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Copyright ©2007 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Jul 28, 2007; 13(28): 3799-3805
Published online Jul 28, 2007. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v13.i28.3799
Table 1 TNM staging system for colon cancer with AJCC stage grouping[57]
AJCC stageTNM category
Stage 0Tis, N0, M0
StageIT1, N0, M0
T2, N0, M0
Stage IIAT3, N0, M0
Stage IIBT4, N0, M0
Stage IIIAT1-T2, N1, M0
Stage IIIBT3-T4, N1, M0
Stage IIICAny T, N2, M0
Stage IVAny T, Any N, M1
Table 2 TNM staging system for colon cancer[57]
Tumour stage (T)Nodal stage (N)Metastasis (M)
XPrimary tumour can not be assessedNodal metastasis can not be assessedDistant metastasis can not be assessed
0No primary tumor identifiedNo nodal metastasisNo distant metastases
isCarcinoma in situ (tumour limited to mucosa
1Involvement of submucosa, but no penetration through muscularis propria1-3 pericolic/ perirectal nodes involved.Distant metastases
2Invasion into, but not penetration through, muscularis propria4 or more pericolic/ perirectal nodes involved
3Penetration through muscularis propria in o subserosa (if present), or pericolic fat, but not into peritoneal cavity or other organs.
4Invasion of other organs or involvement of free peritoneal cavity
Table 3 Common adjuvant chemotherapy regimens for colon cancer
Chemotherapy RegimenDrugsRouteDosageCycle length and number
Mayo Regimen[58]5-FU/LViv5-FU, 425 mg/m2 per day d 1-528 d
LV 20 mg/m2 per day d 1-56 cycles
Roswell Park [59]5-FU/LViv5-FU 500 mg/m2 per day weekly × 68 wk
LV 500 mg/m2 per day weekly × 64 cycles
Xeloda [24]Capecitabineoral1250 mg/m221d
BD × 14 d8 cycles
FOLFOX 4 [31]5-FU/LVivOxaliplatin 85 mg/m2 d 114 d
OxaliplatinLV 200 mg/m2 per d d 1-212 cycles
5-FU 400 mg/m2 per day d 1-2
5-FU, 600 mg/m2 per d CVI over 22 h, d 1-2
FLOX [32]5-FU/LVivOxaliplatin 85 mg/m2 wk 1, 3, 58 wk
OxaliplatinLV 500 mg/m2 wk 1-63 cycles
5-FU 500 mg/m2 wk 1-6
Table 4 Rates of local recurrence according to stage at diagnosis, surgical management and the inclusion of radiotherapy for rectal cancer (%)
Stage atdiagnosisSurgeryalone[41]Total mesorectalexcision[42]TME plusradiotherapy[42]
Stage II225.71.0
Stage III46154.3
Table 5 2005 ASCO Guidelines for post-treatment surveillance[6]
Year postdiagnosisHistory andphysical reviewCEA levelCT scan chestand abdomenColonoscopy
Yr 13-6 monthly3 monthlyYearly
Yr 23-6monthly3 monthlyYearly
Yr 33-6 monthly3 monthlyYearlyColonoscopy
Yr 46 monthlyAt reviewNil
Yr 56 monthlyAt reviewNil