©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Orthop. Jan 18, 2015; 6(1): 95-105
Published online Jan 18, 2015. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v6.i1.95
Published online Jan 18, 2015. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v6.i1.95
Table 1 Summary of studies in which cytokines have shown biochemical marker characteristics
Ref. | Year | Cytokines | Joint | Tissue | Condition of samples | Samples | Controls | Assay | Follow-up | Results |
Sun et al[65] | 2013 | IL-15 | Knee | Serum | Primary Knee OA | 226 | 106 | ELISA | N/A | IL-15 Serum OA ↑ Control |
IL-15 positively correlated with WOMAC (Pain) | ||||||||||
IL-15 not correlated with KL | ||||||||||
Shimura et al[45] | 2013 | IL-6 | Knee | Serum | Postmenopausal females with medial knee OA | 160 | N/A | CLIA | N/A | Serum IL-6 = association with pain severity (VAS) in early stage |
Serum IL-6 = association with pain severity (JKOM) in early stage | ||||||||||
Wang et al[66] | 2013 | IL-18 | Knee | Plasma, SF and Articular Cartilage | Primary Knee OA | 33 | 15 | ELISA + Immunofluorescence Staining | N/A | IL-18 Plasma +SF OA ↑ Controls |
IL-18 positive cells AC OA ↑ Controls | ||||||||||
↑ KL = ↑ IL-18 Plasma, SF + AC + ↑ IL-18 positive cells | ||||||||||
IL-18 Plasma, SF + AC = Positive correlation | ||||||||||
Vincent et al[59] | 2013 | IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, TNF-α, IL-4, IL-10 + IL-13 | Knee | SF | Chronic OA | Adult (50-64 yr): 14 Elderly (≥ 65 yr): 14 | N/A | Multiplex | 6 mo | ↓Pain severity (NRSpain) = ↓IL-1β |
↓ IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 + IL-12 (Baseline – 6 mo) Adults vs Elderly (not significant) | ||||||||||
↓ TNF-α (Baseline – 6 mo) in Adults vs Elderly | ||||||||||
Rubenhagen et al[42] | 2012 | IL-1Ra, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-17, VEGF, MCP-1, IL-7, IL-13, IL-18 + HGF | Knee | SF | Total knee replacements or cruciate ligament, cartilage, or meniscal reconstruction surgery | 82 | N/A | Multiplex + ELISA | N/A | ↑ SF IL-7 = ↑KL |
SF VEGF 2 ×↑ KL=3/4 vs KL=0 | ||||||||||
IL-7 = positive correlation with age | ||||||||||
IL-7 2 ×↑ > 60 years old vs < 60 years old | ||||||||||
IL-1Ra, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-17, MCP-1, IL-13, IL-18 + HGF ≠ association with KL | ||||||||||
Chadjich- ristos et al[32] | 2012 | IL-1β + TNF-α | Knee | SF | OA Established (Medial menlsectomy) | 25 | 5 | ELISA | N/A | ↑ IL-1β + TNF-α = ↑ Degree of Inflammation |
IL-1β + TNF-α↑ in weeks 2 + 4 | ||||||||||
IL-1β↓ in week 12 | ||||||||||
TNF-α↓ in weeks 8 + 12 | ||||||||||
Saetan et al[83] | 2011 | IP-10 | Knee | Plasma + SF | Knee OA | 40 | 15 | ELISA | N/A | OA SF IP10 2.5 ×↓ than plasma |
OA SF IP10 3 ×↓ than control plasma | ||||||||||
↑KL = ↓Plasma + SF IP-10 | ||||||||||
Plasma + SF IP10 inversely correlated with KL (SF less so) | ||||||||||
Vangsness et al[84] | 2011 | IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12p70, IFN-γ, IL-2 + IL-5 | Knee | SF | Patients underwent an arthroscopy of the knee for a meniscal tear | 12 | N/A | Immunoassay high-throughput flow cytometry | N/A | ↑ IL-2 + IL-5 = ↑ Disease severity (ICRS) |
↑ IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12p70 + IFN-γ = ↑ Disease Severity (ICRS) (Borderline significance; P < 0.10) | ||||||||||
IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12p70, IFN-γ, IL-2 + IL-5 ≠ association with KL | ||||||||||
Orita et al[85] | 2011 | IL-6, TNF-α + NGF | Knee | SF | Adult patients with knee pain - No previous OA treatment | 47 | N/A | ELISA | N/A | TNF-α≠ correlation with KL |
TNF-α↓ KL (2-4) vs KL (1) | ||||||||||
TNF-α = Positive correlation with WOMAC + WOMAC (Pain, stiffness + physical function) | ||||||||||
IL-6 = Negative correlation with KL | ||||||||||
IL-6 ↓ KL (3 + 4) vs KL (1 + 2) | ||||||||||
IL-6 = Negative correlation with WOMAC (Stiffness) | ||||||||||
IL-6 ≠ correlation with WOMAC or WOMAC (Pain or physical function) | ||||||||||
Kokebie et al[86] | 2011 | IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-11, LIF, COMP + osteocalcin | Knee | SF | Fulfilled ACR criteria | 45 | RA: 22 Donor: 20 | ELISA | N/A | IL-8 RA ↑ OA + Donors |
IL-11 RA = OA | ||||||||||
IL-11 OA ↑ Donors | ||||||||||
LIF Donors ↑ OA + RA | ||||||||||
LIF OA = RA | ||||||||||
SF WBC positive correlation with IL-6 + IL-1 | ||||||||||
IL-11, IL-8 + LIF no correlation with SF WBC | ||||||||||
