Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastroenterol. Apr 21, 2015; 21(15): 4599-4606
Published online Apr 21, 2015. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i15.4599
Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics n (%)
Age, median (range), yr50 (20-87)
Male150 (50)
Female150 (50)
Abdominal burn152 (50.70)
Heart burn37 (12.30)
Dyspepsia33 (11)
Past medical history
Hypertension81 (27)
Dyslipidemia53 (17.7)
Diabetes mellitus36 (12)
Hypothyroidism9 (3)
Social habits
Smoking126 (42)
Exercise98 (32.7)
Alcohol intake62 (20.7)
Medication history
Anti hypertensives86 (28.7)
Anti dyslipidemics54 (18)
Oral hypoglycemics28 (9.3)
Sedatives15 (5)
Anti-depressants16 (5.3)
PPIs1155 (51.7)
Indications for PPI use
Gastritis21 (13.5)
GERD48 (31)
GI ulcer10 (6.5)
Undocumented diagnosis76 (49)
Table 2 Effect of proton pump inhibitors exposure on Helicobacter pylori detection, density and intestinal metaplasia n (%)
Previous PPI exposuren = 155No PPI exposuren = 145P value
H. pylori gastritis53 (34.20)103 (71)< 0.001
Inactive chronic gastritis102 (65.80)42 (29)< 0.001
H. pylori density
Low density40 (25.80)52 (35.90)< 0.001
High density13 (8.38)51 (35.17)< 0.001
Intestinal metaplasia10 (6.50)2 (1.40)0.023
Table 3 Effect of proton pump inhibitors exposure on Helicobacter pylori detection, density and intestinal metaplasia following gastroesophageal reflux disease patients exclusion n (%)
Previous PPI exposuren = 109No PPI exposuren =143P value
H. pylori gastritis44 (40.40)101 (70.60)
Inactive chronic gastritis65 (59.60)42 (29.40)< 0.0001
H. pylori density
Low density33 (75.0)52 (51.50)
High density11 (25.0)49 (48.50)0.010
Intestinal metaplasia7 (6.40)2 (1.40)0.042
Table 4 Univariate analysis to determine the association between age, gender, exercise, smoking, alcohol intake, gastroesophageal reflux disease and previous proton pump inhibitors exposure with the detection of Helicobacter pylori
OR95%CIP value
Alcohol intake0.5050.27-0.9440.032
GERD0.1650.077-0.355< 0.01
Previous PPI exposure0.2810.166-0.476< 0.01
Table 5 Multivariate analysis to evaluate the effect of age, exercise, alcohol intake, gastroesophageal reflux disease and previous proton pump inhibitors exposure on the detection of Helicobacter pylori
OR95%CIP value
Alcohol intake0.3960.195-0.8040.010
Previous PPI exposure0.2170.123-0.385< 0.01