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Ting-Shao Zhu, PhD, earned his second PhD at the University of Alberta Canada in 2006. From 2008, he started working as a Professor at the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Beijing, and then moved to the Institute of Psychology CAS, to focus on cyber psychology. Dr. Zhu has extensive experience on Data Mining and Machine Learning. His research on Mandarin Text-To-Speech, conducted at the Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, was the first attempt to acquire prosodic patterns using data mining. His proposal of learning browsing behavior model from passive observations has defined a new direction for Web user modeling. The paper that presents this idea won the Best Student Paper Award at the 9th International Conference on User Modeling (UM2003). His recent work on cyber psychology, that is, to predict personality, mental health, social well-being, etc. of web users based on web behavior. The results on microblog (Sina Weibo) demonstrate that it is applicable to predict psychological features on web behavior. He has published over 100 papers in major international academic conferences and journals. The main foci of his current work are (1) web user behavior modeling; (2) Computational Cyber Psychology and (3) data mining. For more information, please visit: http://ccpl.psych.ac.cn.