Basic Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Clin Infect Dis. Aug 25, 2017; 7(3): 38-45
Published online Aug 25, 2017. doi: 10.5495/wjcid.v7.i3.38
Table 1 Prevalence of acute respiratory infections and its care seeking according to Pakistan demographic and health survey data 2006-2007 and 2012-2013, n (%)
PDHS 2006-2007 n = 1590PDHS 2012-2013 n = 2142
Pneumonia1167 (73.3)1610 (75.1)
No pneumonia423 (26.7)532 (24.8)
Care seeking for ARI
Sought1108 (69.6)1707 (79.7)
Not sought482 (30.3)435 (20.3)
Table 2 Baseline characteristics of children with acute respiratory infections according to Pakistan demographic and health survey data 2006-2007 and 2012-2013, n (%)
PDHS 2006-2007 n = 1590PDHS 2012-2013 n = 2142
Neonates (up to 28 d)377 (23.6)452 (21.0)
1 to 6 mo1213 (76.3)1690 (78.9)
Male877 (55.2)1143 (53.4)
Female713 (44.7)999 (46.5)
Table 3 Trends of rates of pneumonia care seeking according to Pakistan demographic and health survey data 2006-2007 and 2012-2013, n (%)
PDHS 2006-2007
PDHS 2012-2013
Care seeking (n = 813)No care seeking (n = 354)P valueCare seeking (n = 1276)No care seeking (n = 325)P value
Individual level factors
Maternal age (yr)
Up to 2037 (77.1)11 (22.9)0.0143 (75.4)14 (24.5)0.02
20 to 30421 (71.5)167 (28.5)685 (82.0)150 (18.0)
31 or above355 (66.9)176 (33.1)548 (77.3)161 (22.7)
Maternal education
Illiterate515 (64.2)287 (35.7)< 0.001700 (77.1)208 (22.9)0.007
Primary136 (78.6)37 (21.4)221 (79.7)56 (20.2)
Secondary or above162 (84.4)30 (15.6)355 (85.3)61 (14.6)
Father’s education
Illiterate252 (59.5)171 (40.4)< 0.001390 (77.2)115 (22.7)0.004
Primary151 (74.7)51 (25.2)182 (75.8)59 (24.2)
Secondary or above405 (75.7)130 (24.3)704 (82.5)151 (17.5)
Father’s occupation
Skilled manual149 (77.2)44 (22.8)< 0.001214 (84.2)40 (15.7)0.11
Unskilled manual168 (65.3)89 (34.6)431 (78.1)121 (21.9)
Professional/63 (72.4)24 (27.5)123 (78.8)33 (21.2)
Agriculture related151 (62.1)92 (37.9)150 (81.1)35 (18.9)
Services/clerical253 (75.9)80 (24.1)319 (79.9)80 (20.1)
Did not work25 (50.0)25 (50.0)33 (70.2)14 (29.7)
Others4 (100.0)0 (0.0)6 (75.0)2 (25.0)
Maternal working status
Working182 (67.1)89 (32.8)0.3247 (79.4)64 (20.6)0.46
Not working631 (70.4)265 (29.5)1029 (80.1)261 (20.3)
Age of child (mo)
Neonates205 (74.2)71 (25.7)0.03275 (81.1)170 (19.8)0.13
1 to 2351 (71.8)138 (28.2)590 (81.3)135 (18.7)
3-6257 (64.0)145 (36.0)411 (76.5)126 (23.5)
Male456 (70.7)189 (29.3)0.39686 (80.1)170 (19.8)0.63
Female357 (68.3)165 (31.6)590 (79.1)155 (20.8)
Place of delivery
Healthcare facility326 (76.7)99 (23.3)< 0.001683 (83.4)135 (16.6)0.008
Home485 (65.5)255 (34.5)593 (75.7)190 (24.3)
Delivery conducted by
Health professional331 (79.0)88 (21.0)< 0.001672 (82.2)146 (17.9)0.01
Trained birth attendant247 (71.1)100 (28.9)343 (79.5)89 (20.7)
Other untrained attendant229 (58.4)163 (41.6)261 (74.5)89 (25.4)
Delivery by cesarean section
Yes79 (82.2)17 (17.7)< 0.001169 (84.5)31 (15.5)0.19
No734 (68.5)337 (31.4)1107 (79.1)293 (20.9)
Household level factors
Socioeconomic status
Lower class326 (60.2)216 (39.8)< 0.001524 (75.3)171 (24.7)0.005
Middle class154 (69.3)68 (30.7)279 (82.3)60 (23.6)
Higher class333 (82.6)70 (17.4)473 (84.9)94 (15.1)
Community level factors
Urban287 (77.5)83 (22.5)< 0.001531 (82.1)116 (17.9)0.05
Rural526 (66.0)271 (34.0)745 (78.1)209 (21.9)
Geographical region
Punjab321 (73.4)116 (26.5)< 0.001401 (87.3)58 (12.6)< 0.001
Sindh332 (78.8)89 (21.2)244 (82.4)52 (17.5)
KPK144 (51.4)136 (48.5)335 (70.9)137 (29.0)
Balochistan16 (55.1)13 (44.8)129 (72.8)48 (27.1)
Gilgit Baltistan--114 (84.4)21 (15.6)
Islamabad (ICT)--53 (85.4)9 (14.5)