Copyright ©2008 The WJG Press and Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 14, 2008; 14(22): 3464-3470
Published online Jun 14, 2008. doi: 10.3748/wjg.14.3464
Table 1 Representative liver cell transplantation experiments in the Gunn rat model
Donor cellsInjection siteHepatic injuryOutcomeCell trackingReferences
50 × 106 free or encapsulated congeneic HcPeritoneumNone34.8% serum bilirubin reduction with encapsulated Hc vs 13.5% with free Hc at 1 moLight and electron microscopy22
10 × 106 syngeneic HcLiverHepatectomySignificant reduction of serum bilirubin up to 4 wkND24
Apparition of conjugates in bile
10 × 106 congeneic HcSpleenNoneSignificant reduction of serum bilirubin up to 12 moND27
Apparition of bile conjugates at 4 mo
2-20 × 106 congeneic HcPortal veinRight portal vein ligationSignificant reduction of serum bilirubin when injury with 2 × 106 Hc or with 20 × 106 without injury up to 30 dUGT1A1 activity, WB, PCR for ugt1 gene28
Conjugates in bile after 10 d
5 × 106 congeneic HcSpleenHepatic irradiation ± HepatectomyNormalization of serum bilirubin only with combined injuryUGT1A1 activity, WB, IHC29
Conjugates in bile detected up to 5 mo
10 × 106 congeneic HcSpleenHepatic irradiation ± FasL-induced apoptosisNormalization of serum bilirubin up to 160 dUGT1A1 activity, WB, IHC31
Conjugates in bile at 150 d
Estimation of repopulation at 52 ± 15% when combined injury
40 × 106 fetal or adult syngeneic HcSpleenRetrorsine + TriiodothyronineSignificant reduction of serum bilirubin (+ conjugates in bile) up to 90 d (no difference between fetal and adult cells)PCNA32
Table 2 Summary of clinical liver cell transplantation procedures for liver-based inborn errors of metabolism
IndicationnPatient ageCell amount (% liver cell mass)Follow-upReferences
Familial hypercho-lesterolemia57-41 yrPartial reduction of LDL (3/5 patients)69
Donor hepatocytes detected by ISH at 4 mo
CN disease type I110 yr7.5 × 109 (5%)Decrease of bilirubin levels up to 11 mo14
Detection of UGT1A1 enzyme activity and of glucurono-conjugates in bile
19 yr7.5 × 109 (5%)50%-65% reduction of bilirubin up to 3 mo34
Donor hepatocytes not detected by short tandem repeat analysis at 40 d
218 mo/3 yrND50%/30% reduction of serum bilirubin over 7 mo/ND follow-up33
Donor hepatocytes detected in one case by short tandem repeat analysis at 8 mo
Infantile refsum disease14 yr2 × 109Donor Y-chromosomes detected by PCR at 7 d20
Inherited coagulation factor VII deficiency23 mo/2 yr1.1 × 109/2.2 × 109 (4%/3%)Decrease in the factor VII requirements19
PFIC 22ND0.3 × 109No improvement33
Glycogen storage disease type Ia147 yr2 × 109(1%)Fasting tolerance: up to 7 h18
Increase of glycemia
Improvement of diet
G6Pase activity detected
Urea cycle disease1 (OTC)5 yr1 × 109Improvement of ammonia levels70
Detection of enzyme activity
1 (OTC)0 d10.5 × 109Transient metabolic improvement between 20 and 31 d of life71
1 (OTC)1 d1.9 × 109Improvement of ammonia levels72
Increased urea synthesis
1 (OTC)14 mo2.4 × 109 (6%)Improvement of psychomotor development and of ammonia levels16
Urea neo-synthesis
1 (ASL)3.5 yr4.7 × 109 (9%)Improvement of psychomotor development and of ammonia levels17
Donor hepatocytes detected by FISH at 12 mo and by enzyme activity at 8 mo
Table 3 Presentation of LCT procedures in two Crigler-Najjar disease type I patients
Patient 1Patient 2
Age/Gender9 yr/Female1 yr/Female
Infusion procedurePorth-a-cath in jejunal veinBroviac in portal vein
Timing of infusions18 infusions/5 mo14 infusions/15 d
Donor cellsFresh and cryopreserved from 3 donorsFresh and cryopreserved from 1 donor
Cell amount6.1 billion2.6 billion
0.16 billion/kg0.35 billion/kg
% Liver cell mass4%8%
Mean viability80%83%