Observational Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Dec 27, 2015; 7(12): 384-393
Published online Dec 27, 2015. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v7.i12.384
Table 1 Patient and hernia characteristics (n = 155)
CharacteristicsLaparoscopicOpenP value
Age (yr), mean ± SD56.5 ± 14.957.2 ± 11.60.76
Gender: Male34 (41.5)34 (46.6)0.52
BMI (kg/m2), mean ± SD30.7 ± 6.229.7 ± 5.30.29
ASA class0.64
I13 (15.9)13 (17.8)
II62 (75.6)55 (75.3)
III7 (8.5)5 (6.8)
Charlson index score0.41
Score 025 (30.5)16 (21.9)
Score 114 (17.1)19 (26.0)
Score 216 (19.5)19 (26.0)
Score 316 (19.5)12 (16.4)
Score 4, 5, 611 (13.4)7 (9.6)
Type of co-morbidity0.64
Hypertension/congestive heart disease23 (28.0)19 (26.0)
3COPD16 (19.5)12 (16.4)
Diabetes5 (6.1)5 (6.1)
Neurological disease2 (2.4)1 (1.4)
Multimorbid03 (4.1)
Miscellaneous8 (9.8)10 (13.7)
Smoking28 (34.1)26 (35.6)0.85
Hernia type0.96
Incisional66 (80.5)59 (80.8)
Non-incisonal16 (19.5)14 (19.2)
Recurrent hernia15 (18.3)13 (17.8)0.94
Hernia area (cm2) ± SD57.5 ± 56.944.9 ± 52.90.17
1Incsional hernia0.41
Small/medium < 70 cm244 (67.7)41 (74.5)
Large ≥ 70 cm²21 (32.3)14 (25.5)
2Non-incisonal hernia0.003
Small/medium < 13 cm26 (40.0)13 (92.9)0.06
Large ≥ 13 cm29 (60.0)1 (7.1)
Hernia location0.40
Midline74(90)67 (92)
Others8 (10)6 (8)
Mesh size (cm2), mean ± SD235.1 ± 113.4184.5 ± 124.30.03
Follow up (mo), median, range48 (9-88)52 (12-115)0.006
Table 2 Perioperative characteristics (n = 155)
LaparoscopicOpenP value
Operative time, min, mean ± SD117 ± 5492 ± 440.002
Emergency hernia operation012 (16.4)
Preoperative antibiotics30 (36.6)33 (45.8)0.24
Postoperative antibiotics12 (14.6)17 (23.3)0.17
Postoperative stay, d, median (IQR)2 (1-3)2 (1-4)0.67
No. of trocars, median (range)3 (3-6)--
No. of tackers28 (10-70)--
Mesh types
Polypropylene027 (38.0)
Marlex07 (9.9)
Bard composix20 (25.0)5 (7.0)
Parietex composite39 (48.8)9 (12.7)
Proceed7 (8.8)1 (1.4)
TiMESH2 (2.5)1 (1.4)
Unknown06 (8.5)
Unknown06 (8.5)
Table 3 Perioperative, postoperative and late complications
LaparoscopicOpenP value
Postoperative complications - grading0.39
Minor (I- IIIa)18 (22.0)22 (30.1)
Major (IIIb-IV)7 (8.5)8 (11.0)
Postoperative complications - type0.17
Wound infection6 (7.3)13 (17.8)0.05
Seroma5 (6.1)14 (19.2)0.02
Deep infection1 (1.2)1 (1.4)
Pneumonia2 (2.4)1 (1.4)
Unclassified infection3 (3.7)4 (5.5)
Subcutaneous bleeding4 (4.9)2 (2.7)
Substantial pain6 (7.3)3 (4.1)
Others2 (2.4)2 (2.7)
Intraoperative complications - type0.14
Enterotomy04 (5.5)
Colotomy1 (1.2)0
Late complications - type0.24
Subileus/ileus3 (3.7)0
Deep infection1 (1.2)2 (2.7)
Substantial pain4 (4.9)3 (4.1)
Hematoma01 (1.4)
Seroma4 (4.9)2 (2.7)
Wound infection1 (1.2)4 (5.5)
Others-2 (2.7)
Table 4 Overall recurrence after hernia surgery
Recurrence LVHR
Recurrence OVHR
P value
Clinical recurrence172 (87.8)10 (12.2)58 (79.5)15 (20.5)
Hernia surgery after index mesh repair2-4 (4.9)-2 (2.7)
Overall recurrence14 (17.1)17 (23.3)0.33
Table 5 Predictors for overall recurrence after laparoscopic mesh repair univariate analysis
YesNoP value
