Brief Article
Copyright ©2010 Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Feb 28, 2010; 16(8): 982-986
Published online Feb 28, 2010. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v16.i8.982
Table 1 Patient characteristics (n = 286)
n (%)
Age, yr (median ± IQR)64 ± 30
Weight, kg (median ± IQR)72 ± 23
Creatinine clearance, mL/min (median ± IQR)71.5 ± 57.6
Age ≥ 65 yr143 (51)
Male149 (52)
Medical floor146 (51)
Surgical floor140 (49)
Dose 40 mg omeprazole272 (95)
Frequency as once daily251 (88)
Heparins133 (47)
NSAIDs74 (26)
Corticosteroids74 (26)
Aspirin (100 mg)42 (15)
Clopidogrel15 (5)
Acenocoumarol10 (4)
Table 2 Justification of PPI indications
n (%)
Out of the total sample (n = 286)
Treatment indications35 (12)
Claimed as using PPI for SUP indication251 (88)
Classification of patients claimed as using PPI for SUP indication (n = 251)
Meeting criteria for SUP indication43 (17)
Meeting criteria for NSAIDs-induced prophylaxis35 (14)
Age ≥ 65 yr + NSAIDs12 (5)
NSAIDS + antithrombotics23 (9)
NSAIDS + corticosteroids17 (7)
Unjustified prophylactic use173 (69)
Age ≥ 65 yr81 (32)
Age ≥ 65 yr + LMWH55 (22)
Age ≥ 65 yr + antiplatelets60 (24)
Age ≥ 65 yr + corticosteroids25 (10)
Others90 (36)
Table 3 Correlation of initial IV administration with indication and eligibility for oral conversion n (%)
Appropriate initial IV useInappropriate initial IV useP value
Total IV use (n = 286)158 (55)128 (45)
Switched58 (37)49 (38)0.785
Candidate for Switch82 (52)127 (99)< 0.001
Treatment (35)22 (14)13 (10)0.556
SUP justified (43)26 (17)17 (13)0.556
NSAIDs-induced (justified) (35)17 (11)18 (14)0.556
Other unjustified prophylaxis (173)93 (59)80 (63)0.556
Frequency as once daily138 (87)113 (88)0.81
Dose 40 mg152 (96)120 (95)0.491
Medical floor68 (47)78 (53)0.003
Surgical floor90 (64)50 (36)0.003
Duration of IV use (median ± IQR)4.0 ± 4.04.0 ± 4.00.422
Table 4 Cost analysis for inappropriate route of administration and indication
Appropriate initial IV PPI useInappropriate initial IV PPI use
Candidate for switchn = 82n = 128
Cost of 40 mg IV PPI daily dose that could be avoided$1681$13 120
Cost of 40 mg PPI oral daily dose (if used instead of IV)$184 $1434
Cost that could be avoided with the oral use$1497$11 686
Total cost that could be avoided with IV to po conversion$13 183
Cost that could be avoided from$17 732.5
Unjustified prophylactic use of IV PPI (n = 173)