Brief Article
Copyright ©2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 21, 2013; 19(11): 1811-1819
Published online Mar 21, 2013. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i11.1811
Table 1 Background characteristics of 2304 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma n (%)
Variablesn = 2304
Male1987 (86.2)
Female317 (13.8)
Age (yr), mean ± SD51.9 ± 12.9
AFP value (μg/L), mean ± SD555.31 ± 546.69
HBV infection
No429 (18.6)
Yes1875 (81.4)
HCV infection
No2287 (99.3)
Yes17 (0.7)
Child-Pugh grade
A1790 (77.7)
B495 (21.5)
C19 (0.8)
Table 2 Serum α-fetoprotein level of different tumor related factors n (%)
Variablesn = 2304AFP (μg/L)P value
HBV infection< 0.001
Yes1875 (81.4)573.9 ± 547.7
No429 (18.6)398.4 ± 522.3
Tumor size(cm)< 0.001
≤ 5871 (37.8)444.9 ± 514.2
5-10804 (34.9)499.5 ± 536.4
≥ 10629 (27.3)808.4 ± 529.2
Tumor number0.451
11666 (72.2)531.9 ± 18.9
2288 (12.5)532.2 ± 44.7
≥ 3350 (15.3)556.0 ± 42.2
Vascular invasion< 0.001
No1714 (74.4)502.1 ± 543.1
Yes590 (25.6)694.1 ± 546.9
Tumor differentiation10.007
High139 (7.5)207.3 ± 420.8
Intermediateb963 (52.3)527.9 ± 538.4
Low741 (40.2)559.2 ± 545.7
TNM staging0.306
I495 (21.5)578.6 ± 549.3
II289 (12.5)493.3 ± 542.2
IIIA726 (31.5)548.6 ± 544.3
IIIB214 (9.3)585.3 ± 553.4
IIIC101 (4.3)558.9 ± 551.7
IV479 (20.8)534.0 ± 545.9
BCLC staging0.008
A869 (37.7)506.2 ± 537.4
B251 (10.9)590.1 ± 551.1
C1028 (44.6)607.3 ± 553.3
Dd156 (6.8)625.7 ± 529.8
China staging0.386
I137 (5.9)487.8 ± 542.2
IIa198 (8.6)528.8 ± 533.9
IIb893 (38.7)560.8 ± 545.7
III1076 (46.7)527.9 ± 544.8
Table 3 Positive rate of patients with different tumor-related factors in four α-fetoprotein level inervals n (%)
Variables AFP (μg/L)2020-400401-800801n = 2304P value
HBV infection< 0.001
Yes507 (26.7)441 (23.2)126 (6.4)801 (42.4)1875 (81.4)
No202 (47.0)82 (19.2)18 (4.3)127 (29.5)429 (18.6)
Tumor size (cm)< 0.001
≤ 5243 (27.90)361 (41.45)66 (7.58)201 (23.08)871 (37.80)
5-10262 (32.59)206 (25.62)43 (5.35)293 (36.44)804 (34.90)
≥ 10117 (18.60)84 (13.35)27 (4.29)401 (63.75)629 (27.30)
Tumor number0.593
1469 (28.15)461 (27.67)103 (6.18)622 (38.00)1666 (72.31)
266 (22.92)97 (33.68)14 (4.86)111 (38.54)288 (12.50)
≥ 387 (24.86)93 (26.57)19 (5.43)151 (43.14)350 (15.19)
Vascular invasion< 0.001
No510 (29.75)498 (29.05)101 (5.89)605 (35.30)1714 (74.39)
Yes112 (19.98)153 (25.93)35 (5.93)290 (49.15)590 (25.61)
Tumor differentiation0.012
High57 (42.22)60 (44.44)5 (3.70)16 (11.85)135 (5.99)
Intermediate285 (29.75)263 (27.45)81 (8.46)335 (34.97)958 (41.84)
Low263 (35.93)134 (18.31)43 (5.87)301 (41.12)732 (32.16)
TNM staging0.767
I125 (25.25)139 (28.08)23 (4.65)208 (42.02)495 (21.48)
II90 (31.14)81 (28.03)18 (6.23)100 (34.60)289 (12.54)
IIIA197 (27.13)201 (27.69)50 (6.89)278 (38.29)726 (31.51)
IIIB50 (28.36)64 (29.91)10 (4.67)90 (42.06)214 (9.29)
IIIC27 (26.73)28 (27.72)5 (4.95)41 (40.59)101 (4.38)
IV133 (27.77)138 (28.81)30 (6.26)178 (37.16)479 (20.79)
BCLC staging< 0.001
A261 (30.03)266 (30.61)56 (6.44)286 (32.91)869 (37.72)
B59 (23.51)78 (31.08)15 (5.98)99 (39.44)251 (10.89)
C271 (23.36)272 (24.46)53 (5.16)432 (42.02)1028 (44.62)
D31 (19.87)35 (22.44)12 (7.69)78 (50.00)156 (6.77)
China staging0.124
I34 (24.82)54 (39.42)3 (2.19)46 (33.58)137 (5.95)
IIa48 (24.24)70 (35.35)7 (3.54)73 (36.87)198 (8.59)
IIb231 (25.87)237 (26.54)65 (7.28)360 (40.31)893 (38.76)
III309 (28.72)290 (29.95)61 (5.67)416 (38.66)1078 (46.70)
Table 4 Binary logistic regression analysis of tumor related factors elevating the level of α-fetoprotein (> 400 μg/L)
VariablesP valueOdds ratio (95%CI)
HBV infection0.1564.162 (0.991-16.557)
Vascular invasion0.0603.963 (0.529-7.384)
≤ 5--
5-100.3410.862 (0.317-9.284)
≥ 100.0125.215 (1.426-13.151)
Tumor number
20.5130.487 (0.056-4.204)
≥ 30.1220.146 (0.013-1.671)
Tumor differentiation
Intermediate0.0173.951 (1.501-9.917)
Low0.0066.362 (2.891-15.382)