Copyright ©2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Nov 7, 2013; 19(41): 7197-7204
Published online Nov 7, 2013. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i41.7197
Table 1 Characteristics of the included studies comparing use of the magnetic endoscopic imaging colonoscope and standard colonoscope
StudyNumber ofpatients (n)Endoscopists' experience levelColonos-cope typeCecal intubation rateCecal intubation timeSedation dosePain scoreAncillary maneuvers
Shah et al[16]296 (male 138, female 158)Trainees, skilled endoscopistsMEI, SCTotal MEI: 100% (150/150) SC: 90.4% (132/146) Trainees: MEI: 100% (58/58) SC: 89% (49/55) P = 0.0115 Skilled endoscopists: MEI: 100% (92/92) SC: 91% (83/91) P = 0.0032Trainees: Median, min MEI: 11.8 (4.3-31.5) SC: 15.3 (4-67) P = 0.0092 Skilled endoscopists: MEI: 8.0 (2.6-40.8) SC: 9.3 (2.5-52.6) P = 0.0484Trainees: Mean (SD) Midazolam, mg MEI: 1.2 (0.4) SC: 1.2 (0.4) P = 0.4013 Pethidine, mg MEI: 26 (14.5) SC: 30 (15.5) P = 0.1674 Skilled endoscopists Mean (SD) Midazolam, mg MEI: 1.3 (1.1) SC: 1.6 (1.0) P = 0.0724 pethidine, mg MEI: 30 (23.9) SC: 34 (25.6) P = 0.2036Trainees: Mean (SD) 0-100 VAS MEI: 28.5 (20.2) SC: 30.1 (24.4) P = 0.553 Skilled endoscopists: MEI: 28.6 (23.1) SC: 24.8 (24.2) P = 0.30Abdominal hand pressure used: Trainees: MEI: 78 SC: 61 Skilled endoscopists: MEI: 93 SC: 147
Shah et al[17]122 (male 62, female 60)ExperiencedMEI, SCMEI: 97% (61/62) SC: 95% (57/60) P = 0.3606Median, min MEI: 10.6 (7.6-17.03) SC: 13.1 (9.01-26.47) P = 0.0664Midazolam (mg), median MEI: 0.44 (0-1.48) SC: 0.88 (0-1.47) P = 0.2875 Meperidine (mg), median MEI: 16.75 (0-59) SC: 32.5 (0-59) P = 0.2643Patient pain score (100 mm VAS) MEI: 19 (9-29) SC: 29 (10-50) P = 0.0662Not stated
Cheung et al[18]120 (male, 64 female 56)ExperiencedMEI, SCMEI: 95% (57/60) SC: 93% (56/60) P = 1.0Median, min MEI: 5 (2-46) SC: 5 (3-15) P = 0.32Not statedMedian (range), pain score from patients MEI: 5 (0-10) SC: 4 (0-10) P = 0.13Abdominal hand pressure MEI: 0 SC: 0 Position change made MEI: 6.7% SC: 0% P = 0.12
Hoff et al[15]419 (male 202, female 217)Experienced, inexperiencedMEI, SCMEI: 90% (190/212) SC: 74% (153/207) P < 0.001 experienced: MEI: 90% (137/152) SC: 78% (115/148) P =0.003 Inexperienced: MEI: 88%(53/60) SC: 64%(38/59) P = 0.002Mean (95%CI), min MEI: 19.1 (17.2-21.0) SC: 17.6 (15.8-19.5) P = 0.28Not statedSevere pain during Examination: experienced MEI: 7.3% (10/137) SC: 16% (21/132) P = 0.03 Inexperienced MEI: 14% (8/56) SC: 15% (7/47) P = 0.93Not stated
Franciosi et al[19]40 (male 16, female 24)ExperiencedMEI, SCMEI: 95% (19/20) SC: 94.4% (17/18) P = nsMean (range), min MEI: 16.5 (6-52) SC: 12 (6-33) P = nsNot statedMedian, 0-10 pointscale MEI: 7 (2-10) SC: 19 (3-10) P = nsNot stated
Dechêne et al[20]1000 (male 550, female 450)Experienced, inexperiencedMEI, SCMEI: 98.2% (481/490) SC: 98.0% (500/510) P = nsMean time, (s) MEI: 507 ± 384 (8.45 ± 6.4) SC: 538 ± 428 (8.97 ± 7.13) P = ns Inexperienced: MEI: 613 ± 435 (225) SC: 660 ± 458 (245) P = ns Experienced: MEI: 415 ± 304 (256) SC: 421 ± 361 (255) P = nsNot statedNot statedPosition change made MEI: 1.5% (7/481) SC: 3.0% (15/500) P = ns Manual pressure used MEI: 4.2% (20/481) SC: 6.4% (32/500) P = ns
Holme et al[21]810 (male 378, female 432)Experienced, inexperiencedMEI, SCMEI: 91.9% (385/419) SC: 89.5% (350/391) P = 0.28 Inexperienced: MEI: 77.8% (42/54) SC: 56.0% (28/51) P = 0.022 Experienced: MEI: 94.0% (343/365) SC: 96.0% (321/340) P = 0.87Mean ± SD MEI: 14.0 ± 12.2 SC: 15.3 ± 14.2 P = 0.67 Experienced: MEI: 11.4 ± 7.2 SC: 12.3 ± 9.4 P = 0.78 Inexperienced: MEI: 31.7 ± 21.3 SC: 35.7 ± 22.1 P = 0.42Not statedNo pain during examination: MEI: 24% (82/341) SC: 20.8% (66/318) Severe pain during examination: MEI: 0 SC: 0Need for assistance experienced: MEI: 1.1% (4/365) SC: 1.5% (5/340) P = 0.75 Inexperienced: MEI: 18.5% (10/54) SC: 40% (20/51) P = 0.018
Shergill et al[23]160 (male 156, female 4)ExperiencedMEI, SCMEI: 100% (65/65) SC: 97% (73/75) P = 0.19Mean ± SD MEI: 9.4 ± 5.7 SC: 8.5 ± 5.4 P = 0.31Not statedMean (SD) MEI: 3.06 (1.13) SC: 3.12 (1.22) P = 0.60Not stated
Table 2 Summary of findings for the main comparison of magnetic endoscopic imaging colonoscope and standard colonoscope
OutcomesIllustrative comparative risks1 (95%CI)
Relative effect (95%CI)No of Participants (studies)Quality of the evidence (GRADE)Comments
Assumed riskCorresponding risk
Standard colonoscopeMagnetic endoscope imaging colonoscope
Cecal intubation rateStudy populationOR = 1.92 (1.13-3.27)2945 (8 studies)+ + + -Moderate1
912 per 1000952 per 1000(921 to 971)
939 per 1000967 per 1000(946 to 981)
Cecal intubation timeThe mean cecal intubation time in the intervention groups was 0.43 lower(0.13 lower to 0.28 higher)1934 (3 studies)+ + + +High1