Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 7, 2017; 23(29): 5371-5378
Published online Aug 7, 2017. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i29.5371
Table 1 Initial proposed definitions submitted for the first vote and the results of the agreement for those propositions
Lesions and descriptorsDefinitions submitted to the votesAgreement scores1
UlcerationSkin or mucosal defect8.7 (8-9)2
Deep or cavitatingVisible muscular and/or granulation tissue and/or undermined and inflammatory edges8 (7-9)2
SuperficialWhich is not deep7.7 (7-9)2
Anal canal and anal marginVisible after unfolding the anal radial folds7 (1-9)
Anal marginAnal external edges7.9 (5-9)
PerianalOutside the anus radial folds8.6 (6-9)
Extensive≥ 5 mm5.6 (1-9)3
Limited< 5 mm5.6 (1-9)3
Skin tagTense nodular lesion with granulomatous but not papillomatous aspect4.8 (2-9)3
InflammatoryEdematous aspect6 (3-9)3
Non inflammatoryFibrous aspect6.2 (3-9)3
Perianal skin lesions
PapulaVisible and elevated palpable lesion < 2 cm in diameter8 (6-9)
NodeNodular cutaneous elevation, visible and/or palpable, diameter ≥ 2 cm6.1 (1-9)
EdemaSwollen area6 (3-7)3
PustulaRaised, visible and palpable lesion, with cloudy fluid content8.2 (6-9)
AbscessSwollen red skin, sometimes surrounded by necrosis area and which can release pus6.5 (5-9)
ComplexRecto-vaginal fistula or multiple external openings or abscess or remote external opening6.6 (4-9)
SimpleSingle external opening, next to anal margin, without abscess6.3 (3-9)3
NoteInspection alone can sometimes confirm the diagnosis of a complex fistula9 (9-9)3
Inspection alone cannot establish a diagnosis of simple fistula with certainty8 (6-9)3
Well drainedNo abscess, no visible discharge and non-inflammatory external openings7.6 (5-9)
Poorly drainedInflammatory external opening(s) and/or abscess7.4 (4-9)
External opening(s)
InflammatoryErythematous surrounded skin and budding port(s) with undermined edges8.5 (7-9)2
Scar appearanceFibrous and retracted aspect of the anal margin7.8 (6-9)
Deformed anus7.8 (5-9)
Table 2 Consensual definitions and agreement scores
Lesions and descriptorsConsensual definitionsAgreement scores1
UlcerationSkin or mucosal defect8.7 (8-9]3
SuperficialWhich is not deep8 (7-9)3
DeepVisible muscular and/or granulation tissue and/or undermined and inflammatory edges7.7 (7-9)3
CavitatingDeep decaying and destructive ulceration8.6 (8-9)
Anal canalVisible after unfolding the anus radial folds8.5 (7-9)
Anal marginAnal external edges8.5 (7-9)
PerianalOutside the anus radial folds9
Number8.6 (8-9)
Percentage of ulcerated area< 25%, 26-50%, > 50% of the anal circumference8.3 (5-9)
Skin tagSkin thickening of the anus7.2 (3-9)
InflammatoryOedematous, swollen, tense8 (4-9)
Non inflammatoryFibrous, firm and non-oedematous aspect8.7 (2-9)
Ulcerated (vs not)Ulceration on the skin tag (vs no ulceration on the skin tag)7.8 (2-9)
Perianal skin lesions
PapulaElevated, circumscribed and solid lesion without liquid content8.1 (6-9)
Node2Elevated, nodular and protruding lesion, impression of deep extension7.8 (6-9)
OedemaSwollen appearance8.2 (7-9)
ErythemaFlat redness8.3 (5-9)
AbscessSwollen red skin, which may be surrounded by necrosis area and which can release pus8.3 (7-9)
ComplexityAGA’s definitions (3)
It is possible to recognize that a fistula is complex by inspection alone7.2 (1-9)
Inspection alone is not always sufficient to reliably recognize that a fistula is simple8.5 (7-9)
Well drainedAbsence of abscess, of purulent discharge an non inflammatory external opening(s)7.8 (5-9)
Poorly drainedInflammatory external opening(s) and/or abscess and/or spontaneous purulent discharge7.5 (5-9)
Poor drainage of a fistula can be diagnosed by inspection alone8.6 (7-9)
Inspection alone is often not sufficient to be certain that a fistula is well drained7.6 (1-9)
External opening
InflammatoryErythematous surrounded skin and budding port(s) with undermined edgesValidated by vote 1
Scar appearanceDeformed anus with fibrous aspect and/or retractile appearance of the anal margin7.6 (8-9)
With inflammatory activity or not7.6 (3-9)