Wright AE, Rukin NJ, Somani BK. Ureteroscopy and stones: Current status and future expectations. World J Nephrol 2014; 3(4): 243-248 [PMID: 25374818 DOI: 10.5527/wjn.v3.i4.243]
Corresponding Author of This Article
Bhaskar K Somani, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Consultant Urological Surgeon (Stone Lead), Department of Urology, University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust, Tremona Rd, Southampton SO16 6YD, United Kingdom. bhaskarsomani@yahoo.com
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Urology & Nephrology
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Anna E Wright, Nicholas J Rukin, Department of Urology, New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton WV10 0QP, United Kingdom
Bhaskar K Somani, Department of Urology, University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust, Southampton SO16 6YD, United Kingdom
ORCID number: $[AuthorORCIDs]
Author contributions: Wright AE, Rukin NJ and Somani BK solely contributed to this paper.
Correspondence to: Bhaskar K Somani, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Consultant Urological Surgeon (Stone Lead), Department of Urology, University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust, Tremona Rd, Southampton SO16 6YD, United Kingdom. bhaskarsomani@yahoo.com
Telephone: +44-23-80795273 Fax: +44-23-80795272
Received: June 16, 2014 Revised: August 5, 2014 Accepted: August 27, 2014 Published online: November 6, 2014 Processing time: 144 Days and 11 Hours
Urolithaisis is becoming an ever increasing urological, nephrological and primary care problem. With a lifetime prevalence approaching 10% and increasing morbidity due to stone disease, the role of ureteroscopy and stone removal is becoming more important. We discuss the current status of stone disease and review the ever increasing role that ureteroscopy has to play in its management. We discuss technological advances that have been made in stone management and give you an overview of when, how and why ureteroscopy is the most common treatment option for stone management. We touch on the role of robotic ureteroscopy and the future of ureteroscopy in the next 10 years.
Core tip: This manuscript demonstrates the advent, technical progression and modern use of ureteroscopy for stone disease. It begins with a brief epidemiology of renal stone disease, technological advances in flexible ureteroscope, use of laser for stone disease and the different types of surgical options available. We also share the current evidence of ureteroscopy for stone treatment in obesity, pregnancy, pediatrics and patients with bleeding diathesis and large renal stones. In the end we discuss what the future holds for ureteroscopy including an insight into robotic ureteroscopy.
Citation: Wright AE, Rukin NJ, Somani BK. Ureteroscopy and stones: Current status and future expectations. World J Nephrol 2014; 3(4): 243-248
With an increasingly ageing population, rising obesity, poor dietary habits and lack of adequate fluid intake we are seeing a rise in the incidence of renal and ureteric calculi[1-9]. This directly effects patient morbidity and places an ever increasing demand on healthcare resources. The concept of urinary stones is not new, indeed “cutting for the stone” was one of the classic three operations described more than 2000 years ago. It is somewhat ironic now, that endourological surgeons rarely “cut for the stone”, but more “fish out” the stone with ureteroscopy (URS). Without doubt, the technological advances over the last 30 years has revolutionised our current management of urinary tract stone disease. We aim to highlight the importance of stone disease and take you through the important technological changes, discuss current concepts in stone management, explain what is new in ureteroscopy and touch on the future of ureteroscopy in the management of stone disease.
Urolithiasis is a major clinical and economic burden for modern healthcare systems[10]. International epidemiological data suggest that the prevalence of stone disease is increasing[11]; with a rise in lifetime prevalence between 7%-12%. The mean age of patients with upper tract stones has remained constant at 49 years, although there has been an alarming increase of 19% in the number of children diagnosed[11]. The ever increasing prevalence of stone disease has a direct effect on healthcare resources, with the number of URS performed for stone disease increasing by 127% over the last 10 year period 2000-2010[11].
