Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Clin Pediatr. Sep 9, 2024; 13(3): 96950
Published online Sep 9, 2024. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v13.i3.96950
Table 1 The challenges facing using pulse oximetry in children and how to overcome them
Suggested solution
Children have smaller fingers and earlobesUse specialized sensors designed for pediatric use. These are smaller in size and may include adhesive attachments to secure them properly on the child’s finger, toe, or other appropriate site
Increased risk of movement during monitoringEnsure careful positioning of the sensor and minimize patient movement during measurement to prevent motion artifacts that could affect the accuracy of pulse oximetry readings
Variation in skin pigmentationBe aware that darker skin tones can absorb more light, potentially leading to lower readings. If necessary, consider appropriate adjustments or alternative monitoring sites to account for skin pigmentation differences
Lower peripheral perfusion in pediatric patientsChoose a monitoring site with better perfusion or use pulse oximetry in conjunction with clinical assessment to ensure accurate monitoring, especially in neonates and infants
Specific calibration settings for pediatric oximetersEnsure that pulse oximeters used in pediatric settings are appropriately calibrated to obtain accurate readings, with calibration settings tailored to the age and size of the patient population
Consideration of clinical factors in interpretationContextualize SpO2 readings within the overall clinical picture, considering the child’s age, clinical condition, and baseline oxygen saturation levels for accurate assessment and appropriate intervention
Table 2 The preferred placement sites for pulse oximeter probes in neonates, infants, and children
Age group
Preferred placement sites
NeonatesThe palm of the hand (preferred)
Sole of the foot (if palm reading is difficult)
InfantsFinger (index finger preferred, followed by thumb, middle finger, and great toe), nose, earlobe, forehead
ChildrenFinger (index finger preferred, followed by thumb, middle finger, and great toe), nose, earlobe, forehead
Table 3 Clinical indications of pulse oximetry in neonates, infants, and children
Clinical application
Neonatal indications
Fetal and neonatal carePulse oximetry can continuously monitor oxygen saturation during delivery and in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome, congenital heart defects, or other respiratory conditions
Newborn screening for CCHDPulse oximetry screening detects CCHD in newborns by comparing SpO2 readings between the upper and lower extremities, indicating the presence of heart defects
RDSPulse oximetry assesses oxygenation and monitors respiratory status in preterm infants with RDS, guiding oxygen therapy and evaluating response to treatment
BPDPulse oximetry monitors oxygenation and respiratory status in infants with BPD, guiding oxygen therapy, detecting complications, and assessing response to interventions
Apnea of prematurityPulse oximetry detects oxygen desaturation events associated with apnea in premature infants, allowing for prompt intervention and monitoring of respiratory status
PPHNPulse oximetry assesses oxygenation and monitors response to treatment in infants with PPHN, guiding oxygen therapy and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions
Neonatal methemoglobinemiaPulse oximetry may underestimate O2 saturation in neonatal methemoglobinemia, prompting further investigation and monitoring of response to treatment
Postoperative carePulse oximetry monitors O2 saturation levels in neonates after surgery, facilitating early detection of respiratory compromise & guiding interventions for optimal recovery
Infancy and childhood indications
Children with respiratory illnessesPulse oximetry is essential for managing respiratory illnesses in children. It aids in assessing oxygen saturation levels and the severity of the condition, monitoring oxygen therapy effectiveness, tracking treatment response, and guiding clinical decisions. It provides valuable insights into conditions like pneumonia, bronchiolitis, and asthma exacerbations
Assessment of circulatory statusPulse oximetry is significant in evaluating circulatory status in children. It allows for the early detection of circulatory compromise and guides interventions to restore perfusion and prevent organ dysfunction. It also provides real-time feedback on treatment effectiveness, particularly in cases of shock or hypovolemia
Monitoring during anesthesia and sedationPulse oximetry is crucial for monitoring children during anesthesia and sedation. It enables continuous assessment of SpO2 levels and pulse rate. It aids in the early detection of respiratory depression, airway obstruction, and hypoxemia, ensuring patient safety during procedures requiring anesthesia or sedation
