Clinical Research
Copyright ©2005 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Jan 14, 2005; 11(2): 255-259
Published online Jan 14, 2005. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v11.i2.255
Table 1 Correlation between degree of liver fibrosis and clinical and laboratory data (n = 112).
Clinical/laboratory dataDegree of liver fibrosis
Portal/SeptalPericellularFibrosis stage
Age (yr)0.265 (P = 0.005)0.172 (P = 0.07)0.302 (P = 0.001)
BMI0.220 (P = 0.020)0.236 (P = 0.012)0.238 (P = 0.011)
Platelet-0.331 (P<0.001)-0.133 (P = 0.2)-0.298 (P = 0.001)
Albumin-0.295 (P = 0.002)-0.078 (P = 0.4)-0.291 (P = 0.002)
AST0.306 (P = 0.001)0.384 (P P<0.001)0.340 (P<0.001)
AST/ALT0.458 (P<0.001)0.420 (P P<0.001)0.438 (P<0.001)
IgG (n=100)0.261 (P =0.009)0.141 (P = 0.1)0.208 (P = 0.038)
IgA (n=94)0.281 (P<0.006)0.285 (P = 0.005)0.291 (P = 0.004)
IgM (n=100)0.256 (P =0.010)0.188 (P = 0.06)0.266 (P = 0.008)
Type IV Ccollagen 7S0.580 (P<0.001)0.516 (P<0.001)0.607 (P<0.001)
Hyaluronic acid0.543 (P<0.001)0.387 (P<0.001)0.553 (P<0.001)
Ferritin (n = 98)0.205 (P = 0.043)0.120 (P = 0.2)0.252 (P = 0.012)
HbA1c (n = 96)0.309 (P = 0.002)0.211 (P = 0.039)0.315 (P = 0.002)
FFA (n = 80)0.238 (P = 0.033)0.271 (P = 0.015)0.276 (P = 0.013)
HOMA-R (n = 82)0.224 (P = 0.043)0.164 (P = 0.1)0.222 (P = 0.045)
Table 2 Comparison between patients with fatty liver and with NASH (mean±SD).
Fatty liver aloneNASHP value
Age (yr)45.2±13.653.8±14.40.002
Gender (female)22 (52.4%)54 (77.1%)0.012
Diabetes mellitus (%)8 (19.0%)26 (37.1%)0.044
Platelet count (±104/mL)23.8±4.821.1±6.80.036
Prothrombin time (%)98.5±11.191.6±13.60.009
Albumin (g/dL)4.4±0.34.3±0.40.01 7
AST (IU/L)56.7±30.887.5±48.1<0.001
ALT (IU/L)110.1±68.2117.1±65.1NS
AST/ALT ratio0.56±0.20.82±0.4<0.001
GGT (IU/L)124.9±96.6106.2±129.3NS
IgG (mg/dL)1 377.1±366.71 526.9±423.3NS
IgA (mg/dL)313.1±191.3356.9±134.1NS
IgM (mg/dL)124.2±47.9162.8±82.40.004
Type IV collagen 7S (ng/mL)4.1±0.96.0±2.0<0.001
Hyaluronic acid (ng/mL)29.0±20.0103.4±116.8<0.001
Fasting glucose (mg/dL)107.8±34.4120.2±51.8NS
HbA1c (%)5.4±1.06.2±1.70.005
Ferritin (ng/mL)151.7±107.0351.5±455.70.001
FFA (mEq/L)0.6±0.20.7±0.30.022
Table 3 Comparison between NAFLD patients with stage 0-2 fibrosis and those with stage 3 and 4 fibrosis (mean±SD).
Stages 0-2 fibrosisStages 3,4 fibrosisP value
Age (yr)47.8±14.554.3±14.00.02
Gender (female)38 (59.4%)38 (79.2%)0.04
Diabetes mellitus (%)15 (23.4%)19 (39.6%)NS
Platelet count (±104/mL)23.8±5.120.3±7.10.004
Prothrombin time (%)96.9±11.190.1±14.70.018
Albumin (g/dL)4.4±0.34.3±0.40.03
AST (IU/L)67.0±37.587.9±51.20.02
ALT (IU/L)113.1±65.2116.3±67.9NS
AST/ALT ratio0.66±0.40.82±0.30.015
GGT (IU/L)133.5±141.685.7±66.60.019
IgG (mg/dL)1 408.1±367.01 555.5±446.4NS
IgA (mg/dL)316.3±172.3371.0±133.5NS
IgM (mg/dL)137.2±79.1163.8±64.9NS
Type IV collagen 7S (ng/mL)4.6±1.56.3±2.0<0.001
Hyaluronic acid (ng/mL)50.4±74.3108.8±118.70.004
Fasting glucose (mg/dL)115.1±49.4116.6±43.1NS
HbA1c (%)5.6±1.26.4±1.90.01
Ferritin (ng/mL)253.8±52.6320.1±373.0NS
FFA (mEq/L)0.6±0.30.8±0.30.007
Table 4 Diagnostic accuracy of the markers of liver fibrosis for NASH.
ROC analysis
Cutoff valueAccuracy
AUC (95% CI)P valueSe (%)Sp (%)PPV (%)NPV (%)
(a) Type IV collagen 7S0.828 (0.754-0.902)0.000≥5.0 ng/mL70.
(b) Hyaluronic acid0.797 (0.716-0.879)0.000≥43 ng/mL65.790.592.061.3
Combination of Markersa≥5.0 ng/mL87.173.884.777.5
or b≥43 ng/mL
a≥5.0 ng/mL48.697.697.153.2
and b≥43 ng/mL
Table 5 Diagnostic accuracy of the markers of liver fibrosis for severe fibrosis.
ROC analysis
Cutoff valueAccuracy
AUC (95% CI)P valueSe (%)Sp (%)PPV (%)NPV (%)
(a) Type IV collagen 7S0.817 (0.736-0.897)0.000≥5.0 ng/mL81.371.468.483.6
(b) Hyaluronic acid0.797 (0.652-0.845)0.000≥50 ng/mL68.882.875.077.9
Combination of Markersa≥5.0 ng/mL95.862.565.795.2
or b≥50 ng/mL
a≥5.0 ng/mL54.292.283.972.8
and b≥50 ng/mL