The rising prevalence of stone disease is multifactorial, but poor dietary habits and fluid intake, increasing levels of obesity and “metabolic syndrome” may further increase stone-related clinical episodes[12,13]. This emphasises the importance of education and lifestyle adaptations in attempting to prevent stone formation for at risk groups and the critical role of secondary prevention for those who have already suffered with stones.
The use of URS has dramatically increased over the last 30 years mainly due to the rapid speed of technological advances. Since the advent of the first recorded URS in 1912[14]; the past century has seen a continued development of the ureteroscope alongside diversification of its use. Evaluation of the urinary tract was initially explored with specula, next came urethroscopy with dilatations of the urethra using knives and wax instruments[15]. The prototype endoscope, the “Lichtleiter”, was introduced back in 1806 by Phillip Bozzini, and consisted of a hollow tube transmitting candlelight via a mirror[15]. This enabled the first true endoscopic operation in 1853 when Desormeaux extracted a urethral papilloma through the endoscope[15]. Further modifications to the endoscope were introduced by the dermatologist Grunfield of Vienna, who developed an endoscopic loop threader and scissor forceps allowing the first endoscopic bladder papilloma excision in 1881. The step from idea to realisation of endoscopic surgery was difficult and protracted. Bozzini et al ideas from the early 1800’s were well ahead of their time. They were considerably hindered by the technical capabilities of the nineteenth century engineering, which resulted in clumsy and heavy instruments. In parallel with the development of the cystoscope there was continuing advancements in the endoscopic light source. A system of mirrors and lens’ were introduced alongside candlelight to transmit light through a hollow tube; this idea was superseded by fibre-optic technology utilising the principle of internal reflection permitting the “bending” of light within flexible glass[16]. These principle and understanding lead onto the development of the first rigid ureteroscope in 1980. This was developed by Perez-Castro in collaboration with Karl Storz, incorporating a separate working and optic channel. These developments allowed the art of ureteroscopy to flourish and develop over the last 35 years[17].
The development of electrohydraulic and ultrasonic lithotripsy soon followed, enabling the fragmentation of ureteric stones[17]. Flexible tip ureteroscopes were introduced in 1983[16], and the modern digital scopes soon followed. Modern digital flexible ureteroscopes consists of a fiberoptic lens, with a single cable electronically transferring the image detected at the tip of a scope to the image display on a monitor (“Chip to tip” technology). Digital and conventional (fibre-optic) flexible ureteroscopes have seen a dramatic improvement in ergonomics, with lighter scopes and improved manoeuvrability[18]. The advent of digital images has resulted in improved resolution and colour discrimination, as well as significantly reduced operative times[16,19-21]. Figure 1 demonstrates the modern flexible ureterorenoscopes that we use in clinical practice today.
Despite improvements in scope technology, one still needs to fragment and/or remove the stone once visualised. Stones are commonly fragmented with a holmium laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). Albert Einstein and Satyendranath Bose proposed the concept of lasers, but lasers were initially seen as a great invention with no obvious use. With time and hard work by laser pioneers, we now cannot imagine a world in which we don’t use lasers. Indeed, the role of the Holmium laser in the management of renal tract stones has resulted in many stones in the urinary tract have been accessible to treatment in a minimally invasive fashion. Laser offers the surgeon a safe, effective method of stone fragmentation. One real benefit is the fact that laser can be manoeuvred around bends, enabling it to be used throughout the kidney. The lithotripter, although a useful adjuvant for ureteroscopy, has its limitations including stone retropulsion back into the kidney. The lithotripter is still commonly used for percutaneous nephrolithotomy surgery (PCNL), where larger stones can be fragmented quickly, without the need to manoeuvre around each calyx.
Traditionally ureteric and renal stones were managed by open surgical techniques, and it was not until the 1980s and the advent of the Dormier H3 lithotriptor that shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) became common place[16]. SWL offered a relatively minimally invasive treatment option for patients, with acceptable outcomes in terms of stone free rates (SFR)[22]. With the advent of minimally invasive surgery, particularly URS, SWL treatment numbers are falling. Recent United Kingdom, American and Australian data clearly demonstrate dramatically rising rates of ureteroscopy, which far exceed small rises in the use of SWL[1,11,23].
