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World J Gastroenterol. Feb 21, 2007; 13(7): 1090-1097
Published online Feb 21, 2007. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v13.i7.1090
Frequent loss of heterozygosity in two distinct regions, 8p23.1 and 8p22, in hepatocellular carcinoma
Tomoe Lu, Hiroshi Hano, Chenxi Meng, Keisuke Nagatsuma, Satoru Chiba, Masahiro Ikegami, Department of Pathology, Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Author contributions: All authors contributed equally to the work.
Supported by The Jikei University Research Fund
Correspondence to: Tomoe Lu, MD, PhD, Department of Pathology, The Jikei University School of Medicine, 3-25-8 Nishishinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8461, Japan. luwei@jikei.ac.jp
Telephone: +81-3-34331111-231 Fax: +81-3-54720700
Received: November 25, 2006
Revised: December 16, 2006
Accepted: January 18, 2007
Published online: February 21, 2007


AIM: To identify the precise location of putative tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) on the short arm of chromosome 8 in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

METHODS: We used 16 microsatellite markers informative in Japanese patients, which were selected from 61 published markers, on 8p, to analyze the frequency of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in each region in 33 cases (56 lesions) of HCC.

RESULTS: The frequency of LOH at 8p23.2-21 with at least one marker was 63% (20/32) in the informative cases. More specifically, the frequency of LOH at 8p23.2, 8p23.1, 8p22, and 8p21 was 6%, 52%, 47%, and 13% in HCC cases. The LOH was significantly more frequent at 8p23.1 and 8p22 than the average (52% vs 22%, P = 0.0008; and 47% vs 22%, P = 0.004, respectively) or others sites, such as 8p23.2 (52% vs 6%, P = 0.003; 47% vs 22%, P = 0.004) and 8p21 (52% vs 13%, P = 0.001; 47% vs 13%, P = 0.005) in liver cancer on the basis of cases. Notably, LOH frequency was significantly higher at D8S277, D8S503, D8S1130, D8S552, D8S254 and D8S258 than at the other sites. However, no allelic loss was detected at any marker on 8p in the lesions of nontumor liver tissues.

CONCLUSION: Deletion of 8p, especially the loss of 8p23.1-22, is an important event in the initiation or promotion of HCC. Our results should be useful in identifying critical genes that might lie at 8p23.1-22.

Key Words: Loss of heterozygosity; Chromosome; Hepatocarcinogenesis; Hepatocellular carcinoma; 8p


Primary liver cancer is one of the most frequent neoplasms worldwide, with both an incidence and a mortality rate that are increasing markedly. According to a recent report, the global number of new cases annually rose from 437 400 to 564 000 between 1990 and 2000, and is expected to continue to rise in the future[1-4].

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the predominant histological subtype of primary liver cancer, mostly arises against a background of chronic liver disease, usually in association with cirrhosis. Several risk factors for HCC have been reported, such as chronic infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV), and C virus (HCV) or both, alcohol-induced liver injury, and dietary exposure to aflatoxin B1 and others. Prolonged exposure to these risk factors is thought to cause an accumulation of chromosomal aberrations and altered gene expression, and eventually results in hepatocarcinogenesis[4-6]. In Japan, more than 70% of HCCs develop in patients with chronic infections with HCV[7]. Carcinogenesis is mainly researched based on virology and the viral gene itself. However, the mechanisms by which inflammation and cirrhosis contribute to tumor development and/or progression remain unclear. After the human genome was sequenced, the mechanism of generation and subsequent progression was researched at a molecular level for HCC. Histological findings suggest that the initiation and subsequent development of HCC are multistep processes involving qualitative and quantitative changes in sequentially expressed genes, especially the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) related to the deletion of chromosomal regions critical for hepatocarcinogenesis[8,9]. A typical alteration in many TSGs, the mutation of one allele, can be detected as a loss of heterozygosity (LOH) with informative markers in TSG regions. Therefore, LOH assays have been widely used as an indirect approach in the search for a new TSG[10]. In the last few years, genetic approaches to the detection of genome-wide LOH using microsatellite markers and chromosomal aberrations detected by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) have indicated that frequent allelic loss in many different chromosomal regions, including 1p[11,12], 3p[13], 4q[14], 6q[15], 8p[16-19], 9p[20], 10p[21], 13q[22], 22q[23], 16q, 17p and Xq[24,25] , is closely associated with the tumorigenesis of HCC.

