Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 7, 2020; 26(37): 5682-5692
Published online Oct 7, 2020. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v26.i37.5682
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of 6018 subjects
ParameterNonpolyp, n = 3983Adenoma, n = 1012Nonadenomatous polyp, n = 1023Advanced adenoma, n = 143aP valuebP valuecP value
Male/female2336/1647780/232788/235110/33< 0.001< 0.001< 0.001
HP (+/-)1936/2047536/476509/51478/650.0130.5120.165
AG (+/-)347/3636139/873116/90721/122< 0.0010.0160.049
Smoker (+/-)1029/2954402/610430/59361/82< 0.001< 0.001< 0.001
Alcohol (+/-)1423/2560494/518476/54768/75< 0.001< 0.0010.006
Age in yr46.430 (10.150)52.680 (9.981)50.010 (10.269)53.310 (9.738)< 0.001< 0.001< 0.001
BMI23.611 (3.160)24.355 (2.938)24.667 (3.099)24.809 (2.929)< 0.001< 0.001< 0.001
SBP123.950 (17.747)129.700 (18.488)127.810 (18.388)131.650 (17.271)< 0.001< 0.001< 0.001
DBP73.410 (12.255)76.990 (12.036)75.910 (12.541)77.520 (11.798)< 0.001< 0.001< 0.001
TC5.296 (1.076)5.434 (1.155)5.387 (1.077)5.528 (1.083)< 0.0010.0160.012
TG1.771 (1.586)1.982 (1.784)2.001 (1.525)2.194 (1.693)< 0.001< 0.0010.002
HDL1.296 (0.330)1.252 (0.330)1.216 (0.304)1.237 (0.335)< 0.001< 0.0010.034
LDL3.169 (0.841)3.253 (0.866)3.258 (0.855)3.259 (0.905)0.0050.0030.208
FBG4.818 (1.136)5.065 (1.422)5.055 (1.395)5.091 (1.608)< 0.001< 0.0010.047
Table 2 Correlation between Helicobacter pylori infection and colorectal neoplasm
ParameterHP (-), n = 3037HP (+), n = 2981OR (95%CI)P value
Age in yr48.130 (10.678)48.040 (10.177)0.999 (0.994-1.004)0.745
Male201118930.888 (0.798-0.987)0.027
Nonadenomatous polyp5145091.047 (0.913-1.201)0.512
Adenoma4765361.191 (1.037-1.367)0.013
Advanced adenoma65781.269 (0.908-1.774)0.164
Villous adenoma24231.013 (0.570-1.801)0.964
Size of adenoma ≥ 10 mm49641.381 (0.947-2.014)0.093
High-grade dysplasia581.692 (0.552-5.180)0.357
Polyps number
One5095211.082 (0.944-1.241)0.258
Two or more4815241.152 (1.003-1.323)0.045
Polyps size
0-9 mm9259631.101 (0.987-1.228)0.086
≥ 10 mm65821.334 (0.958-1.858)0.088
Table 3 Logistic regression model of the association between Helicobacter pylori infection, atrophic gastritis and colorectal neoplasm after adjustments for confounding factors
Nonadenomatous polyp


Advanced adenoma

Adjusted OR (95%CI)P valueAdjusted OR (95%CI)P valueAdjusted OR (95%CI)P value
HP (+)1.033 (0.895-1.193)0.6581.220 (1.053-1.413)0.0081.303 (0.922-1.842)0.134
AG (+)1.103 (0.872-1.394)0.4131.237 (0.988-1.549)0.0641.320 (0.805-2.165)0.271
Table 4 Correlation between atrophic gastritis and colorectal neoplasm
ParameterAG (-), n = 5416AG (+), n = 602OR (95%CI)P value
Age in yr47.590 (10.350)52.530 (10.117)1.045 (1.037-1.053)< 0.001
Male34954091.165 (0.973-1.394)0.097
Nonadenomatous polyp9071161.340 (1.073-1.674)0.010
Adenoma8731391.668 (1.352-2.059)< 0.001
Advanced adenoma122211.804 (1.121-2.903)0.015
Villous adenoma4071.834 (0.815-4.124)0.143
Size of adenoma ≥ 10 mm98151.604 (0.921-2.792)0.095
High-grade dysplasia1210.873 (0.113-6.735)0.897
Polyps number
One8931371.608 (1.302-1.985)< 0.001
Two or more8871181.394 (1.117-1.739)0.003
Polyps size
0-9 mm16492391.519 (1.275-1.809)< 0.001
≥ 10 mm131161.280 (0.753-2.176)0.362
Table 5 Association between Helicobacter pylori infection, atrophic gastritis and colorectal neoplasm
HP (–) AG (–), n = 2758

HP (–) AG (+), n = 279

HP (+) AG (–), n = 2658

HP (+) AG (+), n = 323

n (%)OR (95%CI)n (%)OR (95%CI)P valuen (%)OR (95%CI)Pn (%)OR (95%CI)P
Age in yr, mean ± SD47.7 ± 10.652.8 ± 10.547.5 ± 10.152.3 ± 9.8
Male sex1818 (65.9)193 (69.2)1677 (63.1)216 (66.9)
Nonadenomatous polyp460 (16.7)154 (19.4)1.339 (0.969-1.851)0.077447 (16.8)1.043 (0.901-1.206)0.57462 (19.2)1.394 (1.027-1.892)0.033
Adenoma416 (15.1)160 (21.5)1.645 (1.202-2.252)0.002457 (17.2)1.179 (1.017-1.367)0.02979 (24.5)1.964 (1.477-2.610)< 0.001
Advanced adenoma58 (2.1)17 (2.5)1.377 (0.618-3.064)0.43464 (2.4)1.184 (0.825-1.699)0.36014 (4.3)2.496 (1.366-4.562)0.003
Table 6 Logistic regression model of the association between Helicobacter pylori infection, atrophic gastritis and colorectal neoplasm after adjustments for confounding factors
HP (–) AG (–), n = 2758
HP (–) AG (+), n = 279

HP (+) AG (–), n = 2658

HP (+) AG (+), n = 323

OR (95%CI)OR (95%CI)P valueOR (95%CI)P valueOR (95%CI)P value
Non-adenomatous polyp11.093 (0.776-1.540)0.6121.03 (0.884-1.199)0.7071.141 (0.830-1.568)0.417
Adenoma11.216 (0.868-1.705)0.2551.213 (1.037-1.419)0.0161.491 (1.103-2.015)0.009
Advanced adenoma10.979 (0.431-2.226)0.9601.214 (0.836-1.763)0.3081.910 (1.022-3.572)0.043