Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Aug 27, 2024; 16(8): 2592-2601
Published online Aug 27, 2024. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v16.i8.2592
Table 1 Baseline characteristics between the new anti-mesenteric side-to-side delta-shaped stapled anastomosis and the conventional side-to-side stapled anastomosis groups
P value
n = 92
n = 83
n = 92
n = 83
Age at diagnosis, years, mean ± SD26.87 ± 9.2528.10 ± 10.570.4140.12327.9 ± 9.2927.53 ± 11.460.036
Age at operation, years, mean ± SD35.22 ± 10.0134.37 ± 11.470.6040.07834.88 ± 9.8934.64 ± 11.510.022
Sex, n (%)0.6070.0950.019
    Female26 (28.3)20 (24.1)22 (24.3)19 (23.5)
    Male66 (71.7)63 (75.9)70 (75.7)64 (76.5)
Body mass index at operation, kg/m2, mean ± SD19.56 ± 3.1020.12 ± 3.540.2610.17020.09 ± 3.4319.82 ± 3.510.078
History of previous abdominal operation, n (%)0.1980.1950.042
    Yes27 (29.3)32 (38.6)33 (36.4)29 (34.4)
History of perianal fistula, n (%)0.6450.1450.075
    None63 (68.5)62 (74.7)68 (74.2)64 (77.3)
    Currently having perianal fistula5 (5.4)3 (3.6)4 (4.4)3 (3.8)
    Healed state after treatment24 (26.1)18 (21.7)20 (21.4)16 (18.9)
Family history of CD, n (%)0.7090.0790.025
    Yes3 (3.3)4 (4.8)3 (3.3)3 (3.8)
History of smoking, n (%)0.2360.2590.093
    None53 (57.6)49 (59.0)51 (55.6)49 (59.3)
    Ex-smoker26 (28.3)16 (19.3)21 (22.6)19 (22.4)
    Current smoker13 (14.1)18 (21.7)20 (21.8)15 (18.3)
Montreal classification behavior, n (%)0.7790.1080.118
    Non-stricturing, non-penetrating (B1)12 (13.0)8 (9.6)10 (11.3)12 (14.4)
    Stricturing (B2)31 (33.7)29 (34.9)34 (37.3)27 (32.7)
    Penetrating (B3)49 (53.3)46 (55.4)47 (51.4)44 (52.9)
Montreal classification location, n (%)0.021a0.4390.041
    Ileum (L1)46 (50.0)45 (54.2)45 (49.1)42 (51.1)
    Colon (L2)13 (14.1)2 (2.4)8 (8.2)6 (7.7)
    Ileocolon (L3)33 (35.9)36 (43.4)39 (42.7)34 (41.2)
Medical treatment just before surgery, n (%)
    No medication23 (25.0)17 (20.5)0.4770.10820 (21.8)19 (22.3)0.013
    Immunomodulators, only27 (29.3)34 (41.0)0.1070.24533 (35.9)28 (33.8)0.043
    Anti-TNF-α antibodies, only21 (22.8)14 (16.9)0.3250.15018 (19.3)16 (19.0)0.006
    Corticosteroids, only5 (5.4)7 (8.4)0.4330.1186 (6.2)6 (6.6)0.018
    Combined immunomodulators with anti-TNF-α antibodies10 (10.9)10 (12.0)0.8070.03711 (12.1)12 (14.6)0.073
    Combined immunomodulators with corticosteroids5 (5.4)2 (2.4)0.4480.1564 (4.1)3 (3.6)0.028
    Combined anti-TNF-α antibodies with corticosteroids2 (2.2)1 (1.2)> 0.9990.0751 (1.6)1 (1.2)0.032
Table 2 Operative findings between the delta-shaped stapled anastomosis and conventional side-to-side stapled anastomosis groups
Before IPTW
After IPTW
n = 92
n = 83
P value
P value
Operative indication, n (%)0.1850.411
    Stricture or obstruction12 (13.0)5 (6.0)
    Fistula (enteric-) or abscess78 (84.8)75 (90.4)
    Perforation (peritonitis)2 (2.2)1 (1.2)
    Bleeding0 (0)2 (2.4)
Emergency operation, n (%)0.4250.430
    Yes2 (2.2)4 (4.8)
Operative approach, n (%)0.8520.829
    Open18 (19.6)18 (21.7)
    Laparoscopy74 (80.4)65 (78.3)
Operative name, n (%)0.4250.160
    Ileocecal resection28 (30.4)25 (30.1)
    Right hemicolectomy26 (28.3)17 (20.5)
    Small bowel resection and anastomosis38 (41.3)41 (49.4)
Number of anastomosis, n (%)0.6820.810
    176 (82.6)71 (85.5)
    216 (17.4)12 (14.5)
Table 3 Postoperative outcomes between the delta-shaped stapled anastomosis and conventional side-to-side stapled anastomosis groups
Before IPTW
After IPTW
n = 92
n = 83
P value
P value
Hospital stay after surgery, days, mean ± SD5.67 ± 1.537.39 ± 3.69< 0.001a< 0.001a
Operation time, minutes, mean ± SD107.23 ± 25.16112.54 ± 28.480.1920.480
Intraoperative blood loss, n (%)0.0750.031a
    < 10 mL64 (69.6)44 (53.0)
    10-200 mL26 (28.3)35 (42.2)
    > 200 mL2 (2.2)4 (4.8)
Transfusion after surgery, n (%)0.1040.054
    Yes8 (8.7)14 (16.9)
    No84 (91.3)119 (82.1)
Number of pack RBC after surgery, mean ± SD0.16 ± 0.720.35 ± 0.880.1230.175
Postoperative complications, n (%)15 (16.3)27 (32.5)0.014a0.002a
    Number of complication, n (%)0.037a0.002a
        078 (84.8)58 (69.9)
        113 (14.1)20 (24.1)
        21 (1.1)5 (6.0)
    Clavien-Dindo classification, n (%)0.021a0.006a
        II11 (12.0)21 (25.3)
        IIIa4 (4.3)3 (3.6)
        IIIb0 (0.0)3 (3.6)
    Infectious complications, n (%)10 (10.9)13 (15.7)
    Wound5 (5.4) 5 (6.0) > 0.9990.964
    Intra-abdominal abscess4 (4.3)4 (4.8)> 0.9990.603
    Anastomotic leakage0 (0.0)1 (1.2)0.4740.255
    Other infectious complication11 (1.1)2 (2.4)0.6040.432
    Non-infectious complications, n (%)
    Ileus4 (4.3)12 (14.5)0.033a0.022a
    Bleeding1 (1.1) 3 (3.6)0.3470.031a
    Other20 (0) 1 (1.2) 0.4740.314
Surgical recurrence, n (%)0.2240.137
    Yes0 (0) 2 (2.4)
Table 4 Logistic regression analysis for overall postoperative complication
Overall complication
NoYesLogistic regression analysis
P value
Crude model
Conventional, n (%)56 (64.5)27 (32.5)1
Delta, n (%)77 (83.7)15 (16.3)0.4040.1970.8290.014a,2
Weighted model with IPTW1
Conventional, n (%)54 (65.1)29 (34.9)1
Delta, n (%)79 (85.7)13 (14.3)0.3120.1490.6530.002a