Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Orthop. Mar 18, 2015; 6(2): 244-251
Published online Mar 18, 2015. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v6.i2.244
Table 1 Shoulder scoring systems used in 2012 and 2013
Shoulder scoring systemNo. of times usedNo. of times usedNo. of times used in
in articles in 2012in articles in 2013articles in 2012 and 2013
American shoulder and elbow surgeons evaluation form413273
The disability of the arm, shoulder and hand score221335
University of California/Los Angeles shoulder score151328
Western ontario osteoarthritis score606
The OSS4610
SF-12 general health3710
Western ontario rotator cuff score358
SF-36 general health189
Penn shoulder score123
Shoulder pain and disability index145
Western ontario shoulder instability score123
Rowe shoulder instability score123
Single assessment numeric evaluation score178
Kerlan-Jobe orthopaedic clinic overhead athlete score123
Hospital for special surgery shoulder score000
Table 2 Estimated normal constant scores for age and sex[15]
Age (yr)MenWomen
50-5995 ± 288 ± 2
60-6992 ± 285 ± 2
70-7989 ± 282 ± 2
80-8986 ± 279 ± 2
Table 3 Constant and oxford shoulder scores for the vaios anatomic shoulder replacements
Outcome measureNo. ofOxford scorePainADLROMStrengthTotal CSConstant score adjusted
shoulders(/48)(/15)(/20)(/40)(/25)(/100)for age and sex (%)
Pre-op mean (SD)4916.8 (7.8)4.8 (3.2)6.7 (3.7)10.1 (5.1)1.0 (2.2)21.9 (9.7)29.2 (12.4)
Post-op 1 yr mean (SD)4933.0 (12.8)11.3 (4.1)13.3 (4.7)20.0 (11.3)4.0 (4.8)44.6 (17.6)59.6 (24.0)
Post-op 2 yr Mean (SD)3036.5 (12.3)12.0 (3.9)14.0 (6.0)20.5 (10.7)6.7 (6.0)47.2 (19.4)62.1 (22.8)
Post-op 3 yr mean (SD)838.4 (10.6)10.8 (2.9)11.8 (4.0)16.4 (6.2)6.4 (3.6)45.4 (10.4)63.6 (21.0)
Table 4 Constant and oxford shoulder scores for the vaios inverse shoulder replacements
Outcome measureNo. of shouldersOxford scorePainADLROMStrengthTotal CSConstant score adjusted
(/48)(/15)(/20)(/40)(/25)(/100)for age and sex (%)
Pre-op mean (SD)6318.9 (9.0)6.6 (4.0)8.0 (4.2)11.2 (8.1)0.8 (2.1)25.9 (13.1)37.0 (18.2)
Post-op 1 yr mean (SD)6335.4 (11.7)12.3 (3.7)13.5 (5.4)22.8 (10.5)4.7 (5.3)49.4 (18.1)69.0 (25.5)
Post-op 2 yr mean (SD)2834.4 (13.8)12.4 (3.7)13.7 (5.5)23.9 (11.5)5.6 (4.3)49.8 (19.0)69.7 (27.7)
Post-op 3 yr mean (SD)633.0 (10.6)11.8 (4.7)16.3 (3.9)24.0 (9.8)7.8 (0.5)59.8 (17.0)81.6 (23.5)
Table 5 Categories of outcome after shoulder arthroplasty using the constant score
CategoryTotal CS (/100)Age and sex adjusted CS (%)
Average shoulder function before arthroplasty< 30< 40
Post-op unsatisfactory< 30< 40
Post-op fair outcome30-3940-49
Post-op good outcome40-5950-69
Post-op very good outcome60-6970-79
Post-op excellent outcome (i.e., a virtually normal shoulder)≥ 70≥ 80
Table 6 Stratified outcome for the vaios primary total shoulder replacements using the adjusted constant score (adjusted for age and sex)
Post-op outcomeAdjusted CS (%)No. of anatomic TSRs n = 46% anatomic TSRs using adjusted CSNo. of inverse TSRs n = 58% inverse TSRs using adjusted CS
Unsatisfactory outcome< 401022916
Fair outcome40-4992059
Good outcome50-699201424
Very good outcome70-793759
Excellent outcome≥ 8015332543