Basic Research
Copyright ©2008 The WJG Press and Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Apr 21, 2008; 14(15): 2343-2348
Published online Apr 21, 2008. doi: 10.3748/wjg.14.2343
Table 1 Probe, primer and product (bp) in RT-PCR
GenesProbesUpstream primersDownstream primersProduct (bp)
Table 2 Pathological scoring criteria for pancreatic tissues of AP rats
Pathological changesScores
Focal expansion of interlobular septa1
Same as 1 + diffuse expansion of interlobar;2
Septa/diffuse expansion of interlobar septa
Same as 2 + expansion of interacinar septa3
Same as 3 + expansion of intercellular spaces4
Inflammation and perivascular infltrate
2-10 intralobular or perivascular leukocytes/HPF1
11-20 intralobular or perivascular leukocytes/HPF2
21-30 intralobular or perivascular leukocytes/HPF3
> 30 leukocytes/HPF or confluent microabscesses4
Acinar necrosis
Diffuse occurrence of 1-4 necrotic cells/HPF1
Diffuse occurrence of 5-10 necrotic cells/HPF2
Diffuse occurrence of 11-16 necrotic cells/HPF (foci of confluent necrosis)3
> 16 necrotic cells/HPF (Extensive confluent necrosis)4
Hemorrhage and fat necrosis
1-2 focus1
3-4 focus2
5-6 focus3
> 7 focus4