Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 28, 2017; 23(40): 7265-7273
Published online Oct 28, 2017. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i40.7265
Table 1 Adverse events based on type of inflammatory bowel disease and gender n (%)
Clinical traitsAll adverse eventsInfusion reactionsAllergic reactionsLupus-like reactionsRashOther
Type of IBD
Crohn's disease (n = 954)220 (23)52 (5)45 (5)14 (1)40 (4)69 (7)
Ulcerative colitis (n = 260)42 (16)14 (5)4 (2)4 (2)10 (4)10 (4)
IBDU (n = 44)7 (16)0 (0)0 (0)1 (2)2 (5)4 (9)
Total269 (21)66 (5)49 (4)19 (1.5)52 (4)83 (7)
Male (n = 624)108 (17)28 (4)24 (4)3 (0.5)17 (3)36 (6)
Female (n = 634)161 (25)38 (6)25 (4)16 (3)35 (6)47 (7)
Table 2 Serological associations with anti-tumor necrosis factor adverse reactions in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease (anti-I2, anti-Pseudomonasfluorescens-associated sequence I2; ASCA, anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies)
IBD typeAdverse eventSerological markerSerology levels in positive (U/mL)Serology levels in negative (U/mL)P value
CDAnyIgA ASCA7100.040
CDAnyIgG ASCA1826.50.020
Table 3 Inflammatory bowel disease-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with different type of adverse events
Adverse eventRisk alleleSNPGene (s) of interestP valueOR (95%CI)
InfusionCrs6740462SPRED20.0030.4 (0.2-0.7)
InfusionGrs1182188GNA120.0071.8 (1.2-2.6)
InfusionGrs10061469TMEM174, FOXD10.0100.5 (0.3-0.9)
InfusionArs477515HLA-DRB10.0101.7 (1.1-2.5)
AllergicArs4692386SMIM20, RBPJ0.0100.5 (0.3-0.9)
AllergicArs10761659ZNF3650.0100.6 (0.3-0.9)
Lupus-likeGrs13407913ADCY30.0033.5 (1.6-7.9)
Lupus-likeCrs10051722CHSY2, HINT10.0102.7 (1.2-5.7)
RashArs1363907ERAP20.0033.0 (1.5-6.2)
RashGrs11010067PARD30.0030.2 (0.1-0.6)
RashCrs7746082PREP0.0052.7 (1.3-5.3)
AnyCrs6740462SPRED20.00070.6 (0.5-0.8)
AnyCrs10774482ERC10.0031.4 (1.1-1.8)
Table 4 Pathway analyses from genetic associations with adverse events from immunochip analyses
Type of adverse eventPathwayNumber of genesP valueP value (Bonferroni)
AnyJAK-STAT signaling pathway133.98 × 10-67.96 × 10-4
AnyMeasles128.87 × 10-60.0018
AnyIBD83.05 × 10-50.0061
AnyCytokine-cytokine receptor interaction165.03 × 10-50.0100
AnyToxoplasmosis105.49 × 10-50.0110
InfusionJAK-STAT signaling pathway123.68 × 10-50.0074
InfusionMeasles128.24 × 10-60.0016
InfusionIBD72.11 × 10-40.0420
InfusionCytokine-cytokine receptor interaction144.98 × 10-40.0990
InfusionToxoplasmosis119.02 × 10-60.0018
AllergicJAK-STAT signaling pathway122.96 ×10-50.0060
AllergicMeasles126.6 × 10-60.0010
AllergicIBD71.84 × 10-40.0370
AllergicCytokine-cytokine receptor interaction144.02 ×10-40.0800
AllergicToxoplasmosis92.25 ×10-40.0450