Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Mar 27, 2025; 17(3): 101002
Published online Mar 27, 2025. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v17.i3.101002
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the patients, n (%)
Pre-matched corhort
Matched corhort
EFTR, n = 362
SR, n = 211
P value
EFTR, n = 95
SR, n = 95
P value
Age (years), mean ± SD58.98 ± 8.1459.07 ± 10.610.9060.01059.79 ± 8.9058.64 ± 9.130.3280.127
Sex0.1240.1401.000< 0.001
    Males123 (34.0)86 (40.8)37 (38.9)37 (38.9)
    Females239 (66.0)125 (59.2)58 (61.1)58 (61.1)
Tumor location< 0.0010.7430.9460.088
    Cardia21 (5.8)5 (2.4)4 (4.2)3 (3.2)
    Fundus208 (57.5)60 (28.4)36 (37.9)37 (38.9)
    Body113 (31.2)100 (47.4)44 (46.3)42 (44.2)
    Antrum20 (5.5)46 (21.8)11 (11.6)13 (13.7)
Growth pattern0.1030.1480.7460.070
    Endophytic276 (76.2)147 (69.7)70 (73.7)67 (70.5)
    Exophytic86 (23.8)64 (30.3)25 (26.3)28 (29.5)
Tumor size (cm), mean ± SD1.73 ± 0.843.08 ± 1.11< 0.0011.3712.57 ± 11.12.62 ± 1.150.7630.044
Modified NIH score< 0.0011.4500.9500.086
    Very low risk284 (78.5)42 (19.9)32 (33.7)34 (35.8)
    Low risk70 (19.3)141 (66.8)55 (57.9)53 (55.8)
    Intermediate risk5 (1.4)18 (8.5)5 (5.3)4 (4.2)
    High risk3 (0.8)10 (4.7)3 (3.2)4 (4.2)
Table 2 Perioperative characteristics and long-term outcomes, n (%)
EFTR, n = 95
SR, n = 95
P value
Operation time (minute), mean ± SD91.21 ± 57.21123.11 ± 49.03< 0.001
Days to resume liquid diet (day), mean ± SD3.43 ± 1.617.43 ± 7.44< 0.001
Days of hospital stay (day), mean ± SD8.39 ± 4.4016.32 ± 8.10< 0.001
Adverse events0.031
    Postoperative fever5 (5.3)13 (13.7)
    Infection13 (13.7)21 (22.1)
    Peritonitis3 (3.2)2 (2.1)
    Bleeding0 (0.0)2 (2.1)
Resection status0.038
    En bloc89 (93.7)95 (100.0)
    Piecemeal6 (6.3)0 (0.0)
Recurrence4 (4.2)3 (3.2)1.000
Hospitalization expenses (CNY), mean ± SD30734.22 ± 15741.4653231.56 ± 24235.56< 0.001
Table 3 Data regarding the Cox proportional hazards model
VariablesUnivariate analysis
Multivariate analysis
HR (95%CI)
P value
HR (95%CI)
P value
Age (years)0.921 (0.846-1.00)0.06210.930 (0.848-1.02)0.126
    Females1.40 (0.312-6.25)0.661
Growth pattern
    Exophytic7.15 (1.38-36.9)0.0189
Tumor size (cm)1.74 (0.910-3.33)0.09372.46 (0.812-7.43)0.112
Modified NIH score
    Very low riskReferenceReference
    Low risk1.91 (0.198-18.34)0.5760.268 (0.00917-7.82)0.444
    Intermediate risk7.71 (0.482-123.38)0.1490.463 (0.00730-29.4)0.716
    High risk14.99 (1.35-165.33)0.02731.20 (0.0239-60.2)0.928
Resection status
    En bloc0.0563 (0.00624-0.508)0.01040.0179 (0.000655-0.491)0.0173
Resection method
    EFTR1.97 (0.434-8.93)0.38