Current American and European Urology Association Stone guidelines summarise the current evidence based treatment for stone management based on stone size and location[24]. The size and location of the stone are the most important factors in determining which treatment options are most suitable, but individual surgeon’s treatment preference is important in making treatment decisions for each treated stone.
The position of the stone in the ureter directly reflects in the success of the procedure. More distal stone have higher success rates when treated with rigid ureteroscopy, compared to the more proximal stones[24]. Indeed proximal stones can fall back into the kidney, therefore they often require a concurrent flexible ureteroscopy to achieve good stone free rates. Current guidelines recommend ureteroscopy, over other treatments including SWL, for the majority of ureteric stones[24].
In terms of stone size conservative management may be appropriate for smaller stones; 95% of stones up to 4 mm pass within 40 d[25]. Current recommendations advise the use of PCNL over URS and laser for larger more complex stones. The recommended size of stone treated by URS is increasing with each new update of stone guidelines, with the current size value of 20 mm and above favouring a percutaneous approach to treatment (PCNL)[24]. Despite this there is very good clinical evidence[26] for using URS for stones greater than 20 mm in size, with 94% deemed stone free after a mean number of 1.6 URS treatments. This data is comparable, and arguably better, than standard PCNL treatment with reduced morbidity and shorter length of hospital stay[27].
Stones greater than 2 cm often require planned two stage URS procedures to achieve complete stone clearance[28]. Although this necessitates staged procedures, it may be a worthwhile sacrifice in view of nephron preservation and the low complication rate[29]. This is not an insignificant consideration when treating an ever-increasing co-morbid patient. A comparison of the available treatment modalities, in terms of advantages, disadvantages and contraindications is summarised in Table 1.
Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of different techniques[24].
Non-invasive treatment Out-patient treatment No anaesthetic needed
Lower success rates Renal colic (secondary stone fragments) Steinstrasse May need multiple treatments Success rates less for lower calyx stones
No incisions Day case procedure Can be used in pregnancy, obese and patients not suitable for prone position
Might require 2 operations for stone clearance May need a ureteric stent post op Ureteric avulsion/strictures Requires a general anaesthetic
Technological advances in the design and size of the ureteroscopes has enabled easier access to the kidney and ureters via the urethra, removing the need for any surgical incision. With rigid and flexible URS nearly all areas in the urinary tract can be readily accessed, with stunning high quality digital optics providing very accurate assessment of stones and mucosal lesions. One of the main benefits of URS is that there are minimal contra-indications for the procedure. A general anaesthetic is often required, but upper tract access with spinal or local anaesthetic can be achieved[30]. The only real contraindication would be a ureteric stricture preventing successful ureteric access and scope passage[24]. Fluoroscopy is required during URS, but radiation exposure can be reduced with careful consideration of when and how much fluoroscopy is needed. The benefits of URS are clearly evident in the literature, with low complication rates, high SFR, and short length of stay[26,28].
As with any procedure complications can happen, but the reported complication rates are relatively low[29,31]. The overall complication rate for URS is approximately 3.5%; which are mostly minor. Probably the most feared complication of ureteroscopy is ureteral avulsion, however it is rare (< 1%). Common complication include mucosal or ureteric injury (1.5%-1.7%), post-operative fever (1.8%), urosepsis, haematuria, ureteral stricture (0.1%) and persistent vesicoureteric reflux (0.1%)[29,32]. Due to its minimally invasive nature, URS can be performed as a day case procedure. This has obvious benefits for hospital finances, as well as patient satisfaction levels[11].