Management of sleep disordersPulse oximetry is instrumental in managing childhood sleep disorders such as OSA or central sleep apnea. It facilitates screening, assesses severity, monitors treatment effectiveness, and detects complications. It also enables home monitoring, leading to early treatment failure or disease progression detection
Evaluation of trauma and critical carePulse oximetry assists in the rapid assessment of oxygenation status in children with trauma or critical illness, aiding in the early detection of hypoxemia and respiratory compromise. It provides continuous monitoring during critical care interventions and facilitates timely escalation of care
Home monitoringPulse oximetry is valuable for monitoring various childhood disorders at home, including respiratory conditions, congenital heart diseases, neurological disorders, and neonatal complications. It enables early detection of abnormalities, prompts medical attention, and enhances accessibility to healthcare services when integrated with telemedicine technologies
Table 4 The diseases or conditions, the problems they pose to pulse oximetry, and potential solutions to address these challenges
Problem with pulse oximetry
AnaemiaReduced accuracy of SpO2 readings due to lower hemoglobin levels affecting oxygen saturationInterpret readings cautiously, consider other clinical indicators, and perform arterial blood gas analysis for severe cases
PolycythaemiaFalsely elevated SpO2 readings due to increased hemoglobin levels and altered blood viscosityBe aware of potential inaccuracies and consider alternative assessment methods, such as arterial blood gas analysis
Metabolic derangementShifts in the oxygen dissociation curve and peripheral vasoconstriction can affect SpO2 readingsInterpret readings cautiously, consider other clinical parameters, and be aware of acidosis-induced left shifts or alkalosis-induced right shifts
Cardiac arrhythmiaIrregular blood flow causes fluctuations in pulsatile signal, leading to inaccurate readingsUse pulse oximeters with advanced signal processing algorithms, monitor waveform quality, and consider alternative assessments such as arterial blood gas analysis
HypothermiaReduced peripheral perfusion and altered oxygen dissociation curve affecting SpO2 accuracyApply local heating to improve perfusion, use pulse oximeters with enhanced low-perfusion algorithms, and consider supplemental assessments
JaundiceMinimal interference from bilirubin with pulse oximetry readings, though COHb may cause inaccuraciesMonitor for COHb levels in severe cases; rely on pulse oximetry for most jaundiced patients
Electromagnetic fieldInterference with pulse oximetry readings from sources such as electrosurgical units and cellular phonesUse fiberoptic pulse oximetry during MRI procedures to minimize exposure to electromagnetic fields
Table 5 General guidelines for effective use of pulse oximetry
Sensor placementPlace on well-perfused areas (finger, toe, earlobe) based on the child’s age and size
Sensor securementSecure snugly but not too tightly to prevent motion artifacts and ensure optimal signal quality
Establish baselineEstablish a baseline oxygen saturation level for each patient to interpret subsequent readings accurately
ConsiderationsThe expected oxygen saturation range should be determined based on age, baseline respiratory status, and underlying medical conditions
Continuous monitoringContinuous monitoring should be used in critically ill or high-risk patients to promptly detect changes in oxygen saturation
Additional parametersMonitor respiratory rate, heart rate, level of consciousness, and skin color alongside oxygen saturation levels
Minimizing artifactsMinimize patient movement, ensure proper sensor placement, and use immobilization techniques or sedation as needed to reduce motion artifacts
Equipment maintenanceRegularly monitor and address technical issues and calibrate equipment according to manufacturer’s guidelines
Sensor replacementReplace sensors as needed to maintain accuracy and reliability
Alternative sitesAlternative sensor placement sites (forehead or palm) should be used for patients with poor peripheral perfusion or compromised circulation
Trend monitoringMonitor trends in oxygen saturation over time rather than relying solely on individual readings
EducationEducate parents, caregivers, and healthcare staff about the importance of pulse oximetry and proper sensor placement
DocumentationDocument pulse oximetry readings, relevant clinical information, and interventions in the patient’s medical record
OptimizationEvery effort should be made to optimize pulse oximetry monitoring effectiveness, improving patient outcomes and care quality