No biomarkers correlated with KL or disease activity (WOMAC) | ||||||||||
Santos et al[87] | 2011 | IL-6 | Knee | Plasma | Knee OA (ACR) | 80 | N/A | ELISA | N/A | IL-6 = inverse correlation with muscle resistance + muscle balance (hamstring) |
IL-6 ≠ correlation with functionality | ||||||||||
Stannus et al[48] | 2010 | IL-1 β, IL-6, TNF-α + hs-CRP | Knee | Serum | Selected randomly from the roll of electors | 172 | N/A | CLIA | 3 yr | IL-6 + TNF-α Serum = association with JSN (medial tibiofemoral) |
IL-6 + TNF-α Serum ≠ association with cartilage volume (tibial) | ||||||||||
IL-6 Serum predicted ↓ cartilage volume (medial + tibial) | ||||||||||
IL-6 + TNF-α associated with ↓ cartilage volume (medial + lateral) | ||||||||||
TNF-α associated with JSN | ||||||||||
IL-6 serum associated with knee JSN + Knee cartilage loss (older patients) | ||||||||||
Stannus et al[44] | 2010 | IL-6 | Hip | Serum | Selected randomly from the roll of electors | 193 | N/A | ELISA | N/A | IL-6 Male = Female |
↑ IL-6 = ↑ JSN (Female) | ||||||||||
IL-6 ≠ association with JSN (Male) | ||||||||||
Trunk-fat + Total Fat ratios associated with IL-6 | ||||||||||
IL-6 ≠ association with presence or severity of osteophytes | ||||||||||
Scanzello et al[88] | 2009 | IL-15, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-2 + IL-21 | Knee | SF | Early: degenerative meniscal tears Adv: Knee replacement surgery | Early: 19 Adv: 15 | N/A | ELISA + Quantitative PCR | N/A | SF IL-15 ↑ early vs advanced |
Expression of IL-15 early = advanced | ||||||||||
Synovial membrane IL-1β, IL-6 + TNF-α early = advanced | ||||||||||
SF IL-1β, IL-6 + TNF-α early = advanced | ||||||||||
Synovial membrane IL-21 + IL-2 ↓ early vs advanced | ||||||||||
SF IL-21 + IL-2 early = advanced | ||||||||||
Ling et al[64] | 2009 | 169 proteins including: cytokines, chemokines + GFs | Hand and Knee | Serum | Radiographic OA in one or both knees and one or both hands | Initial: 21 Classifying: 19 | Initial: 61 Classifying: 66 | RCA enhanced antibody-based protein microarray | OA: 10.03 ± 0.31 Controls: 9.88 ± 0.22 (Years) | IL-15 predicted OA at Initial X-ray IL-1α, IL-2, IL-15 + 6Ckine OA ≠ Control IL-15 OA ↑ Control (at Initial + Classifying X-rays) |
Livshits et al[47] | 2009 | CRP, TNF-α + IL-6 | Knee | Serum | White females | Year 5: 430 (IL-6: 429) Year 8: 473 Year 15: 322 | N/A | TNF-α: High-sensitivity ELISA IL-6: Ultra-Sensitivity ELISA | Year 5, 8 + 15 | TNF-α≠ association with RKOA |
IL-6 = association with RKOA | ||||||||||
IL-6 = association with the development of RKOA | ||||||||||
Botha- Scheepers et al[57] | 2007 | TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-1Ra + IL-10 | Knee | Whole Blood | Symptomatic knee OA in at least one knee at baseline | 86 | N/A | ELISA | 2 yr | ↑ TNF-α (Highest quartile) 6 ×↑ Risk of JSN progression |
↑ IL-10 (Highest quartile) 4 ×↑ Risk of JSN progression | ||||||||||
IL-1β + IL-1Ra ≠ Association with risk of JSN progression | ||||||||||
↑ IL-10 (ex vivo production with LPS stimulation) = ↑ Knee OA progression | ||||||||||
Doss et al[49] | 2007 | IL-6 | Knee + Hip | Serum + SF | End-stage OA (Hip or Knee) | 49 (Knee: 32, Hip: 17) | N/A | ELISA | 16% OA ↑ IL-6 vs 84% OA (Possible sub-groups) | |
IL-6 SF = in Knee vs Hip OA, age, sex, stage of disease or course | ||||||||||
Riyazi et al[56] | 2005 | TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-1Ra, + IL-10 | Hand, Spine, Hip or Knee | Whole Blood | OA at multiple sites | 305 | 137 | ELISA | N/A | ↑ IL-1β + IL-1Ra + ↓ IL-10 (ex vivo production with LPS stimulation) = ↑ Multiple site OA familial risk |
↑ TNF-α (ex vivo production with LPS stimulation) ≠↑ OA risk | ||||||||||
Phenninx et al[61] | 2004 | IL-6, CRP, TNF-α, IL-6sR, IL-2sR, TNF-sR1, + TNF-sR | Knee | Serum | Over-weight, older (≥60 yr) + knee OA | 274 | N/A | ELISA | N/A | ↑TNF-sR1 and TNF-sR2 = ↑ WOMAC (Physical Function) |
↑IL-6 = ↓Walking speed | ||||||||||
↑ TNF-sR = ↑ Pain, Stiffness + KL | ||||||||||
IL-1 ≠ association with KL or WOMAC (Physical Function) |
Table 2 Classification of cytokines as biochemical markers in osteoarthritis
Cytokine | BIPEDS classification |
IL-6 | D, P |
IL-1β | B, E |
TNF-α | B, E |
IL-15 | B, D |
IL-18 | D |
IL-10 | P |
IL-2 | D |
VEGF | B |
IL-7 | D |
- Citation: Mabey T, Honsawek S. Cytokines as biochemical markers for knee osteoarthritis. World J Orthop 2015; 6(1): 95-105
- URL:
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