Observational Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Clin Pediatr. Mar 9, 2022; 11(2): 160-172
Published online Mar 9, 2022. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v11.i2.160
Table 1 Demographic data of children with functional constipation and without constipation
Functional constipation (n = 78), n (%)
Without constipation (n = 573), n (%)
P value
Male38 (48.7)378 (66)
Female40 (51.3)195 (34)
Age (mean ± SD, yr)11.24 ± 3.5112.67 ± 2.400.0012
Place of residence0.1901
Rural17 (21.8)156 (27.2)
Urban61 (78.2)417 (72.8)
Muslim77 (98.7)551 (96.2)
Hinduism1 (1.3)22 (3.8)
Table 2 Symptoms analysis of children with functional constipation and without constipation
Functional constipation (n = 78), n (%)
Without constipation (n = 573), n (%)
P value
Yes35 (44.9)124 (21.6)
No43 (55.1)449 (78.4)
Yes17 (21.8)46 (8)
No61 (78.2)527 (92)
Abdominal pain0.0011
Yes37 (47.4)122 (21.3)
No41 (52.6)451 (78.7)
Hard stool0.0011
Yes63 (80.8)32 (5.6%)
No15 (19.2)541 (94.4)
Blood with hard stool0.0011
Yes6 (7.7)3 (0.5)
No72 (92.3)570 (99.5)
Alternative hard and loose stool0.0011
Yes22 (28.2)10 (1.7)
No56 (71.8)563 (98.3)
Abdominal distension0.5371
Yes0 (0)78 (100)
No78 (100)566 (98.8)
Fecal mass in LIF0.0011
Yes12 (15.4)0 (0%)
No66 (84.6)573 (100)
Table 3 Descriptive data of bowel habits of children with functional constipation and without constipation
Functional constipation (n = 78), n (%)
Without constipation (n = 573), n (%)
P value
Defecation frequency0.0011
Daily43 (55.1)501 (87.4)
1 d interval3 (3.8)48 (8.4)
2 d interval12 (15.4)24 (4.2)
3 d interval20 (25.6)0 (0)
Yes 2 (2.6)0 (0)
No 76 (97.4)573 (100)
Painful bowel movements0.0011
Yes 60 (76.9)2 (0.3)
No 18 (23.1)571 (99.7)
H/O retentive posturing0.0011
Yes7 (9)0 (0)
No71 (91)573
Large diameter stool0.0011
Yes72 (92.3)2 (0.3)
No6 (7.7)571 (99.7)
Table 4 School related factors analysis of children with functional constipation and without constipation
Functional constipation (n = 78), n (%)
Without constipation (n = 573), n (%)
P value
Type of school0.2211
Govt 50 (64.1)396 (69.1)
Non Govt28 (35.9)177 (30.9)
Yes 32 (41)187 (32.6)
No46 (59)386 (67.4)
Long periods of school0.0131
Yes 13 (16.7)166 (29)
No 65 (83.3)407 (71)
Unhygienic toilet0.0561
Yes 19 (24.4)93 (16.2)
No58 (75.6)480 (83.8)
Toilet number0.0131
Adequate64 (82.1)523 (91.3)
Inadequate18 (17.9)50 (8.7)
Feeling embarrassed to use toilet0.0391
Yes9 (11.5)31 (5.4)
No69 (88.5)542 (94.6)
Table 5 Family related factors analysis of children with functional constipation and without constipation
Functional constipation (n = 78), n (%)
Without constipation (n = 573), n (%)
P value
History of constipation in other sibling0.0011
Yes18 (23.1)25 (4.4)
No60 (76.9)548 (95.6)
History of constipation in parents/grand parents0.0011
Yes17 (21.8)27 (4.7)
No61 (78.2)545 (95.1)
Family size0.2961
Only child3 (3.8)28 (4.9)
2-3 child46 (59)284 (49.6)
≥ 4 child29 (37.2)261 (45.5)
Birth order0.7941
Elder29 (37.2)209 (36.5)
Youngest27 (34.6)182 (31.8)
Other22 (28.2)182 (31.8)
Mother’s education0.7971
Primary59 (75.6)426 (74.3)
SSC11 (14.1)83(14.5)
HSC5(6.4)28 (4.9)
Honors3 (3.8)36 (6.3)
Father’s education0.6101
Primary53 (67.9)392 (68.4)
SSC10 (12.8)82 (14.3)
HSC9 (11.5)43 (7.5)
Honors6 (7.7)56 (9.8)
Mother’s occupation0.8311
Employed9 (11.5)73 (12.7)
Housewife69 (88.5)500 (87.3)
Household income (taka/mo)0.3931
< 3000049 (62.8)384 (67)
30000-6000023 (29.5)131 (22.9)
> 600006 (7.7)58 (10.1)
Family status0.2511
Single72 (92.3)510 (89)
Joint6 (7.7)63 (11)
Table 6 Diet related factors analysis of children with functional constipation and without constipation
Functional constipation (n = 78), n (%)
Without constipation (n = 573), n (%)
P value
Cow’s milk intake0.4691
Yes40 (51.3) 301 (52.5)
No38 (48.7)272 (47.5)
Adequate45 (57.7) 428 (74.7)
Inadequate38 (42.3)145 (25.3)
Junk foods intake0.3411
Yes26 (33.3) 209 (36.5)
No52 (66.7)364 (63.5)
Fluid intake0.0011
Adequate37 (47.4) 424 (74)
Inadequate41 (52.6)149 (26)
Table 7 Physical activity related factors analysis of children with functional constipation and without constipation
Functional constipation (n = 78), n (%)
Without constipation (n = 573), n (%)
P value
Outdoor49 (62.8)0 (0)
Indoor29 (37.2)160 (27.9)
Physical disability0 (0)2 (0.3)
Electronic screen time0.0011
< 1 h42 (53.8)410 (71.6)
1-2 h12 (15.4)87 (15.2)
> 2 h24 (30.8)76 (13.2)
Table 8 Binary logistic regression analysis for risk factors
Characteristics P value95%CI
Exp ß
Long duration of school period0.7460.4151.8760.883
Inadequate number of toilet 0.0131.2145.1202.493
Feeling embarrassed to use toilet0.0061.4358.7943.552
H/O affect sib0.0011.8848.3973.977
H/O affect parents/grandparents0.0181.1725.6292.569
Inadequate fiber intake0.2860.4031.3070.726
Inadequate fluid intake0.0161.1353.4261.972
Electronic screen time > 2 h/d0.0331.0634.3012.138