Retrospective Study
©The Author(s) 2016. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 7, 2016; 22(9): 2818-2827
Published online Mar 7, 2016. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i9.2818
Table 1 Patient characteristics
Variables n % Variables n % All patients 614 pTNM stage Age (yr) I 76 12.4 Median (range) 58 (18-85) II 149 24.3 Sex III 354 57.7 Male 430 70.0 IV 35 5.7 Female 184 30.0 Vascular or neural invasion Tumor site Negative 337 54.9 Cardia 148 24.1 Positive 277 45.1 Fundus 10 1.6 Operation method Body 241 39.3 Promixal gastrectomy 80 13.1 Antrum 193 31.4 Distal gastrectomy 295 48.0 Borrmann type Total gastrectomy 239 38.9 I/II/III 578 94.1 Resection margins IV 36 5.9 R0 436 71.0 Histology R1 178 29.0 Differentiated 89 14.5 Chemotherapy regimens Undifferentiated 525 85.5 Triplet 253 41.2 Tumor status Doublet 295 48.0 pT1 51 8.3 Singlet 45 7.3 pT2 80 13.0 None 21 3.4 pT3 123 20.0 Intraoperative blood loss (mL) pT4 360 58.6 Median (range) 120 (50-1500) Node status ≤ 200 569 92.7 pN0 150 24.4 > 200 49 7.3 pN1 122 19.9 Intraoperative blood transfusion pN2 158 25.7 No 537 87.5 pN3 184 30.0 Yes 77 12.5
Table 2 Blood cell counts pre- and postoperatively
Factors mean ± SD Range P valuen (%)Low1 Normal1 High1 WBC (× 109 /L) Before operation 6.08 ± 2.11 1.5-17.3 < 0.001 54 (8.8) 530 (86.3) 30 (4.9) After operation 5.25 ± 1.97 2.1-17.8 140 (22.8) 455 (74.1) 19 (3.1) HGB (g/L) Before operation 124.2 ± 22.92 55-176 < 0.001 159 (25.9) 441 (71.8) 14 (2.3) After operation 117.1 ± 13.68 79-161 300 (48.9) 313 (51.0) 1 (0.2) PLT (× 109 /L) Before operation 214.9 ± 77.15 55-706 0.838 22 (3.6) 527 (85.8) 65 (10.6) After operation 214.2 ± 84.76 42-793 22 (3.6) 520 (84.7) 72 (11.7)
Table 3 Relationships between white blood cell count and patients’ clinicopathologic features n (%)
Factors Preoperative WBC count (×109 /L) P valueP-leukopenia P value< 5.6 ≥5.6 Positive Negative All patients 295 (48.0) 319 (52.0) 107 (17.4) 507 (82.6) Age (yr) < 58 143 (51.1) 137 (48.9) 0.194 51 (18.2) 229 (81.8) 0.670 ≥ 58 152 (45.5) 182 (54.5) 56 (16.8) 278 (83.2) Sex Male 192 (44.7) 238 (55.3) 0.011 70 (16.3) 360 (83.7) 0.248 Female 103 (56.0) 81 (44.0) 37 (20.1) 147 (79.9) Tumor site Cardia 74 (50.0) 74 (50.0) 0.823 29 (19.6) 119 (80.4) 0.664 Fundus 6 (60.0) 4 (40.0) 1 (10.0) 9 (90.0) Body 112 (46.5) 129 (53.5) 39 (16.2) 202 (83.8) Antrum 94 (48.7) 99 (51.3) 36 (18.7) 157 (81.3) Multi-site 9 (40.9) 13 (59.1) 2 (9.1) 20 (90.9) Histology Differentiated 35 (39.3) 54 (60.7) 0.085 8 (9.0) 81 (91.0) 0.023 Undifferentiated 260 (49.5) 265 (50.5) 99 (18.9) 426 (81.1) Borrmann type I/II/III 278 (48.1) 300 (51.9) 0.919 101 (17.5) 477 (82.5) 0.901 IV 17 (47.2) 19 (52.8) 6 (16.7) 30 (83.3) Tumor status pT1 + pT2 78 (59.5) 53 (40.5) 0.003 18 (13.7) 113 (86.3) 0.198 pT3 + pT4 217 (44.9) 266 (55.1) 91 (18.8) 392 (81.2) Node status pN0 84 (56.0) 64 (44.0) 0.011 25 (16.7) 125 (83.3) 0.901 pN1 + pN2 + pN3 209 (45.0) 255 (55.0) 82 (17.7) 382 (82.3) pTNM stage I + II 123 (54.7) 102 (45.3) 0.015 38 (16.9) 187 (83.1) 0.743 III + IV 172 (44.2) 21 (55.8) 71 (18.3) 318 (81.7) Vascular or neural invasion Negative 168 (49.9) 169 (50.1) 0.331 60 (17.8) 277 (82.2) 0.831 Positive 127 (45.8) 150 (54.2) 47 (17.0) 230 (83.0) Gastrectomy method Promixal 41 (51.3) 39 (48.7) 0.742 15 (18.7) 65 (81.3) 0.598 Distal 143 (48.5) 152 (51.5) 55 (18.6) 240 (81.4) Total 111 (46.4) 128 (53.6) 37 (15.5) 202 (84.5) Resection margins R0 215 (49.3) 221 (50.7) 0.329 77 (17.7) 359 (82.3) 0.907 R1 80 (44.9) 98 (55.1) 30 (16.9) 148 (83.1) Intraoperative blood loss (mL) ≤ 200 273 (48.0) 296 (52.0) 0.906 101 (15.1) 468 (84.9) 0.545 > 200 22 (48.9) 23 (51.1) 6 (21.1) 39 (78.9) Intraoperative blood transfusion No 251 (46.7) 286 (53.3) 0.099 98 (18.2) 439 (81.8) 0.198 Yes 44 (57.1) 33 (42.9) 9 (11.7) 68 (88.3) Preoperative WBC count (× 109 /L) < 5.6 - - - 64 (21.7) 231 (78.3) 0.008 ≥ 5.6 - - 43 (13.5) 276 (86.5)
Table 4 Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis for gastric cancer-related survival
Factors Univariate Multivariate HR 95%CI P valueHR 95%CI P valueAge (yr) ≥ 58 vs < 58 1.036 0.811-1.324 0.776 - - - Sex Female vs male 1.033 0.794-1.345 0.809 - - - Histology Differentiated vs undifferentiated 1.661 1.115-2.475 < 0.001 1.261 0.839-1.896 0.265 Borrmann type IV vs I/II/III 2.634 1.726-4.018 < 0.001 1.886 1.207-2.948 0.005 Tumor status pT3 + pT4 vs pT1 + pT2 3.186 2.123-4.782 < 0.001 1.230 0.667-2.268 0.507 Lymph node metastasis Yes vs no 3.098 2.128-4.512 < 0.001 1.485 0.871-2.533 0.147 pTNM stage II vs I 2.713 1.318-5.583 0.007 1.813 0.756-4.350 0.183 III vs I 6.449 3.301-12.597 < 0.001 2.723 1.941-7.882 0.015 IV vs I 10.624 4.909-22.995 < 0.001 4.849 1.610-14.610 0.005 Vascular or neural invasion Yes vs no 1.780 1.393-2.274 < 0.001 1.324 1.023-1.713 0.033 Operation method Total gastrectomy vs Subtotal gastrectomy 1.425 1.113-1.824 0.005 1.198 0.931-1.542 0.159 Resection margins R1 vs R0 2.081 1.624-2.667 < 0.001 1.904 1.298-2.792 0.001 Chemotherapy regimens Triplet or doublet vs singlet or none 2.522 1.379-4.614 0.003 2.369 1.289-4.356 0.005 Intraoperative blood loss (mL) > 200 vs ≤ 200 1.146 0.718-1.828 0.568 - - - Intraoperative blood transfusion Yes vs No 1.237 0.835-1.831 0.289 - - - Preoperative WBC count (× 109 /L) ≥ 5.6 vs < 5.6 1.542 1.204-1.975 0.001 1.553 1.205-2.001 0.001 P-leukopenia Positive vs negtive 1.479 1.100-1.988 0.010 1.660 1.226-2.247 0.001
Citation: Chen XF, Qian J, Pei D, Zhou C, Røe OD, Zhu F, He SH, Qian YY, Zhou Y, Xu J, Xu J, Li X, Ping GQ, Liu YQ, Wang P, Guo RH, Shu YQ. Prognostic value of perioperative leukocyte count in resectable gastric cancer. World J Gastroenterol 2016; 22(9): 2818-2827