We have performed a genome-wide search for LOH with human genetic markers in several types of human cancer and confirmed that loss of 8p is the most frequent chromosomal alteration in prostate cancer, especially allelic loss at 8p22, which not only is an important event in the initiation of tumor, but also is closely associated with the progression of primary cancer to metastatic cancer[26].

In our comprehensive allelotyping, less than 30% of microsatellite markers located at 8p21-23, were recognized as informative for Japanese patients. We therefore undertook an allelotype based study of 33 HCCs using the selected informative markers to obtain a comprehensive view of the LOH on the most frequent altered chromosome, and to identify the location of the putative TSGs in HCC.

Tissue collection, histopathology, and DNA extraction

Thirty-three patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who underwent liver resection were included in this study. Of these, fifty six tumor lesions and 33 adjacent morphological non-tumor lesions were obtained from surgically resected specimens. All specimens were formalin-fixed, and paraffin wax-embedded tissues were processed with routine histological methods. Use of the tissues was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Jikei University School of Medicine before the study. The study group included 26 men and 7 women, ranging in age from 31 to 76 years. Of the 33 patients, 24 (73%) had a chronic infection with HCV, HBV or both and 15 (45%) had cirrhosis in the background liver tissues. Histological diagnoses were made according to the WHO Histological Classification of Tumors of the Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Ducts (2000). According to histological grade, HCC was classified into well differentiated (WD), moderately differentiated (MD), and poorly differentiated (PD) types. In this study, clinicopathological characteristics were also classified, such as solitary or multiple tumor, growth pattern of tumor (expansive or infiltrative), infiltration of capsule or not, histological grading of tumor (well, moderately or poor differentiation), and with or without vascular and bile duct infiltration. Simultaneously, we also compared LOH frequency and etiological factors, such as chronic hepatitis with HCV or HBV infection, and cirrhosis in the background liver tissues. Fibrosis degree was classified as F1, F2, F3, and F4 according to the histological grading and staging of chronic hepatitis. In this system, liver cirrhosis was classed as F4, which is the end-stage form of liver fibrosis. Of the 33 patients who underwent liver resection, 18 had a solitary tumor nodule and 15 had multiple tumor nodules. All lesions from each case were selected and reviewed by two pathologists in order to confirm the original diagnosis. The tumor (T) and corresponding non-tumor hepatocytes (H), and remaining nonhepatocytes that were portal vein lesions (P) were micro-dissected from 15-μm tissue specimens after deparaffinization and nuclear staining. Normal tissues were obtained from the gallbladder or lymph nodes collected from the same patients (Figure 1). DNA was extracted using the standard phenol/chloroform method as described previously[26].

Figure 1
Figure 1 Representative examples of LOH in two cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (N: normal; H: hepatocytes; P: portal vein; T: tumor; number beside T indicates different lesion): case 7 showing partial loss of upper alleles in lesions of tumor 1 and tumor 2 but not in lesions of hepatocytes and portal vein at D8S1130; case 20 showing complete loss of upper alleles in lesion of tumor but not in surrounding non-tumor tissues at D8S503.
LOH analysis

Matched tumors, corresponding non-tumor liver tissues, and normal tissue DNAs were analyzed for LOH by amplification of polymorphic microsatellite markers using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Sixty-one published microsatellite markers, located at 8p23.3, 8p23.2, 8p23.1, 8p22, and 8p21, were selected from the Genome Database (available at http: //http://www. gdb. org). A total of 16 microsatellite markers were identified as informative in Japanese patients and used (Table 1).

