Basic Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 21, 2017; 23(23): 4200-4210
Published online Jun 21, 2017. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i23.4200
Table 1 Composition of warm microemulsion for cholesteryl butyrate and dexamethasone cholesteryl butyrate-solid lipid nanoparticles formulations
Molar composition of warm microemulsionCb, mmol/LDxCb-SLN, mmol/L
Dexamethasone 21-acetate-8.1
Cholesteryl butyrate273.7273.7
Epikuron™ 200 (purified phosphatidylcholine 92%)335.5335.5
Sodium glycocholate194.8194.8
Table 2 Concentration of main components of water dispersion of cholesteryl butyrate and dexamethasone cholesteryl butyrate-solid lipid nanoparticles formulations after 4 washing steps (HPLC method determination)
Molar composition of final dispersion after washingCb, mmol/LDxCb-SLN, mmol/L
Dexamethasone 21-acetate-1.1
Cholesteryl butyrate36.038.5
Sodium glycocholate12.511.2
Table 3 Average value of hydrodynamic diameter (Zave) and polidispersity index of cholesteryl butyrate and dexamethasone cholesteryl butyrate-solid lipid nanoparticles formulations
Physical characterization DLS analysisCbDxCb-SLN
Zave in nm79.672.9
Polydispersity index0.250.28