In recent years the role of URS has expanded, particularly with reference to an increasingly obese population, during pregnancy, bleeding diathesis and paediatric stone disease. With obesity rates at an all-time high[12,13] and the association of kidney stones in such patients, these groups can often be difficult to manage. The anaesthetic risk can be significantly increased and other treatment such as SWL or PCNL are often less successful[33]. Ureteroscopy is often ideal for such patients, as their renal tract can be readily be accessed[34]. Indeed, currently guidelines recommend URS as the most promising therapeutic option in obese patients[24].
Pregnancy offers a unique situation in terms of urinary stones disease. A cascade of metabolic changes occurs during pregnancy that may be associated with an increased likelihood of stone formation, particularly in the second and third trimester[35,36]. Whenever possible, conservative treatment of stones are encouraged. If complications do develop, URS can offer a minimally invasive treatment option for patients and hopefully avoid the need for long term urinary diversion with either a stent or nephrostomy tube[37,38]. A recent systematic review suggests that URS is a safe and effective procedure that can be used as the first line surgical management of symptomatic stones during pregnancy[36].
Patient with bleeding diathesis are at significantly increased risk of complications with treatments including SWL, PCNL, laparoscopic or open surgery[39-42]. For such patients, URS offers a safe and effective treatment modality. With ever increasing use of anticoagulation, based on risk assessment, these patients are an at-risk group and can be very difficult to manage surgically[24,43]. In term of URS and anticoagulation the literature is limited. A critical analysis of the published literature has shown good SFR with minimal complications when performing URS whilst the patient remains on anticoagulation. One worries about the rate of bleeding, but the combined data on URS reports a relatively low figure of 4% minor bleeding whilst on anticoagulation[44].
Childhood urolithiasis is becoming more prevalent, with a significant number of patients experiencing their first stone episode in childhood[24]. Such patients present diagnostic and treatment dilemmas, particularly their suitability for treatment due to their organ size. Traditionally the majority of these patients were treated with SWL, with reported SFR of approximately 80%[45]. With smaller calibre scopes and improved scope instrumentation such as smaller baskets and laser fibres, the role for URS has slowly increased. A recent systematic review has demonstrated SFR of up to 93% can be achieved with URS in a paediatric population[45].
The future of URS is one of massive technological advances. With ever decreasing scope size, better optics and new device coming to market no corner of the urinary tract is inaccessible or unsuitable for access with URS. Ever more complex patients, with a plethora of medical problem are now becoming increasingly appropriate for URS.
Robotic surgery has recently entered the field of urology, particularly with reference to prostate, bladder and renal cancer treatment. URS has also had the robotic treatment, with the introduction of robotic flexible ureteroscopy. This “Robot” offers the surgeon the ability to control their flexible ureteroscope and laser fibre via the comfort of a robotic console. Figure 2 demonstrates this robotic device. The main robotic station holds the flexible ureteroscope whilst the surgeon controls the URS via a console and joystick devices. With only a few prototypes in clinical use and the procedure in its infancy this is a large area for future clinical development. Initial results are interesting; with the biggest benefit seeming to favour surgeon ergonomics rather than SFR[46]. Long term outcome data is awaited with anticipation.
Another area of future interest is the use of peptide-coated iron oxide-based microparticles[47]. These microparticles selectively adhere to calcium stone fragments enabling quicker retrieval of intraoperative stone fragments with the aid of a magnetic device, when compared to standard stone removal[47]. URS is without doubt an attractive area for technical innovation; where new advances have a huge potential to improve outcome and SFR.
With an ever-increasing prevalence of stone disease careful consideration needs to be given to meet future demand. A large area of attention needs to be placed on primary and secondary stone prevention, with simple but effective patient education and lifestyle interventions.
In terms of URS, the future is one of great excitement. Larger stones, more complex patients, paediatric patients, pregnancy, bleeding diathesis and the obese are becoming more suitable than ever for minimally invasive URS. With the advent of future technological advances, the boundaries of what is achievable will be further expanded. Robotic is entering the playing field and is potentially the next big development in URS. The next 10 years is one of great excitement in URS and is likely to further transform of our current treatment strategies for the management of stone disease.
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