Table 1 Informative microsatellite markers were selected and used in this study.
No.LocusMarkersGenetic map(cM)ForwardReversePCR productsize (bp)result1

DNA amplification was performed in 10-μL volumes containing 100 ng of genomic DNA as a template. Each PCR mixture contained 1.5 mmol/L MgCl2, 100 μmol/L forward and reverse primers, 200 μmol/L each of dATP, dGTP, dTTP and dCTP, 10 μCi of [α-32P] dCTP (6000 Ci/mmol, Amersham, Biosciences Corp., Piscataway, NJ), 1 U of Taq DNA polymerase (Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan), and 1 × PCR buffer. After the initial denaturation at 94°C, 35 PCR cycles, each consisting of denaturation at 94°C for 30 s, annealing at 65°C-50°C for 30 s, elongation at 72°C for 1 min, and a final extension at 72°C for 5 min, were performed in a 96-well Hybaid thermocycler (Gene Amp PCR System 9600, Takara, Tokyo, Japan). Ten microliters of PCR products were denatured with 30-60 μL of dye solution (95% formamide, 10 mmol/LEDTA (pH 8.0), 0.2% xylene cyanol FF, and 0.02% bromophenol blue) at 95°C for 3 min and then cooled on ice immediately. Three microliters of denatured products were separated on a 6% urea-formamide-polyacrylamide gel and electrophoresed at 40 W for 2-3 h at room temperature. The dried gel was exposed to Hyperfilm MP (Amersham Biosciences Corp.) for 3-7 d and reexposed to another film for 2-3 wk.

Criteria for LOH

A pair of regular and longer-exposed autoradiographs was reviewed independently by two of the authors (T. L. and CX. M.). Informative pairs were judged by visual inspection to show LOH, no loss or to be noninformative.

LOH was defined as a loss of intensity of 60% or greater in 1 or more alleles in the tumor (T) or corresponding hepatocytes (H) compared with the identical allele in the normal tissue (N) (Figure 1).

Statistical analysis

The differences in LOH frequency between tumor, nontumor and normal tissues for individual markers and background values were determined with Fisher’s exact test.


The distribution of the frequency of LOH at 8p23.2, 8p23.1, 8p22 and 8p21 for hepatocellular carcinoma is shown in Table 2. Allelic loss at 8p23.2-21 was detected with at least 1 marker in 18 of 32 (56%) cases of liver cancer. More specifically, the frequency of LOH at 8p23.2, 8p23.1, 8p22, and 8p21 with at least 1 marker was 6% (1 of 16), 52% (16 of 31), 47% (15 of 32), and 13% (4 of 32) for liver cancer cases respectively (Table 2). A similar result was obtained in the lesion-to-lesion comparison (data not shown). In contrast, no allelic loss at any markers on 8p was detected in the background liver tissue. The average frequency of LOH at 8p23.2-21 was 22% (58 of 264) in informative cases. We found that LOH at the 8p23.1 and 8p22 loci was significantly higher than the average in HCC cases (P = 0.0008, and P = 0.004, respectively). But allelic loss at 8p23.2 and 8p21, the loci on either side of the 8p23.1-22 region, tended to be lower than the average. On the other hand, no allelic loss (0 of 52 lesions) was detected at any informative markers on 8p23.2-21 in the surrounding liver tissues. Moreover, allelic loss at D8S277, D8S503, D8S1130, D8S552, D8S1109, D8S254, and D8S258 was 25%, 42%, 39%, 43%, 24%, 43% and 50%, respectively, significantly higher than that elsewhere and the average frequency at 8p.

Table 2 LOH status for the 8p23.2, 8p23.1, and 8p22 in hepatocellular carcinoma.
1164MStMDCH(C)+, LCninininininini
2658MStMDCH(C)+, LCnininini
2065MStWDAlcoholic, LCnini
759MMtWDCH(B)+, (C)+ninininini
1950MMtMDCH(B)+, LCninini
1071FMtMDCH(C)+, LCninininininini
457MMtMDCH(C)+, LCnini
1851MStWDCH(B)+, LCnininininininininini
1654MMtMDAlcoholic, LCnininininininininini
2571MStMDCH(B)+, (C)+nininininininininininini
3254FStMDCH(B)+, LCninini
2167MStWDCH(C)+, LCninininininininininininini
3376FStWDCH(C)+, LCnininininini
3165FMtMDCH(C)+, LCninininininininininini
1737FMtMDCH(B)+, LCnininininininininininininininini
2460MMtMDCH(-), LCnininininininini
LOH ●0113425934161018215321420
Informative (32/33)8131617161212237173123101613322323313232
LOH/Informative (58/264 = 22%)0%8%6%a18%25%17%42%39%43%24%52%b43%10%50%15%47%c13%9%3%13%d63%e

