Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastrointest Surg. May 27, 2015; 7(5): 71-77
Published online May 27, 2015. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v7.i5.71
Table 1 Patient characteristics n (%)
All patients(n = 1112)Group A(n = 401)Group B(n = 711)P
Female448 (40.29)144 (35.91)304 (42.76)0.0254
Male664 (59.71)257 (64.09)407 (57.24)
Age (yr)
≤ 75621 (55.85)176 (43.89)445 (62.59)< 0.0001
> 75491 (44.15)225 (56.11)266 (37.41)
Charlson score
0869 (78.15)312 (77.80)557 (78.34)0.5067
1195 (17.54)68 (16.96)127 (17.86)
≥ 248 (4.32)21 (5.24)27 (3.80)
Partial gastrectomy674 (60.61)257 (64.09)417 (58.65)0.0746
Total gastrectomy438 (39.39)144 (35.91)294 (41.35)
Lymph nodes
N0426 (38.45)72 (43.22)254 (35.77)0.0126
N1176 (15.88)67 (16.83)109 (15.35)
N2180 (16.25)65 (16.33)115 (16.20)
N3a200 (18.05)63 (15.83)137 (19.30)
N3b126 (11.37)31 (7.79)95 (13.38)
No. lymph nodes removed
< 16389 (34.98)250 (62.34)139 (19.55)< 0.0001
≥ 16723 (65.02)151 (37.66)572 (80.45)
T1232 (20.86)80 (19.95)152 (21.38)0.008
T2162 (14.57)59 (14.71)103 (14.49)
T3317 (28.51)94 (23.44)223 (31.36)
T4401 (36.06)168 (41.90)233 (32.77)
Infiltrated76 (8.16)28 (7.45)48 (8.65)0.5111
Not infiltrated855 (91.84)348 (92.55)507 (91.35)
Lauren classification
Intestinal807 (74.24)291 (75.58)516 (73.50)0.4532
Diffuse/mixed280 (25.76)94 (24.42)186 (26.50)
Table 2 Hazard ratios and 95%CI from multivariate Cox regression models
No. specimens sent to pathologistGroup A vs Group B1.2391.0531.4580.0098
GenderM vs F1.2351.0461.4570.0127
Age, yr> 75 vs ≤ 752.1901.8582.582< 0.0001
T2 vs 11.2020.8431.7150.3087
3 vs 11.9571.4382.663< 0.0001
4 vs 13.4102.5184.618< 0.0001
N+ vs -2.1661.7532.676< 0.0001
Type of procedureTotal vs partial1.3271.1321.5560.0005
Lauren classificationDiffuse-mixed vs intestinal1.2561.0511.5000.0119
Table 3 Lymph node status distribution by number of lymph nodes dissected and groups considered in the study n (%)
Group AGroup B
< 16 lymph nodes1dissected16 lymph nodesdissected< 16 lymph nodesdissected16 lymph nodes2dissected
Lymph nodes -132 (76.7)40 (23.3)59 (23.2)195 (76.8)
Lymph nodes +115 (50.9)111 (49.1)80 (17.5)376 (82.5)
P < 0.0001P = 0.067