%, and 25.7%, respectively |
[41] | Italy | All adults aged 30 years or older without cirrhosis in Rome | From 2001 follow up to 2015 | A validated algorithm | Crude incidence rate: 67 per 100000 person-years |
Table 3 Epidemiology of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis
Ref. | Country | Study population | Study period | Study design | Epidemiology |
[119] | US | 392800 NAFLD patients from 26 major integrated US healthcare systems | 2015-2020 | Retrospective cohort study | Prevalence: 374.4/10000 persons |
[120] | Sweden | 15215 individuals with cirrhosis in the National Outpatient Register | 2001-2016 | Nationwide population-based cohort study | Incidence rate: 23 per 1000 person-years; cumulative incidence: 8.3% at 5 years and 12.2% (4.3% in women with alcoholic cirrhosis and 26.6% in men with viral hepatitis) at 10 years |
[121] | US | 2733 patients with cirrhosis in two contemporary prospective multiethnic cohorts | 2016-2020 (with follow-up until June 30, 2021) | Prospective multiethnic cohort study | Annual incidence: 1.82% (1.71%, 1.32%, and 1.24% in cured HCV, ALD and NAFLD, respectively) |
[122] | NA | 29444 patients with HCV cure | NA | Meta-analysis | Incidence: 2.1 per 100 person-years |
[123] | China | 937 treatment-naïve adults with compensated HBV-induced cirrhosis | 2012-2015 (with follow-up until June 30, 2019) | Prospective cohort study | Cumulative incidence: 7.4% at 5 years |
[124] | Korea | 359 patients with HBV-associated cirrhosis who were treated with ETV for at least 2 years | 2007-2012 (median follow-up of 82 mo) | Retrospective cohort study | Cumulative incidence: 4.7%, 15.9%, 21.8% and 32.9% at 3, 5, 7 and 9 years, respectively |
[125] | US | 501 veterans with PBC and compensated cirrhosis | 2008-2016 (with follow-up until December 31, 2019) | Retrospective cohort study | Incidence: 0.6 and 0.7 person-years in UDCA responders and UDCA partial responders, respectively |
[126] | US | 532 patients with PBC and compensated cirrhosis | 2008-2016 (with follow-up until June 30, 2020) | Retrospective cohort study | Incidence: 0.9 and 0.3 person-years in males and females, respectively |
[129] | NA | 148333 patients with alcoholic cirrhosis | NA | Meta-analysis | Cumulative incidence: 1%, 2%, 3%, and 9% at 1, 3, 5, and 10 years, respectively |
[131] | China | 1095 patients with decompensated cirrhosis | 2014-2019 | Retrospective cohort study | Incidence: 3.92% in alcoholic cirrhosis |
[132] | China | 1515 patients with cirrhosis with alcoholism or/and HBV infection | 2005-2020 (with follow-up until June 30, 2021) | Retrospective cohort study | Annual incidence: 3.5% (5.9%, 3.6%, and 2.9% in HBV plus alcoholism, HBV only and alcoholism only patients, respectively) |
Table 4 Latest global epidemiological features of cirrhosis
Ref. | Epidemiological figures | Latest research | Type or etiology of cirrhosis | Reported data |
Prevalence | ||||
[6] | Age-standardized prevalence | GBD 2017 | Cirrhosis | Compensated cirrhosis: 1395.0 (1323.5-1470.5); decompensated cirrhosis: 132.5 (128.6-136.2) per 100000 |
[6] | Age-standardized prevalence | GBD 2017 | HBV-related cirrhosis | Compensated cirrhosis: 451.9 (420.0-485.9); decompensated cirrhosis: 36.6 (34.7-38.4) |
[6] | Age-standardized prevalence | GBD 2017 | HCV-related cirrhosis | Compensated cirrhosis: 341.1 (314.1-368.7); decompensated cirrhosis: 32.5 (30.6-34.5) |
[6] | Age-standardized prevalence | GBD 2017 | Alcohol-related cirrhosis | Compensated cirrhosis: 288.1 (267.5-311.3); decompensated cirrhosis: 30.0 (28.2-31.8) |
[6] | Age-standardized prevalence | GBD 2017 | NASH-related cirrhosis | Compensated cirrhosis: 115.5 (105.0-126.5); decompensated cirrhosis: 11.3 (10.4-12.1) |
Incidence | ||||
[24] | Age-standardized incidence | GBD 2017 | NASH-related cirrhosis | 4.81 (4.38-5.28) |
[26] | Age-standardized incidence | GBD 2019 | HBV-related cirrhosis | 4.91 (3.50-6.50) |
[26] | Age-standardized incidence | GBD 2019 | HCV-related cirrhosis | 6.7 (5.0-8.6) |
Mortality | ||||
[26] | Age-standardized Mortality | GBD 2019 | HBV-related cirrhosis | 4.03 (3.39-4.76) |
[26] | Age-standardized Mortality | GBD 2019 | HCV-related cirrhosis | 4.82 (4.09-5.57) |
[25] | Age-standardized mortality | GBD 2017 | NASH-related cirrhosis | 1.5 (1.3-1.6) |
Public health burden | ||||
[52] | DALYs | GBD 2019 | HBV-related cirrhosis | 129.8 (95%CI 108.3-153.0) |
[52] | DALYs | GBD 2019 | HCV-related cirrhosis | 146.2 (124.4-169.8) |
- Citation: Liu YB, Chen MK. Epidemiology of liver cirrhosis and associated complications: Current knowledge and future directions. World J Gastroenterol 2022; 28(41): 5910-5930
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