Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastroenterol. May 21, 2014; 20(19): 5808-5817
Published online May 21, 2014. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i19.5808
Table 1 Toll-like receptors found in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines
Cell lineSourcePhenotypeExpressed TLRRef.
AsPC-1Metastasis: ascitesDuTLR3, TLR4, TLR9[23,57,58]
BxPC-3Primary tumorDuTLR2-4[40,50,57]
CFPACMetastasis: liverDuTLR4[57]
Colo357Metastasis: lymph nodeUnTLR3, TLR7[48]
GERPrimary tumorAnTLR9[72]
MIA PaCa-2Primary tumorAnTLR2-4, TLR7, TLR9[23,40]
MDAPanc-28Primary tumorDu/AcTLR2-4, TLR7, TLR9[23]
Panc-1Primary tumorDu/AnTLR2-4, TLR7, TLR9[23,40,50,58,79]
Panc-89Metastasis: lymph nodeDuTLR3 , TLR7[48]
PancTu-1Primary tumorDuTLR3, TLR7[48]
Pt45P1Primary tumorDuTLR3, TLR7[48]
SU.8686Metastasis: liverDuTLR2[41]
SW-1990Metastasis: spleenDuTLR2-4, TLR7, TLR9[23]
T3M4Metastasis: lymph nodeDuTLR9[77]
Table 2 Toll-like receptors expressed in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and their reported implications
Pathophysiological significanceRef.
TLR2Cell growth[33,40,43]
Mean survival[33,35]
Progression and metastasis[43]
Cell growth and migration[50]
Immune responses[48]
Cell growth[49,57,61]
Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition[61]
Leukocyte recruitment and genomic instability[57]
Mean survival[62]
Progression and metastasis[49,58,61]
Stromal expansion[49,61]
TLR7Carcinogenesis, stromal expansion, progression and metastasis[67]
Immune responses[48]
TLR9Cell growth[77,79]
Mean survival[77]
Table 3 Toll-like receptors and their intervention in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
TLR2MALP-2 (G)ActivationInduce lymphocyte invasion and tumor necrosis[33]
Inhibit tumor growth[33]
Prolongs mean survival[35]
Reverse tumor-associated immunosuppression[33]
Polysaccharide-K (G)ActivationInhibit tumor growth and induce apoptosis in tumor cells[40]
Dmt-Tic-Cy5ActivationActs as vaccine adjuvant in pancreatic cancer[41]
Target imaging and therapy[41,42]
PAUFMixedFacilitates tumor growth[43]
Promotes tumor immune-resistance[43]
TLR3Polycytidylic acidActivationAccelerates carcinogenesis[49]
Induces T cell invasion and tumor lysis[48]
PhenylmethimazoleInhibitionInhibits tumor growth and migration[50]
TLR4LipopolysaccharideActivationAccelerates carcinogenesis[49]
Induce desmoplastic stroma[49]
Induce increased H2O2 extracellular production[57]
Increased invasiveness[58,61]
Induce M2-polarization in tumor-associated macrophages[61]
TLR7ImiquimodActivationInduce T cell invasion and tumor lysis[48]
IRS661InhibitionPrevent tumor progression and stromal expansion[67]
Regulates cell cycle in cancer cells[67]
TLR9CpG-ODN 1816/26 (G’)ActivationDelays tumor development, reduce invasiveness[72]
Prolongs mean survival[72]
IMO (C)ActivationProlongs mean survival, inhibit tumor growth and migration[77]
Reestablish cetuximab sensibility in cancer cells[77]
CpG-ODN 2216ActivationInhibits tumor growth and migration[79]