Correlations between LOH frequency and clinicopathological variables are summarized in Table 3. To determine whether allelic loss at 8p was associated with clinicopathological characteristics and reveal its biological role in the initiation and/or progression of tumors, we compared the frequency of LOH based on almost all of the clinicopathological findings. Corresponding to the result described above, the LOH frequency tended to be higher at 8p23.1 and 8p22 loci than at 8p23.2 and 8p21 loci for all clinicopathological findings, but no significant difference in LOH frequency was found between the liver cancer positive or negative for malignant factors. In other words, no association was detected between the deletion of 8p23.1-22 and subsequent progression of the tumors.

Table 3 Distribution of LOH frequency at 8p in hepatocellular carcinoma cases by clinicopathological variables.
Tumor size (mm)
> 500/40/40/5 (0%)0/61/50/62/44/120/13/810/14 (71%)4/100/53/71/66/13 (46%)0/100/100/150/15 (0%)10/15 (67%)
< 500/31/71/8 (13%)3/113/112/63/75/113/61/96/17 (35%)6/131/75/91/79/16 (56%)3/112/141/154/15 (27%)10/17 (59%)
Tumor number
St0/20/30/5 (0%)1/91/81/52/63/121/33/106/15 (41%)9/181/64/71/74/13 (31%)3/202/181/244/24 (17%)17/24 (71%)
Mt0/51/101/10 (10%)2/73/81/63/66/112/41/710/16 (63%)1/40/44/91/65/13 (38%)0/20/50/70/7 (0%)2/7 (29%)
Growth Pattern
Eg0/81/131/15 (7%)3/164/132/114/119/223/73/1514/28 (50%)8/201/87/142/1313/26 (50%)3/202/211/294/29 (14%)18/29 (62%)
Ig0/10/10/1 (0%)0/10/30/21/10/10/01/22/5 (40%)2/20/21/20/02/2 (100%)0/20/20/20/2 (0%)2/2 (100%)
Formation of capsule
Fc-0/61/81/10 (10%)2/31/41/42/34/73/42/55/6 (83%)3/41/33/30/35/5 (100%)2/51/50/52/5 (40%)5/5 (100%)
Fc+0/20/60/6 (0%)1/143/121/83/95/170/32/1211/25 (44%)7/180/75/132/1010/23 (43%)1/181/181/262/26 (8%)15/26 (58%)
Infiltration to capsule
Fc-Inf-0/61/81/10 (10%)1/51/70/73/53/80/42/87/11 (64%)3/100/54/90/37/15 (47%)1/101/120/151/15 (7%)10/15 (67%)
Fc-Inf+0/10/30/3 (0%)1/81/30/21/43/100/01/55/13 (38%)5/90/33/52/76/11 (55%)1/100/80/131/13 (8%)7/13 (54%)
Septal formation
Sf-0/00/30/3 (0%)1/72/61/73/53/81/42/57/13 (54%)5/90/55/91/47/15 (47%)1/120/120/161/16 (6%)9/16 (56%)
Sf+0/61/91/10 (10%)2/81/50/31/43/101/12/75/12 (42%)4/100/33/61/67/11 (64%)2/91/90/122/12 (17%)8/12 (67%)
WD0/30/30/4 (0%)1/42/42/41/24/61/41/24/8 (50%)3/61/23/51/53/7 (43%)1/71/71/72/7 (29%)4/7 (57%)
MD1/70/91/13 (8%)2/132/121/94/125/171/123/611/21 (52%)6/131/85/111/1310/18 (56%)2/121/130/212/21 (10%)13/21 (62%)
