Copyright ©2012 Baishideng.
World J Transplant. Apr 24, 2012; 2(2): 27-34
Published online Apr 24, 2012. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v2.i2.27
Table 1 Risk factors of hepatic veno-occlusive disease
Risk factorsRef.
Patient factors
Younger age in children[75-77]
Older age in adults[78]
Poor performance status[13,79,80]
Glutathione S-transferase M1 null genotype[81]
Hemochromatosis C282Y allele[82]
Pre-existing hepatic dysfunction[2-4,79]
High serum ferritin[84]
Positive CMV serology[85]
Elevated plasma transforming growth factor β level[86]
Hepatitis B or C infection[7,87-90]
History of pancreatitis[85]
Disease factors
Thalassemia major[76]
Advanced malignancy[83,91]
Acute leukemia[89]
Delayed platelet engraftment[75,76]
Presence of acute graft-vs-host disease[83]
Treatment factors
Interval between diagnosis and transplantation greater than 13 mo[83]
Allogeneic HSCT[75,79]
Unrelated donor HSCT[3,13,85,91]
Mismatched donor[3,83]
Second or subsequent transplants[7,84]
Prior use of gemtuzumab ozogamicin[92]
Prior use of norethisterone[93]
Prior abdominal irradiation[3,7,77,79]
Use of total parenteral nutrition within 30 d before HSCT[85]
High dose cytoreductive therapy[79]
Conditioning regimen containing busulfan with or without cyclophosphamide[3,75,76,84,85]
Conditioning regimen containing fludarabine[85]
Conditioning regimen containing melphalan[94,95]
Total body irradiation[83,84]
Graft-vs-host disease prophylaxis with cyclosporin with or without methotrexate[80,83,85]
Use of sirolimus[96]
Use of tranexamic acid[97]
Platelet transfusion containing ABO-incompatible plasma[95]
Table 2 Randomized controlled trials of ursodeoxycholic acid for hepatic veno-occlusive disease
Trial referenceEssell et al[26] 1998Ohashi et al[27] 2000Ruutu et al[28] 2002Park et al[29] 2002
Type of transplantsAllogeneicAllogeneic or autologousAllogeneicAllogeneic or autologous
Stem cell sourceBone marrowNAVariableNA
ConditioningBusulfan and cyclophosphamide or busulfan aloneVariableVariableVariable
No. of patients (treatment vs control)35 vs 3271 vs 65124 vs 12082 vs 83
Treatment regimenUrsodeoxycholic acid 300 mg BD (< 90 kg) or 300/600 mg BD (> 90 kg), given before conditioning till Day+80Ursodeoxycholic acid 600 mg daily, given from Day-21 till Day+80Ursodeoxycholic acid 6 mg/kg per day BD, given 1 d before conditioning till Day+90Ursodeoxycholic acid 300 mg BD, heparin 5 units/kg per hour, given 12-24 h before conditioning till Day+30
ControlPlaceboNo drugNo drugHeparin alone
Age of patients (yr, treatment vs control)Mean 38 (22-56) vs 37 (21-56)Mean 34.5 vs 35.7Median 38 (5-59) vs 40 (1-58)Median 39 vs 38
VOD criteriaSeattleSeattleBaltimore, SeattleModified Seattle
Frequency of VOD (treatment vs control)14.3% vs 40.6%2.8% vs 18.5%Baltimore 2.4% vs 4.2%; Seattle 11.3% vs 11.7%15.9% vs 19.3%
Mortality at Day+100 (treatment vs control)22.9% vs 40.6%NANA11.0% vs 10.8%