Copyright ©2007 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastroenterol. Jul 14, 2007; 13(26): 3540-3553
Published online Jul 14, 2007. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v13.i26.3540
Table 1 Histological scoring and staging system for NASH
Steatosis MacrovesicularSteatohepatitis
Stages of NASH Fibrosis
Lobular InflammationBallooning
Definition and scoreLarge fat droplet with signet cell appearance of hepatocytesAssessment of inflammatory foci on 200 × fieldSwollen hepatocytesOn trichome staining
0Less than 5%Less than 2 fociNoneNone
15% to 33%2 to 4 fociFewPerisinusoidal (zone 3) or periportal 1a-mild, zone 3 1b-moderate, zone 3 1c-portal or periportal
233% to 66%More than 4 fociMany cells or prominent ballooningPerisinusoidal (zone 3) and portal/periportal
3More than 66%--Bridging
Table 2 Pathophysiology of insulin resistance
Actions of insulinMechanism of action of insulinAlterations in insulin resistant statesNet metabolic effect
(a) Stimulatory Increases glucose transport: In adipocytes In myocytes-Insulin binds to its membrane receptor to cause up regulation of GLUT-4 via mediation of IRS-1/2(activated by phosphorylation at tyrosine sites)-Impaired post receptor signaling involving IRS proteins -Abnormal phosphorylation of IRS-1 makes it inhibitor of the receptor kinase -Activation of IKK-β by free FA and cytokines leads to activation of NF-κB which further inhibits the genes involved in GLUT synthesis-Hyperglycemia -Decreased glucose utilization as energy source -Reactive hyperinsulinemia
Increases glycogenesis In hepatocytes In myocytes-By providing the building blocks -Increases expression and activity of glycogen synthase and inhibiting the glycogenolytic enzymes-Decreased glycogen synthesis-Hyperglycemia -Decreased postprandial glycogen stores in liver
Increases lipogenesis In adipose tissue In liver (DNL)-Increases the supply of substrates -Postprandial stimulation of FAS, ACC and SCD1 -Increases supply of free FA in AT-Further increase in lipogenesis,esp. DNL -Increased delivery of free FA to liver -Decreased oxidation in hepatocytes-Excessive fat storage in AT and in other tissues (lipotoxicity) -Hepatic steatosis -Increased adiposity
Increases protein synthesis in muscles-Activates the translational machinery -Activates protein kinase B which activates the protein synthesizing enzymes -In long term exposure increases ribosome in cells-Decreased protein synthesis-Sarcopenia
Increases glucose oxidative pathways-Enhances glycolysis and Kreb's cycle by activating all the key regulator enzymes-Inhibited -Lipid oxidation preferentially used for energy purposes-Hyperglycemia -Oxidative stress in hepatocytes
(b) Inhibitory Decreases gluconeogenesis in liver-Inhibits pyruvate carboxylase, glucose 6 phosphatase and PEP kinase -Shuttles substrates to lipogenesis-Enhanced gluconeogenesis -Decreased inhibition of keyregulatory enzymes -Activation of AMPK-Increased hepatic glucose output -Excessive availability of substrates for lipogenesis -Fasting hyperglycemia
Decreases hepatic glucose output-Decreases gluconeogenesis -Increases glycogen synthesis -Increases oxidation of glucose-Increased gluconeogenesis -Decreased glycogenesis and oxidative disposal of glucose-Hyperglycemia
Suppresses lipolysis in adipose tissue-Suppression of HSL-Increased rate of free FA release in fasting state in lean and obese -When corrected for body weight in obese, postprandial lipolysis may seem to be normal or even decreased-Increased plasma free FA both in fasting and post-prandial states(May be due to a mass effect of overall expansion of body fat depots in case of obese) -Increased free FA efflux -Increased VLDL
Decreases apolipoprotein secretion-Insulin decreases the synthesis and secretion of Apo-B and Apo-C-Hyperinsulinemia causes further suppression of expression of apolipoprotein genes and also inhibits post translational modifications and secretion -Enhanced synthesis of Apo-B 48 in intestines-Trapping of TAG inside the liver -Hepatic steatosis -Increased VLDL
Suppresses β oxidation of fatty acids-Insulin acts via binding to SREBP-1 transcription factor to cause increased expression of ACC-1 leading to generation of FAS substrates for lipogenesis-Reactive hyperinsulinemia with unrestricted effect on SREBP causes further inhibition of β-oxidation of free FA in hepatocytes mitochondria-Hepatic steatosis -CYP system over expression and generation of ROS
Table 3 Serum factors in obesity and potential mechanisms of NASH
FactorsIncrease in obesitySource: tissue/cellsBasis of increased levelsRole in development of NASH
FFA[199]41%Diet Adipose tissue: (adipocytes) visceral/subcutaneous-Over nutrition -Unopposed peripheral lipolytic activity secondary to IR-Lipotoxicity -Induce JNK dependent hepatocytes apoptosis -Cause Bax translocation to hepatocyte lysosomes leading to lysosomal degradation and release of cathepsin B -Enhance expression of apoptosis effectors(TNF-α and Fas) -Generation of ROS at ETC of mitochondria -Increase in hepatic lipid peroxidation
TNF-α[152]28%Liver: Kupffer cells/macrophages/HSC/hepatocytes Adipose tissue: macrophages in matrix/adipocytes-Chronic inflammation in adipose tissue with macrophage infiltration -LPS/endotoxins from small bowel overgrowth -Viral infection -Ethanol -Reactive oxygen species-Receptor mediated mitochondrial injury with release of ROS and caspases -Induction of lipid peroxidation and cell necrosis (intermediation of ceramide) -TNF-α R1 activation leads to Fas induced apoptosis -Causes release of other cytotoxic cytokines(IL-6, TGF-β) from activated Kupffer cells
IL-6[152]46%Blood: monocytes/endothelial cells Adipose tissue: subcutaneous/omental Liver: Kupffer cells/HSC/macrophages-TNF-α mediated activation of Kupffer cells -Pro-inflammatory cytokines release by cells (macrophages) in adipose tissue-Mediates synthesis of acute phase proteins by hepatocytes -Activates HSC to cause fibrosis and up regulate various genes involved
Leptin[111,112]4 .2 to 5.8 timesAdipose tissue: mature adipocyte/few matrix cells Liver: activated HSC-Increased mass of adipose tissue -Chronic inflammatory mediators in adipose tissue -Leptin resistance-Regulates hepatic fibrosis by activation of HSC(induction of α2 collagen gene) and modulation of Kupffer cell function -Protects HSC from apoptosis and enhances their regeneration -Up regulates profibrogenic TGF-β synthesis
Resistin[161,162]Non significantAdipose tissue: visceral/subcutaneous (adipocytes) Blood: monocytes Liver: Kupffer cells-IL-6 and TNF-α release inadipose tissue secondary to inflammation -Chronic liver injury-NF-κB mediated activation of HSC and release of pro-inflammatory(MCP, IL-8, TNF-α) and fibrogenic(TGF-β, leptin) cytokines
IL-8[200]33%Inflammatory cells in adipose tissue,liver and blood-Pro-inflammatory cytokines-Mediates inflammatory response in NASH
PAI-1[201]3.5 timesLiver: (activated HSC) Adipose tissue: visceral/omental (matrix and adipocytes)-Locally produced TGF-β and TNF-α-Inhibits the activation of fibrinolytic plasmin during fibrogenesis
Angiotensinogen[172]14%Liver: hepatocytes Adipose tissue: visceral/subcutaneous (adipocytes)-Hyperinsulinemia of IR -FFA-Activates HSC to secrete TGF-β to cause fibrosis