Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastroenterol. Dec 21, 2017; 23(47): 8387-8394
Published online Dec 21, 2017. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i47.8387
Table 1 Clinical characteristics of the hyperlipidemic acute pancreatitis patients
ClinicalNon-smokersCurrent-smokersEx-smokersP value
parameterNo. or meanNo. or meanNo. or mean
Age (yr)42.7 ± 2.039.1 ± 1.240.0 ± 2.20.446
Gender (M/F)20/2136/010/1< 0.001a
Heavy alcohol drinking41220.037a
Smoking pack-years013.5 ± 2.27.8 ± 2.9< 0.001a
History of hyperlipemia393080.084
History of fatty liver161540.943
History of diabetes mellitus101450.258
History of hypertension8320.364
History of AP132030.065a
Leukocyte (× 109/L)12.5 ± 0.513.1 ± 0.712.3 ± 1.10.506
Platelet count (× 109/L)185.2 ± 11.8171.7 ± 8.2175.6 ± 20.10.680
Serum TG (mmol/L)18.3 ± 1.715.1 ±1.517.1 ± 2.90.358
Serum CHOL (mmol/L)9.0 ± 0.68.4 ± 0.68.0 ± 0.80.316
Serum amylase (U/L)569.3 ± 104.5507.7 ± 111.4629.8 ± 121.90.270
Serum lipase (U/L)1297.1 ± 228.1874.1 ± 170.21214.4 ± 582.00.406
Serum calcium (mmol/L)2.0 ± 0.042.1 ± 0.042.0 ± 0.080.197
BISAP score0.8 ± 0.10.8 ± 0.21.4 ± 0.30.224
Hospitalization (d)110.9 ± 0.88.6 ± 0.711.9 ± 1.60.015a
Recurrence of AP4181< 0.001a
Repeated episodes of AP162840.001a
Table 2 Univariate analysis of risk factors for recurrence of hyperlipidemic acute pancreatitis
VariablenNumber of recurrenceHR (95%CI)P value
Age (≤ 40/> 40, yr)46/4214/90.7 (0.3-1.6)0.417
Gender (M/F)66/2220/32.4 (0.7-7.9)0.168
Heavy alcohol drinking (Y/N)18/706/171.4 (0.5-3.5)0.507
Smoking history (Y/N)47/4119/44.3 (1.4-12.5)0.009
Non-smokers4141 (ref.)1 (ref.)
Current-smokers36185.1 (1.7-15.2)0.003
Ex-smokers1111.1 (0.1-9.5)0.959
Smoking pack-years (> 0 but < 10/≥ 10)64/2411/120.4 (0.2-0.9)0.035
04141 (ref.)1 (ref.)
0 < PY < 102373.8 (1.1-13.1)0.032
≥ 1024124.6 (1.5-14.2)0.009
History of hyperlipemia (Y/N)77/1118/50.5 (0.2-1.3)0.141
History of fatty liver (Y/N)35/539/141.0 (0.4-2.2)0.917
History of diabetes mellitus (Y/N)29/5910/131.7 (0.7-3.9)0.208
History of hypertension (Y/N)13/752/210.7 (0.2-2.9)0.585
History of AP (Y/N)36/5213/101.9 (0.8-4.4)0.117
Leukocyte (< 10/≥ 10, × 109/L)23/655/180.6 (0.2-1.7)0.379
Platelet count (< 100/≥ 100, × 109/L)4/841/220.8 (0.1-5.7)0.790
Serum TG (≤ 11.3/> 11.3, mmol/L)32/567/160.9 (0.4-2.2)0.813
Serum CHOL (≤ 5.5/> 5.5, mmol/L)16/724/191.0 (0.3-2.8)0.934
Serum amylase (< 540/≥ 540, U/L)62/2618/51.6 (0.6-4.4)0.335
Serum lipase (< 600/≥ 600, U/L)131/348/90.6 (0.2-1.5)0.273
Serum calcium (< 2.0/≥ 2.0, mmol/L)28/608/151.0 (0.4-2.3)0.918
SIRS (Y/N)42/4611/121.1 (0.5-2.4)0.858
BISAP score (< 2/≥ 2)69/1919/41.3 (0.5-3.9)0.610
Table 3 Mutivariate analysis of risk factors for recurrence of hyperlipidemic acute pancreatitis
VariableHazard ratio95%CIP value
Gender (Male)0.50.1-3.00.449
Smoking history (Current)6.31.3-29.80.020
Smoking pack-years (≥ 10)1.00.4-2.70.969
History of hyperlipemia (Yes)0.70.2-1.80.435
History of AP (Yes)1.40.6-3.30.422