Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 28, 2015; 21(32): 9588-9597
Published online Aug 28, 2015. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i32.9588
Table 1 Patient characteristics before and after propensity score matching
Before matching
After matching
Cohort 1 (n = 14163)Cohort 2 (n = 16228)Cohort 1 (n = 13364)Cohort 2 (n = 13364)
Age (mean ± SD)b38.2 ± 12.639.6 ± 12.638.7 ± 12.638.9 ± 12.4
Male (%)b67.764.766.766.5
Insurance type (%)b
Medical insurance40.652.442.942.6
Disease statusb
Table 2 Medication possession ratio and good adherence rate among patients with different insurance types before and after reimbursement
Adherence (%)
Good adherence rate
nmean ± SDNew patientsExisting patientsPercentNew patientsExisting patients
BeforePMI282583.4 ± 24.3a82.3 ± 25.6d84.5 ± 22.9d70.6%69.271.8
PPO337383.6 ± 24.2b83.6 ± 24.883.6 ± 23.770.2%70.569.9
AfterPMI410288.5 ± 19.7ac87.1 ± 20.8e90.2 ± 18.1e79.2%g77.0h82.1h
PPO361985.2 ± 23.0bc84.0 ± 24.1f86.1 ± 22.1f73.1%g71.774.2
Table 3 Factors associated with good adherence
ParameterβOR (95%CI)
Age (yr)
18-45 vs ≤ 18a-0.32970.719 (0.559-0.926)
> 45 vs ≤ 18b-0.40480.667 (0.513-0.867)
Gender (1 = male; 0 = female)-0.03820.963 (0.886-1.046)
Insurance type (1 = medical insurance; 0 = paid out-of-pocket)0.12001.128 (0.987-1.288)
Disease status (1 =; 0 = reference;)b0.25161.286 (1.164-1.422)
Patient status (1 = new patients; 0 = existing patients)-0.03410.966 (0.860-1.086)
Reimbursement implementation (1 = Yes; 0 = No)b0.15021.162 (1.047-1.290)
Insurance type patient statusa-0.19800.820 (0.703-0.957)
Insurance type reimbursement implementationb0.35181.422 (1.220-1.657)
Table 4 Characteristics of patients receiving questionnaire survey
Insurance (n = 152)Out-of-pocket (n = 60)
Age (yr)38.8 ± 8.339.7 ± 11.6
Male (%)99 (65.1)38 (64.4)1
Income (Yuan)
Median (Q25-Q75)4000 (2500, 6300)3000 (1500, 5000)
Antivirals obtaining outside You’an Hospital only (%)
Before reimbursement9.810.8
After reimbursement5.910.2