Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Aug 27, 2024; 16(8): 2528-2537
Published online Aug 27, 2024. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v16.i8.2528
Table 1 Clinicopathological characteristics

LSR group
Control group
Value of statisticsP value
n = 20
n = 18
Age (year)67.00 ± 9.1166.89 ± 9.46t = 0.0370.971
Sex, n (%)F1.000
Male14 (70.0)13 (72.2)
Female6 (30.0)5 (27.8)
Body mass index (kg/m2)23.19 ± 3.8122.45 ± 3.62t = 0.6190.540
Distance of the tumor from the anal verge (cm)3.00 (2.00, 4.00)3.75 (3.00, 4.00)z = 1.6340.102
Tumor size (cm)4.25 (3.58, 4.25)4.00 (3.00, 6.00)z = 0.2660.791
Neoadjuvant therapy, n (%)F0.606
Yes3 (15.0)1 (5.6)
No17 (85.0)17 (94.4)
Clinical stage, n (%)χ2 = 1.8260.401
I5 (25.0)8 (44.4)
II9 (45.0)5 (27.8)
III6 (30.0)5 (27.8)
IV0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
Preoperative comorbidities, n (%)-0.516
Yes12 (60.0)8 (44.4)
No8 (40.0)10 (55.6)
Preoperative hemoglobin114.05 ± 17.18120.89 ± 16.26t = 1.2570.217
Preoperative prealbumin256.40 ± 67.50227.18 ± 59.39t = 1.4100.167
Table 2 Surgical outcomes

LSR group
Control group
Value of statisticsP value
n = 20
n = 18
First postoperative bowel movement (days)3.00 (2.00, 4.00)3.00 (2.00, 4.00)z = 0.1210.904
Total blood loss75.00 (50.00, 100.00)100.00 (87.50, 200.00)z = 1.6470.100
Perineal blood loss30.00 (20.00, 50.00)50.00 (35.00, 132.50)z = 2.0510.040
Postoperative hospital length of stay (days)9.00 (7.00, 11.75)13.00 (10.00, 17.00)z = 2.9530.003
Operation time (minutes)250.00 ± 68.71261.94 ± 34.73t = 0.6640.511
Perineal operation time (minutes)
Number of harvested lymph nodes14.05 ± 5.2812.06 ± 4.76t = 1.2180.231
Wound pain score4.00 (3.00, 5.00)6.00 (4.75, 6.00)z = 2.9140.004
Specimen perforationF0.474
Yes0 (0.0)1 (5.6)
No20 (100.0)17 (94.4)
Number of people needed for the perineal operationF0.000
One18 (90.0)0 (0.0)
Two2 (10.0)18 (100.0)
Pathological stage, n (%)χ2 = 2.7120.258
I5 (25.0)9 (50.0)
II8 (40.0)4 (22.2)
III7 (35.0)5 (27.8)
IV0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
Positive0 (0.0)1 (5.6)
Negative20 (100.0)17 (94.4)
Table 3 Comparison of postoperative complications

LSR group
Control group
Value of statisticsP value
n = 20
n = 18
Overall postoperative complications1, n (%)2 (10.0)7 (38.9)F0.058
Perineal wound infection0 (0.0)5 (27.8)0.017
Perineal wound dehiscence0 (0.0)2 (11.1)0.218
Pelvic infection0 (0.0)1 (5.6)0.474
Intestinal obstruction0 (0.0)1 (5.6)0.474
Stoma mucocutaneous separation1 (5.0)0 (0.0)1.000
Pneumonia1 (5.0)0 (0.0)1.000