PD0/00/10/1 (0%)0/10/30/10/11/32/30/12/3 (67%)1/21/30/10/01/2 (50%)0/20/20/20/2 (0%)2/2 (100%)
pT10/10/20/2 (0%)0/20/10/10/11/20/30/20/5 (0%)2/60/12/31/23/6 (50%)0/60/60/60/6 (0%)3/6 (50%)
pT21/70/71/10 (10%)2/61/71/34/64/52/53/37/11 (64%)5/81/45/70/47/11 (64%)2/81/90/112/11 (18%)8/11 (73%)
pT30/20/20/3 (0%)1/42/21/30/23/81/50/15/8 (63%)2/40/10/21/42/5 (40%)1/51/51/82/8 (25%)5/8 (63%)
pT40/00/00/0 (0%)0/00/10/10/00/11/10/01/1 (100%)1/10/20/00/01/2 (50%)0/10/10/20/2 (0%)1/2 (50%)
pN-1/80/101/12 (8%)3/73/72/43/56/91/80/15/12 (42%)4/90/06/72/78/13 (62%)3/112/101/134/13 (31%)9/13 (69%)
pNx0/00/30/3 (0%)0/61/50/41/42/92/61/56/12 (50%)2/40/61/50/12/4 (50%)0/50/50/70/7 (0%)4/7 (57%)
pM-1/60/111/13 (8%)2/71/51/23/53/103/82/46/14 (43%)3/71/55/91/66/11 (55%)2/101/110/132/13 (15%)7/13 (54%)
pMx0/00/00/0 (0%)0/02/30/20/12/20/21/13/4 (75%)5/60/10/10/05/7 (71%)1/50/50/81/8 (13%)7/8 (88%)
Vascular infiltration
V-0/71/101/13 (8%)2/103/101/84/96/132/62/99/20 (45%)6/150/57/130/711/20 (55%)2/162/181/213/21 (14%)14/21 (67%)
V+1/70/21/9 (11%)1/71/61/41/33/101/12/87/11 (64%)4/61/51/32/64/7 (57%)1/60/50/91/9 (11%)5/9 (56%)
Bile duct infiltration
B-0/101/131/17 (6%)3/184/152/114/1310/243/93/1715/28 (54%)7/182/98/152/1211/24 (46%)2/192/201/273/27 (11%)16/27 (59%)
B+0/10/10/2 (0%)0/30/31/41/30/41/31/43/4 (75%)3/51/50/10/44/5 (80%)1/40/40/51/5 (20%)4/5 (80%)
Liver cirrhosis
LC-0/20/60/6 (0%)1/82/71/61/47/141/13/811/18 (61%)6/110/44/72/89/16 (56%)1/101/131/182/18 (11%)12/18 (67%)
LC+0/51/51/7 (14%)2/92/91/64/82/92/61/95/13 (38%)4/101/64/90/56/13 (46%)2/111/110/142/14 (14%)8/14 (57%)
Chronic hepatitis
CH-0/10/30/4 (0%)2/32/31/11/23/71/12/44/8 (50%)4/61/32/51/35/7 (71%)2/60/50/82/8 (25%)6/8 (75%)
CH+0/61/71/9 (11%)1/132/131/114/96/162/62/1312/23 (52%)6/170/76/111/1010/22 (45%)1/172/191/242/24 (8%)14/24 (58%)

The distribution of LOH frequency based on the fibrosis (F) of background liver tissues, which is usually thought to be associated with hepatocarcinogenesis, was also analyzed. The frequency of LOH at 8p23.1 or 8p22 in F1, F2, F3, and F4 was 75% (3 of 4), 78% (7 of 9), 20% (1 of 5), and 38% (5 of 13), or 100% (2 of 2), 56% (5 of 9), 40% (2 of 5), and 46% (6 of 13), respectively. No statistically significant difference in LOH frequency was found on the basis of the fibrosis staging at 8p. Allelic loss at 8p even tended to be slightly more frequent in cases of tumor with earlier-stage fibrosis than in cases with advanced stage fibrosis of the background liver tissues.