Gender male/female7/727/410.48
Age at hernia surgery; yr; mean ± SD52 ± 1457 ± 150.24
Period of follow-up, mo ± SD46 ± 1546 ± 170.94
Charlson index0.79
06 (24.0)19 (76.0)
12 (14.3)12 (85.7)
22 (12.5)14 (87.5)
33 (18.8)13 (81.3)
4, 5, 61 (9.1)10 (90.9)
COPD3 (18.8)13 (81.3)0.84
Smoking5 (17.9)23 (82.1)0.89
BMI (kg/m2); mean ± SD34 ± 630 ± 6.00.05
BMI (kg/m2); (%) 18.5-24.91 (8.3)11 (92.7)0.38
BMI (kg/m2); (%) 25.0-29.93 (12.0)22 (88.0)
BMI (kg/m2); (%) 30.0-39.910 (22.2)35 (77.8)
Hernia type0.59
Incisional12 (18.2)54 (81.8)
Non-incisional2 (12.5)14 (87.5)
Recurrent hernia2 (13.3)13 (86.7)0.67
Hernia area, cm2, mean ± SD80 ± 5853 ± 560.11
Hernia area, both types < 58 cm25 (9.8)46 (90.2)0.04
Hernia area, both types ≥ 58 cm28 (27.6)21 (72.4)
Incisonal hernia area < 70 cm2, n16 (13.6)38 (86.4)0.15
Incisonal hernia area ≥ 70 cm2, n6 (28.6)15 (71.4)
Non-incisonal hernia area < 13 cm2, n060.40
Non-incisonal hernia area ≥ 13 cm2, n1 (11.1)8 (88.9)
No. of trocars, median, (range)4 (3-6)3 (3-5)< 0.001
Operative time, min, mean ± SD142 ± 63112 ± 510.07
Postoperative stay, d, mean ± SD4 ± 42 ± 10.001
Preop antibiotics8 (26.7)22 (73.3)0.08
Surgeons experience0.69
Less experient7 (15.6)38 (84.4)
Experient7 (18.9)30 (81.1)
Goretex3 (25.0)9 (75.0)
Parietex7 (17.5)33 (82.5)
Bard3 (15.0)17 (85.0)
Postoperative complications5 (20.0)20 (80.0)0.64
Postoperative antibiotics3 (25.0)9 (75.0)0.43
Late complications2 (15.4)11 (84.6)0.86
Hernia belt11 (22.0)39 (78.0)0.14
Table 6 Predictors for overall recurrence after laparoscopic mesh repair multivariate analysis adjusted model
OR (95%CI)P value
Hernia area15.55 (0.74; 41.47)0.095
No. of trocars4.32 (1.55; 12.05)0.005
Operative time20.32 (0.03; 2.94)0.313
BMI1.21 (1.05; 1.41)0.010
Postoperative stay1.79 (1.10; 2.89)0.018
Preop antibiotics0.74 (0.12; 4.57)0.742
Table 7 Predictors for overall recurrence after open mesh repair-univariate analysis
YesNoP value
Gender male/female9/825/310.55
Age at hernia surgery, yr, mean ± SD57 ± 1157 ± 121.0
Period of follow-up, mo ± SD56 ± 2657 ± 300.91
Charlson index0.86
03 (18.8)13 (81.3)
16 (31.6)13 (68.4)
24 (21.1)15 (78.9)
33 (25.0)9 (75.0)
4, 5, 61 (14.3)6 (85.7)
COPD3 (25.0)9 (75.0)0.88
Smoking10 (38.5)16 (61.5)0.02
BMI, kg/m2, mean ± SD31 ± 6.029 ± 5.10.25
BMI (kg/m2) (%)18.5-24.92 (20.0)8 (80.0)0.80
BMI (kg/m2) (%) 25.0-29.95 (19.2)21 (80.8)
BMI (kg/m2) (%) 30.0-39.910 (27.8)26 (72.2)
Emergency operation3 (25.0)9 (75.0)1.0
Hernia type1.0
Incisional14 (23.7)45 (76.3)
Non-incisional3 (21.4)11 (78.6)
Recurrent hernia2 (15.4)11 (84.6)0.72
Hernia area, cm2, mean ± SD39 ± 5647 ± 520.60
1Incisonal hernia area < 70 cm211 (26.8)30 (73.2)0.48
Incisonal hernia area ≥ 70 cm22 (14.3)12 (85.7)
Non-incisonal hernia area < 13 cm22 (15.4)11 (84.6)0.21
Non-incisonal hernia area ≥ 13 cm210
Mesh area, cm2, mean ± SD186 ± 112184 ± 1310.97
Operative time, min, mean ± SD97 ± 6590 ± 360.56
Preop antibiotics8 (24.2)25 (75.8)0.70
Surgeons experience0.98
Less experient6 (23.1)20 (76.9)
Modest experient11 (23.4)36 (76.6)
Goretex4 (26.7)11 (73.3)
Polypropylene5 (19.2)21 (80.8)