Previous studies of LOH have reported that allelic loss of 8p is the most frequent chromosomal alteration in a variety of human cancers and have suggested that one or several tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) may lie within the short arm of chromosome 8[16-19]. To further identify the precise location of the putative TSGs that might potentially be involved in the tumorigenesis of HCC, we performed a high-density LOH study of HCC at 8p using recently developed microsatellite markers. Only 16 of 61 (less than 30%) were identified as informative for Japanese patients. Furthermore, among the informative markers, the informative cases for all specimens were usually lower (from 20% to 70%) for Japanese than for Westerners. The samegeneral tendency has been found in various other types of cancer, possibly because Japan is not multiracial like Western countries. This has led us to suggest that using this characteristic might be more efficient for identifying candidate regions of deletion at 8p.

In this study, LOH at 8p was detected in 56% of informative cases of HCC. However, no allelic loss was found in corresponding hepatocytes including 18 lesions of morphogenetic non-tumor tissues and 14 lesions of cirrhotic liver tissues at any markers, the latter usually considered a premalignant liver lesion. Our result suggests that allelic loss at 8p is an important event in the initiation or promotion of HCC.

Furthermore, among the informative regions 8p23.2, 8p23.1, 8p22, and 8p21, allelic loss was significantly more frequent at 8p23.1 and 8p22 than at 8p23.2 and 8p21 on both sides of the loci. Several minimal regions adjacent to frequently deleted markers were also identified, such as D8S277, D8S503, D8S1130, and D8S552 at 8p23.1, and D8S254 and D8S258 at 8p22. On the basis of the minimal regions of overlapping deletions at 8p, we identified two sites, 8p23.1 and 8p22, possibly containing TSGs involved in human liver carcinogenesis. That is to say, the commonly deleted regions were restricted to 8p23.1-22 suggesting that the key genes exist in two distinct regions that might be closely related to the carcinogenesis of HCC. Our results are consistent with previously reported patterns of molecular change in HCC and other epithelial tumors. No statistically significant differences were detected in the candidate regions 8p23.1 and 8p22 between the frequency of LOH and any clinicopathologic characteristics, including etiological factors considered to contribute to tumorigenesis, and malignant factors usually important to the subsequent progression of tumors. These results led us to the hypothesis that loss of 8p is not essential for the subsequent development or progression of HCC.

Moreover, with respect to the results of allelotyping, several genes, such as angiopintin 2 (ANGPT2), AGPAT5, LOC648814, DEFB 137 and DEFB 136, LONRF1, and FLJ36980, which were adjacent to the candidate markers D8S277, D8S503, D8S1130, D8S552, and D8S1109 at 8p23.1, respectively, were analyzed for somatic mutations or expression by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SSCPs) and the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) methods. However, no significant mutation or absence of expression of these adjacent genes was found (data not shown), indicating that alterations of those genes may not be closely related to the carcinogenesis[16-19,26]. Several new candidate cancer-susceptibility genes at 8p22, such as deleted in breast cancer 2 (DBC2), leucine zipper tumor suppressor 1 (LZTS1), and deleted in liver cancer 1 (DLC1), and mitochondrial tumor suppressor 1 (MTUS1) have been cloned[27-30]. We have analyzed these genes in the same HCC samples, but a somatic mutation or absence of expression of these candidate genes is rare in Japanese patients (data not shown), indicating that these well-known candidate genes are not the main targets of the observed LOH at 8p22. Although no significant genetic alterations were detected in HCC in the present study, it could not be denied that they had already had some epigenetic change during the pre-cancer stage or earlier in the carcinogenesis. Although detailed data have not been published, the present results strongly suggest that other unknown genes in the region 8p22-23.1 play an important role in HCC. Further studies are needed to identify critical oncogenes or TSGs, including those in 8p22-23.1. Our results should be useful for identifying the targets of deletion at 8p.


We thank Miss Kana Tamura and Ms. Michiko Kasai for their help in collecting samples, Mrs. Misako Shirai and Mrs. Mamiko Owada for technique help, and Miss Michiko Takagi for photographic help.


S- Editor Liu Y L- Editor Zhu LH E- Editor Lu W

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