Other5 (23.8)16 (76.2)
Postoperative complications11 (36.7)19 (63.3)0.02
Seroma5 (35.7)9 (64.3)0.22
Wound infection4 (30.8)9 (69.2)0.48
Postoperative antibiotics7 (52.9)10 (47.1)0.05
Late complications5 (35.7)9 (64.3)0.22
Postoperative stay, d, mean ± SD8 ± 192 ± 20.02
Hernia belt5 (15.6)27 (84.4)0.54
Table 8 Predictors for overall recurrence after open mesh repair-multivariate analysis adjusted model
OR (95%CI)P value
Smoking4.18 (1.22; 14.38)0.002
Postoperative complications2.36 (0.49; 11.45)0.287
Postoperative antibiotics1.36 (0.25; 7.43)0.722
Postoperative stay1.18 (0.89; 1.57)0.254
Table 9 Predictors for abdominal wall pain measured on the visual analogue scale in relation to type of hernia surgery
Laparoscopic n = 81Open n = 72OR1 (95%CI)P value
Maximum pain reported, mean ± SD16.7 (20.8)18.6 (20.8)1.40 (0.42-4.68)0.58
Maximum pain on palpation, mean ± SD12.9 (20.2)12.1 (20.2)0.78 (0.26-2.32)0.66
Pain on average, mean ± SD3.3 (10.3)2.4 (6.4)0.85 (0.49-1.47)0.56
Pain during sedentary activities, mean ± SD6.5 (17.9)4.0 (15.4)0.61 (0.31-1.22)0.16
Pain during work activities, mean ± SD9.8 (17.9)7.7 (15.4)0.68 (0.24-1.89)0.46
Table 10 Predictors for pain after laparoscopic mesh repair and open mesh repair
Maximum painAverage painPain, sedentaryPain, work
OR (95%CI)2OR (95%CI)3OR (95%CI)OR (95%CI)
Gender7.372 (1.4-39.9)NANANA
Age19.773 (3.4-115.5)NA3.713 (1.1-12.6)7.043 (1.5-33.0)
BMI14.564 (2.4-90.0)5.034 (1.4-18.3)7.244 (1.5-35.1)9.734 (1.3-73.0)
Clinical recurrence excluded
LVHR32.04 (2.82-363.22)NA5.78 (1.11-30.05)14.22 (1.75-116.05)
OVHR18.04 (1.80-181.1)NANANA
Table 11 Predictors for chronic pain after laparoscopic mesh repair-multivariate analysis (n = 81)
OR (95%CI)P value
Clinical recurrence11.67 (2.00-68.24)0.006
Late complications5.47 (1.1-27.09)0.037
Gender (referes female)0.42 (0.10-1.98)0.274
Age > 60 yr0.23 (0.03-1.51)0.125
COPD2.39 (0.52-11.10)0.265
Smoking1.38 (0.37-5.11)0.629
Table 12 Predictors for chronic pain after open mesh repair-multivariate analysis (n = 71)
OR (95%CI)P value
Clinical recurrence1.20 (0.24-6.06)0.828
Smoking (crude model)3.86 (1.24-12.00)0.020
Smoking (adjusted model)3.81 (0.95-15.33)0.060
Hernia size > 70 cm20.84 (0.13-5.53)0.852
Gender (ref female)0.30 (0.07-1.35)0.116
Postoperative complications3.59 (0.76-16.88)0.106
Late complications1.16 (0.20-6.87)0.869
Postoperative stay1.08 (0.75-1.57)0.668
Table 13 Predictors for satisfaction after laparoscopic mesh repair-multivariate analysis (n = 79)
OR (95%CI)P value
Chronic pain10.14 (0.03-0.70)0.017
Age > 60 yr7.16 (1.37-37.42)0.020
Gender (ref female)2.69 (0.72-10.05)0.142
Time to follow up0.55 (0.33-0.90)0.019
Clinical recurrence (crude model)0.13 (0.03-0.65)0.013
Clinical recurrence (adjusted model)0.13 (0.02-1.11)0.062
Late complications0.39 (0.07-2.23)0.289
Table 14 Predictors for satisfaction after open mesh repair-multivariate analysis (n = 71)
OR (95%CI)P value
Chronic pain10.18 (0.04; 0.81)0.025
Age > 60 yr0.05 (0.01; 0.47)0.008
Gender (ref female)0.26 (0.05; 1.37)0.111
Time to follow up0.71 (0.49; 1.03)0.073